I saw _______ on a ______, he'll be starting by midseason.

I saw Yankee Doodle riding on a pony, he'll be starting for America by mid season.

Ricky Stanzi's America.
I saw the SEC losing their best talent to ineligibility, they'll be starting 2nd stringers by midseason.
I saw
at a parole hearing, she'll be stalking by mid-season.
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I saw Tyler Sash on a bomber death plane, riding shotgun in the sky, he'll be floatin' like a butterfly and stingin' like a bee, like the George Orwell of the secondary, pickin' off passes like they were ripened fruit, like a thief in the night, stealin' away with the loot, dodgin' and duckin' takin' it to the EZ, pick six for the Hawkeyes dontcha see, doin' it all naturally, puttin' a smile on Norm Parker's face and drivin' the fans wild all over the place...and he'll be doin' this....all season long.
I saw Tate Forcier on a pew at church praying that Clayborn doesn't eat him this season, unfortunately his prayers won't come true.

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