I think Hawkeye message boards right now are a good example

My goal is to have a message board that is pretty much facebook connect...no anonymity. It would mean a drastic reduction in traffic, but one day, I am going to do that. Probably not soon. But one day, it's going to happen. The message boards continue to devolve into something that is less than enjoyable. That didn't used to be the case.

Jon the downward trend that perhaps falls into negativity is basically the direction the football program has gone the last 7 years - it's 90% that. Look at the basketball board a whole different feeling.

If Iowa get's to winning consistently again the demeanor of the board will change.
of why many in the coaching profession feel 10 years at the same job is about the max. Familiarity breeds too much contempt. Way too much.

Good point john. I completely agree, I respect what Kirk has done and appreciate his body of work, but there are a very few number of coaches out there who have earned that long term pass like Bowden or paterno. Thankfully KF isn't one of them.
also I Agree - at Iowa especially - 10 years seems to be the cut off for a coach. I don't have a scientific reason but Hayden and Ferentz both had the majority of their success in that period. After that things start to get father and fewer in between.
My goal is to have a message board that is pretty e been much facebook connect...no anonymity. It would mean a drastic reduction in traffic, but one day, I am going to do that. Probably not soon. But one day, it's going to happen. The message boards continue to devolve into something that is less than enjoyable. That didn't used to be the case.
We all know that everything would have been sunshine and lollipops in regards to coaches in 1998 and 1999 if such a thing as this website existed on AOL.

Maybe you are just getting older and more curmudgeonly?
We all know that everything would have been sunshine and lollipops in regards to coaches in 1998 and 1999 if such a thing as this website existed on AOL.

Maybe you are just getting older and more curmudgeonly?

This is possible. Seriously. I have less patience for stupid than I used to. I also think twitter, and the succinct nature of that platform, has created a 'bombasticity' that didn't used to exist, at least not this prolifically. People are looking to drop bombs all the time. I admit that I am more 'emotional' when I write or tweet than I used to be at expressing sentiments.

By the way, such a thing as this site did exist. It was called HawkTalk, the first all Iowa forum I came across...and Superhawkeye.com was around in 1998-99 too, and I joined up with them (rivals v1.0) in Jan 1999. There was also the Herky Email list...which was actually fairly level headed.

Of course, the Big Ten Fan Forums (BTFF) existed in the mid 1990's...actually hosted on the official Big Ten site..they were a freaking cesspool where only the brave of heart could wade....it was not stop fanbase warfare...but dang it was fun.

This stuff here, within a fanbase, grows tiresome.
I don't do twitter and I do understand some of what Jon's saying- but I don't know I was on message boards 5-6 years ago for different teams.

This message board is pretty much like every other one I've ever been on - if not better. This board has less back and forth tear filled wars than 99% of the others I've been on.
My goal is to have a message board that is pretty much facebook connect...no anonymity. It would mean a drastic reduction in traffic, but one day, I am going to do that. Probably not soon. But one day, it's going to happen. The message boards continue to devolve into something that is less than enjoyable. That didn't used to be the case.

There was a thread a few week's back that dealt with why there was slower traffic on this site as of late. The majority of responses seemed to attribute it to the general status of the football program and the "offseason" of summer. I would add that the point you make above would also be a contributor for some of us.

Some people have never learned how to discuss things or contribute something of value except on rare occasions. They only know how to attack or demean every little thing that is contrary to their belief. They haven't learned how to critique things w/o making things personal. The internet provides a good wall of protection for those that like to throw hand grenades all the time. It's easier that going to the doctor for treatment.

I'm not a Facebook participant and never will be but I hope you do find a way to address the issue as I enjoy much of the content most of the time.
I dont give a crude about style. Heck we have a lot in common with Stanford. My whole thing is winning, seeing improvement. Heck espn was talkking about nebby and bo. They were saying all those 10 win seasons dont mean anything because they expect more. Now i am not saying perfection is required, but it should be the goal. 7 wins meh. 8 we will get em next year. 9, good season, put the pedal down this off season. 10, nice job.
Problem is we as fans can not even come to an agreeable number we "expect" for most years. I say 8. I can deal with a 7 a few times over 10 years but i also want some 9's and 10's.
My goal is to have a message board that is pretty much facebook connect...no anonymity. It would mean a drastic reduction in traffic, but one day, I am going to do that. Probably not soon. But one day, it's going to happen. The message boards continue to devolve into something that is less than enjoyable. That didn't used to be the case.

Pretty close to one already with Hawkeye Heaven
Pretty close to one already with Hawkeye Heaven

I'm not interested in that style of communicating. I prefer the message board style, but making it so you can't comment unless you do so via facebook connect. In the near future the commenting function on stories will no longer be anonymous and will use facebook connect.

