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  • sounds good do you have a design in mind via internet i know the kids singlets have gotten pretty crazy as of late and aren't real traditional i can do either or just give me something to go by visually and i'll get right on it
    Great, it would be for our youth Trojan Elite team. Obviously we want it to say Trojan Elite on it somewhere and incorporating the Iowa City West colors green and yellow/gold. We would prefer the main color of the singlet to not be green or gold, we have talked about silver with green/yellow letter and graphics. You have free reign and these would be for kids ages 10-14, we want them something to be proud of wearing. Thanks.
    hawkphreek i ended up not going. we decided to save our money and go to vegas 27th-30th. still regret not going but would miss the main event and thats where the real money is in the tournys out in cb.

    you go?
    Pin2win, I havent had a chance to follow much national wrestling the past few years, but love to follow the Hawks. Im planning to go back to nationals this year with a bunch of buddies. They do a pool where you purchase wrestlers on a point system. If I can get the information can you give me a few long shots 5-8 seeds who may have a shot to win it all.
    Hey Pin, this is pumpdog20. My work email is I have class Tuesday and Wednesday night so if we can avoid those that would be great.
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