How does one become a cyclone?

Christ, do you want a medal? You know who else bucks popular trends? Goths. And we all know how awesome they are.
I don't need a medal. I don't root against Iowa, I am just saying how it happened. It is very comparable to why most of the country was sick of Tim Tebow by the time he graduated. He could do no wrong. That was the way the hawkeyes were treated when I was growing up.

And you know who else had a fall in or die mentality? Nazis. I heard they are making a comeback in some circles though.....
and i've seen it the other way, so equally not cool. and i've seen a lot of you ISU fans on here being equally not cool, as the reverse is true over there at CF, but i don't go over there so i can only guess.

my question to you is, why are YOU here? i like what some of you bring to the table, i like what BryceC has to say for example.

I know BryceC in real life. One of the best all-around people I know (despite being a Clone fan :shakes head: :))
I grew up a Cyclone fan and love every minute of it. I love having a team to call my own and to live and die by. Both of my parents went to Iowa State which is my connection, but I still love the school regardless. I feel bad for people like the OP who question why were fans of our school. Get a life.
I reckon you have to be a mouth breather in order to become a bonafide cyclone fan. Although not scientifically proven I do believe it is a dadgum pre-requisite.
I grew up a Cyclone fan and love every minute of it. I love having a team to call my own and to live and die by. Both of my parents went to Iowa State which is my connection, but I still love the school regardless. I feel bad for people like the OP who question why were fans of our school. Get a life.

Son! I don't know what you just wrote there but two slaps across the dang mouth cause I like you. Congratulations Son! You've made the dang team. Now put yer meat helmet on with tinfoil chin strap and get out there and give 'em heck!
People become Cyclone fans, the same way people become gay. There's a correlation in there somewhere...

"People become Cyclone fans, the same way people become gay. There's a correlation in there somewhere..."
I guess it is all about!!! Unless your were born that way like Gaga says......

It is fun reading through the comments.

So hard to imagine growing up clone. It is interesting reading the clone comments about not wanting to be Hawkeyes because we are "subpar." I would ask too, if we are "subpar" what does that make being a clone?

I do wonder how much your garden variety cyclone fan goes through life not realizing what they are missing by cheering on ISU? How much better it would feel to put on the black and gold. Good topic.
I went to HS in Davenport, and if you wanted to make friends in Davenport, you have to become a Hawk fan. At least that's what 14 year old me found out. Neither of my parents went to college, and we moved around when I was a kid, so I didn't have any particular allegiance to any team. I may have become a Cyclone fan if there were any of them west of I-380, but I don't remember seeing any.
Most Cyclone fans I know, like myself, went to school there.

Most Hawkeye fans I know, in fact all the Hawkeye fans I know, never once attended a class at Iowa. They are bandwagon jumpers, nothing more. Which always had me asking the question... If you're going to be a bandwagon jumper, than why not be an Alabama fan or something?

Seriously, if I hadn't attended ISU, I'd probably be an Oklahoma fan or something?
I grew up in Dport as a Hawk fan, the 1st 18 years, of my life. Then I went to ISU. the OP.says all clone fans are brainwashed, I feel all hawk fans that grew up the same time I did(early 80's) were brainwashed. There were no other options for sports teams, maybe illinois. ISU was great in the 70's, but they fell when tv contracts started getting big. i really didn't choose for myself until I moved out of home. My dad has been a season ticket holder for over 30 years, the hawks were the only choice.
I live 40 miles north of Ames and have for almost 62 years. Have been an Iowa fan my entire life, remember when all I could do was sit in the car with the heater on and listen to poor radio signal of them getting their butts kicked all the time but still listened every week. My aunt and uncle were Cyclone fans and I went to a few games with them in the early-mid 70's when the Clones were pretty good, watched them beat Nebraska and have a couple of 8 win seasons. I quit going for the reason mentioned earlier, had a group of farmers from the Woolstock area sit right behind me that spent more time trying to get the Iowa score on a radio and cheering when they were losing than watching the Iowa State game. Always have had that inferiority/little big man complex that will never change. Also, my office was 95% Ia State and then me. In the 15 years that we kicked their butts in football, never once did I even mention the game the next week unless brought up first because it was a nothing event in my eyes. The first time they won, my office was plastered with blow up sports pages with the headlines etc. Fans are classless. It's too bad because I actually kinda like their football and basketball coaches, too bad the fans can't take a lesson in class from them. GO HAWKS!
I live 40 miles north of Ames and have for almost 62 years. Have been an Iowa fan my entire life, remember when all I could do was sit in the car with the heater on and listen to poor radio signal of them getting their butts kicked all the time but still listened every week. My aunt and uncle were Cyclone fans and I went to a few games with them in the early-mid 70's when the Clones were pretty good, watched them beat Nebraska and have a couple of 8 win seasons. I quit going for the reason mentioned earlier, had a group of farmers from the Woolstock area sit right behind me that spent more time trying to get the Iowa score on a radio and cheering when they were losing than watching the Iowa State game. Always have had that inferiority/little big man complex that will never change. Also, my office was 95% Ia State and then me. In the 15 years that we kicked their butts in football, never once did I even mention the game the next week unless brought up first because it was a nothing event in my eyes. The first time they won, my office was plastered with blow up sports pages with the headlines etc. Fans are classless. It's too bad because I actually kinda like their football and basketball coaches, too bad the fans can't take a lesson in class from them. GO HAWKS!
A Hawkeye fan attempting to give a lesson in class to Cyclone fans, I have seen everything now.
Most Cyclone fans I know, like myself, went to school there.

Most Hawkeye fans I know, in fact all the Hawkeye fans I know, never once attended a class at Iowa. They are bandwagon jumpers, nothing more. Which always had me asking the question... If you're going to be a bandwagon jumper, than why not be an Alabama fan or something?

Seriously, if I hadn't attended ISU, I'd probably be an Oklahoma fan or something?

and this is why Iowa has the program it has, and uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,uh, you have the program you have. that is why your coach is begging your fanbase to become a saison tacket do have a smiling 87 year old secret donor, what do i know.....
You people aren't good enough to see it, I feel like if I posted it here I wouldn't feel right about having good, upstanding people see it anymore.

I can understand you acting like an *** to Hawks that go over to CyFan but why come onto our board and go all douchetastic on us?