How does one become a cyclone?

Man, I'll be happy when this game is over! This past week all you guys have been positively premenstrual! I think this game brings out the worst in fans and it's spilled out into the other threads. A lot of pis$iness.

I grew up and Des Moines and don't remember either the Cyclones or the Hawks. Went to Iowa and was a fan ever after. I don't get the hate for ISU though. To me they are just kind of there. Meh. I'd like any team from Iowa to win their games, but of course it's the Hawks all the way. Some people on this board, Hawk and Cy fans, are just doing some good natured ribbing but there's a lot that seem to get quit mean about it. It's like politics or something. Too crazy sometimes. :confused:

This post literally encompasses my feelings about this week, my own background (in terms of where I came from and why I feel the way I do about Iowa State and Iowa), and my views on what's been posted this week on the forum. If I reposted this word-for-word under my own name, it'd all be true and/or reflect my own opinion. Scary. ;)

Seriously, though, there's been a lot of majorly a-hole behavior on the forum recently. More so than last year. There's a big difference between good-natured ribbing (ex.: stormin, DwayneTwill, Vintage, etc.) and the recent outright douchery (ex. _______, _________, _______, etc.). It's gettin' purdy gross in herr.

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