HN Festivus: New Site Direction/Moderation

Because someone would have bitched if I used West Branch.

I was about to complain that you didn't use West Branch, and give you a ribbing that you were ashamed about being from there. Just kidding though. Anybody on here from Riverside? You could have used them.
A banned account should not be able to post. I haven't run across an instance of that yet.

I don't know what to tell ya. Computer software isn't my strong point but my understanding is that he is some sort of 'computer guy'.
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Not sure if possible but I would like to be able to pin what ever post I want to keep them at top or around in my favorite list or something and I would like to ban the term little ole Iowa. Thanks
Everyone should be entitled to write their own opinions as long as it's within the rules. If those threads bother you so much maybe you should look in the mirror and try to figure out why some guy you have never met before can get under your skin. I have my own opinions but I like to come on here and read other people's opinions too. That's the whole point of a message board

I don't have a problem with the opinions, I have a problem with the number of threads started about those opinions. I was obviously exaggerating about them being daily, but do we really need 25 different threads discussing whether Kirk should stay or go?

For the record, I'd say the same thing if there were 25 different threads praising KF.

You are correct that message boards are for discussion, but you can't have much of a discussion when it's so fragmented unless you want to have the same argument 25 different times.
I mentioned this in another thread. The cyclone trolls are the ones who drive a lot of the threads which turn into nothing but personal attacks and extreme, ignorant arguments. ISUer, Doublewide, Cyclones17, 20eyes, are all allowed to continue to troll this site over and over. I know people rip on how strict the CycloneFanatic mods are when it comes to Iowa fans posting over there, but it's also the main reason they have a much more civil message board rather than one filled with nothing but ******* contest threads like so many on here turn into.

Allow me to offer this idea by starting with a question. What drives a 'clone fan to hang out on a rival's message forum? I can see exchanging some good-natured fun and game thoughts in the week or so before the game and a few days after but what's up with the rest of the year?

Is it possible we are dealing with very "small" people who have very little else in life? Is it possible a highlight of their day is to come in here and kick the proverbial hornet's nest - just hoping for a little attention?

I agree with your premise about trolling but we have a much more powerful weapon than having to deploy an iron-fisted moderator who, in all likelihood, will not be able to catch it all anyway.

That weapon is called ignoring them. They are here to feed. Quit feeding them with a response and they will go get fed somewhere else. This can apply to anyone, not just a 'clone fan, looking for neurotic attention.
Allow me to offer this idea by starting with a question. What drives a 'clone fan to hang out on a rival's message forum? I can see exchanging some good-natured fun and game thoughts in the week or so before the game and a few days after but what's up with the rest of the year?

Is it possible we are dealing with very "small" people who have very little else in life? Is it possible a highlight of their day is to come in here and kick the proverbial hornet's nest - just hoping for a little attention?

I agree with your premise about trolling but we have a much more powerful weapon than having to deploy an iron-fisted moderator who, in all likelihood, will not be able to catch it all anyway.

That weapon is called ignoring them. They are here to feed. Quit feeding them with a response and they will go get fed somewhere else. This can apply to anyone, not just a 'clone fan, looking for neurotic attention.

That might work in a perfect world, but somebody is always going to bite and the thread is usually well on its way off topic at that point. If you're an ISU fan on an Iowa site you should be held to a little higher standard, and it's much simpler to just ban them when they start trolling. And like I said, it's not a one time deal with most of these guys. These are guys who have 500+ posts on here and have instigated things over and over again.

But with the way Jon appears to be handling the site now, I have no doubt this issue will be addressed.
I guess I haven't spent enough time around here to see the crazy under-world of HawkeyeNation.

Seriously though... What is the forbidden "O" word and why is it forbidden? Is there a back story to this? I'm totally confused.

I almost feel like a goody goody because I've never been banned. Does it up your street cred around here if you get banned at least once? I suppose I could go all turrets for a day or so.
That might work in a perfect world, but somebody is always going to bite and the thread is usually well on its way off topic at that point. If you're an ISU fan on an Iowa site you should be held to a little higher standard, and it's much simpler to just ban them when they start trolling. And like I said, it's not a one time deal with most of these guys. These are guys who have 500+ posts on here and have instigated things over and over again.

But with the way Jon appears to be handling the site now, I have no doubt this issue will be addressed.

If I did, it wasn't my intention to imply that we have no moderation or policing of wayward 'clone fans. Your 'in a perfect world' statement is correct.

You seem intelligent enough to know of what I speak so I was merely attempting to snag some who had never considered the ignore option.

I was meaning to convey that between our ignoring and Jon's moderating we should have a better forum experience. By deploying our ignore weapon Jon should be able to do less babysitting and focus on more productive work that will make this site even better.

I too like the new direction and focus of HN.
I guess I haven't spent enough time around here to see the crazy under-world of HawkeyeNation.

Seriously though... What is the forbidden "O" word and why is it forbidden? Is there a back story to this? I'm totally confused.

I almost feel like a goody goody because I've never been banned. Does it up your street cred around here if you get banned at least once? I suppose I could go all turrets for a day or so.

I dont have any real problem with Ostriches...other than they are funny looking, but aren't we all. ;)

It's just the way terms or message board meme's are used, and then abused...and most people have no freaking idea what the 100 or so people know about. Heck, I had no idea where the Chad thing even came from or why until today.

The bottom line is stuff like that just turns people away...except for those that are in on the jokes. Done with it.
There will also be 'Like' buttons on posts...which hopefully cuts down on the need for people to post +1, or 'I agree' and things like that..

as well as a 'report' button that will be a nice handy thing for moderation...and when people abuse it, the boomerang effect ;)

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