I saw _______ on a ______, he'll be starting by midseason.

I saw Homer practice making a 3 page post breaking down our depth at long snapper, he'll be starting this season.
I saw no one who will dismiss the Les Jepsen talk by midseason.
I dreamed I saw St. Augustine,
alive as you or me
tearing through these quarters
in the utmost misery
and he'll be starting
by midseason.
I saw Jewel Hampton jog up the stairs when he came to answer the door, he'll be starting next season.

Andrew Logue
Des Moines Register
I saw Willie Guy on tv committing to the Hawkeyes in '86, he'll be starting (Community College) before the season.
I saw Stanzi leading the charge at the battle of Sterling along side William Wallace on a white horse yelling 'freeeeeedooommmmm', he'll be knighted by midseason.
I saw a dead rat with a perm on a moped today and yes he was yoked and will be starting by the time OSU comes to Kinnick.
I saw Karl Klug fist pumpin with the Situation on the Jersey Shore, he'll be hookin up with Snookie by mid season.

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