I think Hawkeye message boards right now are a good example

Bannable post, imo.
But it was such a well thought out and articulate use of the English language. While maybe a bit too concise, what it lacked in length, it made up in for in unoriginality and ignorance. I especially appreciated the sheep who liked it. I respect the poster more than the ones who don't have the stones to name call themselves but will piggy back on someone who does. I say ban the cowards who egg name callers on like kids on the playground who try to start fights with others but would never ever throw a punch themselves.
Thats weird...because the crowd i run with is about 80/20 in favor of Ferentz. I'd say my group is much more representative of the avg fan than yours...

shrug I disagree - I see the same thing on the message board, the call in shows, radio shows and in conversations.

Really it's just the way it goes. If the Hawks have a couple good years it will die off.
My goal is to have a message board that is pretty much facebook connect...no anonymity. It would mean a drastic reduction in traffic, but one day, I am going to do that. Probably not soon. But one day, it's going to happen. The message boards continue to devolve into something that is less than enjoyable. That didn't used to be the case.

Somewhat agree with you, but, IMO, the ESPN message boards are worse now.
I've posted on Hawkeye forums, since the bigten.org days of seeing a handful of messages/day.
DenverHawk meet KansasHawk. KansasHawk meet DenverHawk.

I enjoy these message boards, best. There's more rational discussion, here.
I think we have to remember that yesterday Iowa, picked for last by many so-called experts, beat the popular choice to win the Big Ten on a day when NW gave us their very best shot with Coulter healthy and moving very well.

This was a HUGE victory for Iowa and puts us in a position where we are knocking the door on a bowl bid.

I'm ecstatic about the progress this Iowa team has made and all the credit goes to Ferentz

I was very happy with the win, also. Any win is good. However..
Northwestern has lost 4 in a row.
We were playing at home.
These are the kind of games that Iowa HAS to win.
If Iowa had lost this game, the season could have went down the tubes again and we were a stupid block below the waist (from behind) from probably doing just that.
I'll still have the ban hammer. Will also look to incorporate a way for people to get voted off the island.

Love this idea. Even if I was the one getting the boot I wouldn't complain. If someone is serious about wanting to post it would discourage their temptation to make comments that are only made with the intention of stirring the pot. I think we all know that there have been certain posters who regularly enjoy stirring the pot. Having the opportunity to vote them out would give a little power to the majority!

The Tribe has spoken...
the bold part is exactly why people go on a message board. not sure when most people will get that. everything on here is "heat of the moment stuff." it's a perfect place for venting, talking crap to rivals, and discussion about random/weird **** that you wouldn't say in a bar.

if people would learn to not take this stuff so seriously, they would realize that this site is a lot of fun. where else can you go and vent, celebrate, or otherwise make a fool of yourself like we do?

i'm a loudmouth on here so that i don't drive my wife crazy at home. jon, you're providing a community service here!
I agree with this. I try not to post on days we lose or the day after anymore, because I most likely will overact. But I still like to vent on Mondays. This is not life or death, but it's just nice to complain with like minded people, OR sometimes get a different perspective. I understand the no name calling thing, except when Clone fans are talking trash ;-)
One of the problems is that KF is similar to the Todd Lickliter of football. It's just not the style most fans want to see. I don't mind the game plan . . . ball control, win with defense. In the last two years, KF has tried to adjust (with the hire of Greg Davis) however, KF just doesn't seem committed to the change.

ummmm WHAT? what have you been watching? get back to us "stickup" when you actually make any sense.....
as for the rest of you....the "$3.9 million salary argument" is lame, tired and played.......the HAWKS ARE COMPETITIVE in Legends...and the BIG10.....
I'll still have the ban hammer. Will also look to incorporate a way for people to get voted off the island.

JD - if you go down this route, I suggest you exempt posters with at least 9980 posts from the voting. As the last standing supporter of both Alford and O'Keefe, I need some sort of tenure-like protection or else this place will lose all viewpoint diversity. Your board prolly has too much traffic to do it effectively, but a two level cut for most posters (other than pure trolls or spambots, of course) should be used. Level 1 is where the members vote, level 2 is where the applicable member can plead his case for mercy and then the mod acts as judge, jury and executioner. You don't want to run on a pure majority vote system, though, because if someone gets pwn3d and is butthurt, they can start all sorts of campaigns to ban superior posters and the average IQ at this place will drop even further below room temperature.
Spurrier stated that when he left Florida. He said one of his old coaching friends told him that. I thought it was a bad move for him to leave at the time and still feel that way, but it worked out for Urban Meyer quite well.

Here is the problem at Iowa, KF took over the worst program in the Big Ten and made them contenders. That really sums it up, but here is the issue and I have said this for years: Iowa has not ever beaten the best teams in the conference. The "shared" conference titles, did they beat the team they "shared" with? When Iowa has played OSU they lost and the problems that are showing today, showed in those games.

The biggest issue that KF has is his loyalty, not just to players, but also to coaches. There should have been some coaching turnover prior to two years ago, everyone knows that. KF has shown to be a quality coach, but here has been my issue with him, the off-field stuff, he lost control of the program for a few years there, then the debacle of the "investigation" by the University with Everson/Satterfield. That kind of thing breed content and entitlement, content from the coaches and entitlement from the players.

