How does one become a cyclone?

In my experience there are 3 types of clown fans:

Alumni clown - will be a fan no matter how bad they are.

Bandwagon clown

Anti-Hawk clown - Only a clown fan because they hate the Hawks for one reason or another(divorced from a Hawk fan, etc.). Hawks losing is more important than them winning.

Winner ... spot on
I could give a damn less whether a school's fans went to the school or not, and can't remember that ever being a requirement until I started hearing it from ISU fans. I became a Hawk fan because that is how I grew up. My dad is an ISU grad and still follows them a bit, but was clearly a Hawk fan. I'm sure I would've still become a Hawks fan, but for me I related it to memories of growing up. In the spring, summer, and fall every Sunday and alot of Saturdays my 2 brothers and I would head out to the timber and cut wood all day. We always had a game on the radio in the old International truck we used for haulin wood, it only had an AM receiver. Hawks, Cubs, or Bears, it didn't matter which one. It was stuff like that that made me the fan of the teams I follow now. I still remember listening to opening day cutting wood and listening to all three of Tuffy Rhoades home runs.
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I can understand you acting like an *** to Hawks that go over to CyFan but why come onto our board and go all douchetastic on us?
Generally the ones that come to join us on our forum are the good eggs from your fanbase. Most contribute to discussions, make relevant posts, generally add to the atmosphere.

But I was reading this board in silence since the weekend, watching all sorts of people be just complete and utter morons. Really just a shocking level or ignorance and unintelligent posts. And then I thought these people will never learn if there is nobody to tell them that they are, in fact, possibly retarded. That's where I come in.
Generally the ones that come to join us on our forum are the good eggs from your fanbase. Most contribute to discussions, make relevant posts, generally add to the atmosphere.

But I was reading this board in silence since the weekend, watching all sorts of people be just complete and utter morons. Really just a shocking level or ignorance and unintelligent posts. And then I thought these people will never learn if there is nobody to tell them that they are, in fact, possibly retarded. That's where I come in.

So in summary, you are clearly saying that mentally challenged people are not capable of being fans of a team?
I think it's safe to say I'm not talking about Troy/Darren Davis or Willie Guy level of idiot here.
Well Troy Davis was one hell of a RB, but I'm surprised he could breathe and run at the same time, so he may not have the capacity to be a fan of a team, I'm not sure.
Generally the ones that come to join us on our forum are the good eggs from your fanbase. Most contribute to discussions, make relevant posts, generally add to the atmosphere.

But I was reading this board in silence since the weekend, watching all sorts of people be just complete and utter morons. Really just a shocking level or ignorance and unintelligent posts. And then I thought these people will never learn if there is nobody to tell them that they are, in fact, possibly retarded. That's where I come in.

Oh! I get it! The same thing clone fans do over on CyFan when discussing Iowa! It's becoming so clear to me now!
One becomes a Cyclone due to inbreeding and birth defects.
See here's a good example. If this were CF and someone just said something equally retarded about what drives people to be hawk fans I would likely make a smart alec remark about him being an idiot and someone already having had made that same joke in this thread, but that doesn't seem to happen here very often. Thank you 1st for your timing.
Mmmm, not quite. Similar, but different.

Actually, no, not really. I've seen quite a fair share of ISU fans over there that by their posts, you would either think they were ten years old or the orderly at the special needs home walked away from the computer for a while.
Actually, no, not really. I've seen quite a fair share of ISU fans over there that by their posts, you would either think they were ten years old or the orderly at the special needs home walked away from the computer for a while.
I try to catch as many as I can but I'm just one man, I do feel like there's a large contingent of people who know when cyclone fans are being idiots on CF though. Take the thread about the moron boycotting BWW because of the waitresses t-shirt, atleast 80% of that thread was people calling him an idiot.
I try to catch as many as I can but I'm just one man, I do feel like there's a large contingent of people who know when cyclone fans are being idiots on CF though. Take the thread about the moron boycotting BWW because of the waitresses t-shirt, atleast 80% of that thread was people calling him an idiot.

You are true there. Boycotting a bar/restaurant because of the attire of the workers is borderline nuckingfuts. I'll give you that one.
You are true there. Boycotting a bar/restaurant because of the attire of the workers is borderline nuckingfuts. I'll give you that one.
Borderline nothing, straight up crazy.

Honestly it's not Iowa fans I have a problem with, it's stupid people, but this week brings them out in record numbers on both sides of the aisle. People try so hard to be clever in thinking of ways to slam the other side and 95% of the time it's just pathetic, the squawks and the clowns, that **** is just unoriginal and boring but for the retarded masses it's comedic gold.

To answer the OP I was born and raised in Ames and graduated from ISU, I had friends growing up that were Hawk fans, many went to Iowa for school, but it just never stuck for me. I think I just like being a fan of the little guy maybe, maybe that's why I'm a Cubs fan too.
Borderline nothing, straight up crazy.

Honestly it's not Iowa fans I have a problem with, it's stupid people, but this week brings them out in record numbers on both sides of the aisle. People try so hard to be clever in thinking of ways to slam the other side and 95% of the time it's just pathetic, the squawks and the clowns, that **** is just unoriginal and boring but for the retarded masses it's comedic gold.

To answer the OP I was born and raised in Ames and graduated from ISU, I had friends growing up that were Hawk fans, many went to Iowa for school, but it just never stuck for me. I think I just like being a fan of the little guy maybe, maybe that's why I'm a Cubs fan too.

are you a vikings fan too?
Borderline nothing, straight up crazy.

Honestly it's not Iowa fans I have a problem with, it's stupid people, but this week brings them out in record numbers on both sides of the aisle. People try so hard to be clever in thinking of ways to slam the other side and 95% of the time it's just pathetic, the squawks and the clowns, that **** is just unoriginal and boring but for the retarded masses it's comedic gold.

To answer the OP I was born and raised in Ames and graduated from ISU, I had friends growing up that were Hawk fans, many went to Iowa for school, but it just never stuck for me. I think I just like being a fan of the little guy maybe, maybe that's why I'm a Cubs fan too.

Really? C'mon, you were just doing the very thing you say is unoriginal and boring. Pick an angle man, I'm only asking for a little consistency here. :rolleyes: