How does one become a cyclone?

I grew up in a 319 area code as well. I grew to be a Cyclone fan because of obnoxious inbred Hawk fans like yourself drunkenly worshipping a sub-par team year in and year out.

I grew up in the 319 too and you must of been the dorky kid with the ISU gear on. You should of been like the other people that didn't want to cheer for Iowa and cheered for Michigan.
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Most Cyclone fans I know, like myself, went to school there.

Most Hawkeye fans I know, in fact all the Hawkeye fans I know, never once attended a class at Iowa. They are bandwagon jumpers, nothing more. Which always had me asking the question... If you're going to be a bandwagon jumper, than why not be an Alabama fan or something?

Seriously, if I hadn't attended ISU, I'd probably be an Oklahoma fan or something?

Ah, maybe because we are from Iowa, it is the Hawkeye State. Traditionally Iowa has been better. Maybe your friends, parents, family went there. Are you serious?
uh,uh, uh,uh, uh, uh, uh, uh......get yo frands, get yo neighbors to buy 'em sum saison tackets. need more saison tacket hoarders.....pretty soons, y'all won't be able to getchi um a saison tacket y'all.

get lost.
I feel like I should reward you because you try so hard, but no, no that wouldn't be right.
I feel like I should reward you because you try so hard, but no, no that wouldn't be right.

here, i've got one for you:

I'm sorry, I blacked out those 2 years so I have no idea who that man is.

shoulda kept it, worth a lot of money now.

bad failure on your part - should have recognized that once a coach leaves your program, they find success.

See: Chizik, McCarney, Bruce, Majors, and soon to be uh,uh,uh,uh, Roadhsss - probably a lot of others, but these are top-of-mind.
Are you comparing Iowa to the Yankees, Pats and Lakers?

Certainly not. You inferred way too much into what I wrote. It was simply a comparison of fans, and I certainly do not have a rosy picture of Iowa fans.

To clarify further, I feel like Iowa fans are like Laker fans, whereas ISU fans are like Sacramento Kings fans, who while they have nothing of note to brag about performance wise, can compensate for that by elevating their level of fandom in their imaginations.

To take it a step further, this is precisely what Iowa fans (Go Kings!) say about Nebraska fans (Kobe's out, I don't care about the game), so there is that.
shoulda kept it, worth a lot of money now.

bad failure on your part - should have recognized that once a coach leaves your program, they find success.

See: Chizik, McCarney, Bruce, Majors, and soon to be uh,uh,uh,uh, Roadhsss - probably a lot of others, but these are top-of-mind.
Yeah we've had several do that in the last 40 years or so, although I wouldn't exactly include McCarney on that list since he's only coached one game since. But other than that I am impressed with your knowledge of Cyclone football. I certainly couldn't name any Iowa coaches besides Fry and Ferentz.
Yeah we've had several do that in the last 40 years or so, although I wouldn't exactly include McCarney on that list since he's only coached one game since. But other than that I am impressed with your knowledge of Cyclone football. I certainly couldn't name any Iowa coaches besides Fry and Ferentz.

well, mccarney is certainly sporting some new bling on his fingers since he's left clown town. AND to be fair, I shouldn't have dismissed him as a guy who left and had more success. he certainly did as good as a coach can in that program.
Yeah we've had several do that in the last 40 years or so, although I wouldn't exactly include McCarney on that list since he's only coached one game since. But other than that I am impressed with your knowledge of Cyclone football. I certainly couldn't name any Iowa coaches besides Fry and Ferentz.

You mean no success other than a national title? Glad you are smart.
well, mccarney is certainly sporting some new bling on his fingers since he's left clown town. AND to be fair, I shouldn't have dismissed him as a guy who left and had more success. he certainly did as good as a coach can in that program.
True but as a position coach, hardly the same thing as the others you mentioned.
Being a Hawkeye to me is about pride and it started when I was a lad when my Dad took me to games at Carver and Kinnick. Been to Trice and Hilton to but I was born to be a Hawkeye and my kids were born to be Hawkeyes. Sure it's about the cool colors, the tradition, the legend of Nile, it's about Hayden Fry, the hokey pokey, the dark glasses, last second field goals that turn a program around, it's about winning consistently...........not just once in awhile. I'm sorry but it is either in you or it's not. I have a 5 year old boy who knows the Iowa fight song and he knew it when he was 3 1/2 and as a family we have our Saturday morning traditions during FB season. Love being able to fly my colors proud 365 days' a year.
Along your same line of logic then, why do I hear so many tavern hawks not only bashing the teams, but Ames and the school itself? That is probably what pisses me off the most.

If you think Iowa fans are the only ones that do this, you are sadly mistaken
Man, I'll be happy when this game is over! This past week all you guys have been positively premenstrual! I think this game brings out the worst in fans and it's spilled out into the other threads. A lot of pis$iness.

I grew up and Des Moines and don't remember either the Cyclones or the Hawks. Went to Iowa and was a fan ever after. I don't get the hate for ISU though. To me they are just kind of there. Meh. I'd like any team from Iowa to win their games, but of course it's the Hawks all the way. Some people on this board, Hawk and Cy fans, are just doing some good natured ribbing but there's a lot that seem to get quit mean about it. It's like politics or something. Too crazy sometimes. :confused:
Man, I'll be happy when this game is over! This past week all you guys have been positively premenstrual! I think this game brings out the worst in fans and it's spilled out into the other threads. A lot of pis$iness.

I grew up and Des Moines and don't remember either the Cyclones or the Hawks. Went to Iowa and was a fan ever after. I don't get the hate for ISU though. To me they are just kind of there. Meh. I'd like any team from Iowa to win their games, but of course it's the Hawks all the way. Some people on this board, Hawk and Cy fans, are just doing some good natured ribbing but there's a lot that seem to get quit mean about it. It's like politics or something. Too crazy sometimes. :confused:

This is why we don't let women out of the kitchen long enough to deal with football rivalries. ;)