Iowa was an awful program when KF took over, he has taken them to a lot of highs and good things that no other coach has. The issue is that he hasn't beaten the best when he has gotten them there. Two Orange Bowls, one loss to a very good and underrated USC team and a win against a poor ACC conference champ in Georgia Tech. He has had some great bowl wins against the SEC conference and beat Mizzou a few years ago when they shouldn't.

Iowa fans have a discontent for inconsistent results and honestly, I don't have any idea why they would. The number one issue that Iowa has to deal with is the State is so talent poor. That is going to cause some inconsistent results at times. The other issues are that some other programs have "caught-up" if you will and the addition of Nebraska has changed some things. The main discontent is losing to teams that they just should not, the worst one that broke the camels back was the loss at Arizona when people believed Iowa was headed for greatness. What I continue to see for Iowa is sticking with the starters on defense until they can't walk anymore, it isn't a wonder they get outscored so much in second halves. That is why I think the defense struggles when they lose a lot in the front seven, guys aren't ready. It is so common for coaches to play most of their 2-deeps anymore in the first half to keep guys fresh, in the front sevens.

KF has to relax some ways of thinking and let his coaches coach, but don't get me wrong, he is not as what people WANT to believe at this point. I see the offense evolving, but with a young QB, some things are going to look great at times and not so great at times. Does KF do everything perfect, uh no, no coach does, but I think some of the fans that are constantly complaining, don't know the history of Iowa football either.
What do you mean hes not beat the best in the B1G?! Hes OWNED PSU, and he OWNED Michigan for a period, as have been competitive with them outside of last year. Hes even with Wisconsin and MSU.
I'd toss your opinion out, because you're never going to be happy. Good grief, you are splitting hairs about that stuff? I remember saying that if the day came that Iowa fans became like Nebraska fans, I was gonna look for something else to do. We may be getting close ;)

There's another side of that coin. It reads, "The day message board providers and moderators start to act or sound like some of their dumber inhabitants, the more intelligent and grounded of those inhabitants may find other ways to interact with fans".
The 'I told you so s' always come out on HN. Always. In the long run, very few really know much... very few can interpret sports info accurately and correctly. Lots of correlations. Very few facts
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ummmm WHAT? what have you been watching? get back to us "stickup" when you actually make any sense.....
as for the rest of you....the "$3.9 million salary argument" is lame, tired and played.......the HAWKS ARE COMPETITIVE in Legends...and the BIG10.....
Thank goodness the Hawks play in the legends and the B1G.
Bannable post, imo.
How is this not a bannable post? Seems like you're advocating harm to someone else. Maybe it's just a whiney post. Most posters, if they disagree with someone else's post, usually engage with the HN member they disagree with.
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How is this not a bannable post? Seems like you're advocating harm to someone else. Maybe it's just a whiney post. Most posters, if they disagree with someone else's post, usually engage with the HN member they disagree with.

Ban decisions are above your paygrade, pal, so just drop it. JD's board, JD's rules. You don't like it, bounce.
No denying the lunatic fringe might point to this but, for the most part, I think this statement is just as short-sighted, inaccurate and unrealistic as expecting it.

-- BEAT who you should beat (ISU, 2 weak non-con, NwU, Purdue, Indiana, Illannoy, Minny?);
-- At least split with your peers (Wisky, MSU, Penn St?, Nebby? Maryland and Rutgers);
-- Challenge Michigan and OSU and beat them every 3rd / 4th season (that's merely a recruiting class's development cycle).
-- ABOVE ALL -- always be competitive, prepared, strategically fluid and schematically adaptable, while utilizing your best, most effective players in situations that maximize their strengths / exploit the opponents' weaknesses and give you the best opportunities to win the game.

Depending who's on the schedule among those 3 tiers, I consider Iowa to be at a level of program where it should always win at least 7 or 8 games and occasionally win 10 or 11 games.

My "contempt" is based on the last point. Kirt's personnel mismanagement and situational schematic / strategical failures were suspect about the time you mentioned, 2007, became apparent during the Pitt game, in 2008, and have now become an expectation that he will snatch at least 1 or 2 inexplicable (i.m.o., unacceptable) losses from the jaws of victory. For a coach that used to be lauded as doing more with less, he's just become a coach that does less.

Here's the thing. Our three losses came to teams that have COMBINED for just ONE loss thus far. And ALL three may finish with a COMBINED one loss until B1G Championship game is over, at which one will have to lose.

Are we where we want to be? Never. Even in our "best" years, there are plays or games that make us second-guess. But if, at this point, you are wanting "Kirt" out, or feel we aren't competitive THIS year, you're off the mark. And if you're going to cite 2007 or 2008, I'll cite 2002-2005, latter half of 2008-all of 2009, and the wins for each season from 1998 to the present. Under MY scenario, "Kirt" is a frigging genius and you're...still...just a guy posting on a message board. As am I.
JD - if you go down this route, I suggest you exempt posters with at least 9980 posts from the voting. As the last standing supporter of both Alford and O'Keefe, I need some sort of tenure-like protection or else this place will lose all viewpoint diversity. Your board prolly has too much traffic to do it effectively, but a two level cut for most posters (other than pure trolls or spambots, of course) should be used. Level 1 is where the members vote, level 2 is where the applicable member can plead his case for mercy and then the mod acts as judge, jury and executioner. You don't want to run on a pure majority vote system, though, because if someone gets pwn3d and is butthurt, they can start all sorts of campaigns to ban superior posters and the average IQ at this place will drop even further below room temperature.

Disagree, I supported KOK, and would if he were to come back.

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