As for HH, I've got no time for thieves.
Back story, plz.

They use fotos that are not theirs, with no attribution. They 'report' on things (creating the ruse that they have any connections at all) based of reading others work, twitter feeds, etc, without attribution...they've done the latter so blatantly that a few people set up a ruse to illustrate the point...it was rather comical...they also post every rumor and whim as if it were fact....others set up a ruse to underscore this, too. Wannabees who are (or as of yet) unwilling to do any work of their own. Simple attribution is all that it takes.
It really is embarrassing to read the idiocy that gets posted on these boards. I feel like I'm watching the decay of common decency within the group of people that represent one of the things I love most: Iowa football. I am a fan, and I understand the frustrations that go along with losing. But come on. It's a game. The sun still rises and sets, we still have our friends and family, and life goes on. Wait! What?! Iowa beat Northwestern this weekend?! I come here to get my info on the hawks, get some good insight from those who have to give it and chat with fellow fans about our beloved Hawkeyes. I think it's about time we fans take account for what we say in posts just as they would if we were talking to someone face to face. Just because we have the freedom of speech, it doesn't give us the right to be loud, obnoxious, and vulgar. And one last thing, I was taught that it is not polite to discuss another person's salary, so please stay classy and quit brining up Ferentz's.
IMO, all this downward spiral on the coaching staff started in 2010. All of us had Rose Bowl expectations and I remember some predicting an undefeated season (looks at Jon). That team was extremely talented with NFL caliber players all over the depth charts. But the coaches made some idiot calls, non more famous than setting up for a punt return against Wisconsin when everybody except the coaches on the sideline knew a fake was coming. A mistake that we see repeat itself over and over. I do not expect national championships at Iowa, nor do I expect them to be in the Rose Bowl every year. Iowa is always going to struggle to compete year in and year out as the home state does not produce enough D1 talent to compete. So every game and every win is valuable and when you see the coaches (not the players) making bad decisions that result in a defeat then this is the kind of fan base it turns into.

Jon, not sure if revealing everyone's identity will change much. It might stop some of the trolls that come over here pretending to be Iowa fans. We have seen how quickly a forum can turn when there are coaching changes (see basketball).
One thing about anonymity though is you will tend to get more honest reactions and insights. Ya, you will get far right or left responses, but you take the good with the bad.

Start putting names and faces to the content, people will become more PC and hold back. We get enough of that listening to Dolph and a lot of the Iowa media (and screened calls). That gets old as well. Messages boards, as they mostly currently exist, might only be the one true sound off platform that gives fans an outlet to express how they truly feel about things. Not completely the Wild West where no rules apply, but not exactly Red China either.
It's our society. Going to high school games, college games, pro games are all the same anymore. Loud mouth fans, drunk and obnoxious, are common place.
Message boards are similar, but if not for the participation from the fans, negative and positive, your website would be nothing.
It's actually fun to read some of the more "off the wall" posts and even to respond to them. This place is a nice outlet to vent some of the frustrations we have when things are not going well. I do not think you should take so seriously many of the negative posts. Most of stuff posted would never be said in a public setting nor would they be said after a "cooling down" period.

the bold part is exactly why people go on a message board. not sure when most people will get that. everything on here is "heat of the moment stuff." it's a perfect place for venting, talking crap to rivals, and discussion about random/weird **** that you wouldn't say in a bar.

if people would learn to not take this stuff so seriously, they would realize that this site is a lot of fun. where else can you go and vent, celebrate, or otherwise make a fool of yourself like we do?

i'm a loudmouth on here so that i don't drive my wife crazy at home. jon, you're providing a community service here!
One thing about anonymity though is you will tend to get more honest reactions and insights. Ya, you will get far right or left responses, but you take the good with the bad.

Start putting names and faces to the content, people will become more PC and hold back. We get enough of that listening to Dolph and a lot of the Iowa media (and screened calls). That gets old as well. Messages boards, as they mostly currently exist, might only be the one true sound off platform that gives fans an outlet to express how they truly feel about things. Not completely the Wild West where no rules apply, but not exactly Red China either.

Oh I don't know - it's easy enough to sign up for a Facebook account, and put a fake name with some miscellaneous picture up as your profile pic. It doesn't have to be YOU, or even a picture of a person. How many people do you know on Facebook that have some logo, screen shot from a movie or whatever as a profile pic? I guess some people are honest and put their real name and picture of themselves on their profile.. But there's nothing stopping one from signing up for an alternate Yahoo email account and creating another FB profile as an alias. I should know - I've done it. Takes 5 minutes. Besides, who really cares what I have to say? It's not like I am a member of the media and/or represent Iowa Athletics. I have no reason to hold back. If people don't like my opinions, it doesn't really make any difference one way or the other.

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