FB post from Willies' guardian

I love that you keep calling the kid a 'quitter' but will stick up for KF who has obviously been a 'liar' according to more than a handful of his players. If you've been lied to (as Willies WAS), that voids any contractual obligation I may have with you. With this kid's physical talents don't think there won't be a line out the door for him of D1 schools to choose from. By leaving right now, he has an opportunity to let things settle down and really think about which program offers him the best opportunity. Good on the kid for having the courage to not stand (on the sidelines...while he watches) for KFs broken promises anymore. This kid will land on his feet somewhere and be a contributor. I wish nothing but the best for him.

This is just terrible advice for anyone in life. So your coach/boss lied to you, and the answer is to quit? Every last D1 player in a P5 conference should quit then, as every head coach has "lied" to either get them on campus or keep them on campus. Plus every promise made by a coach is predicated on the condition that you beat out the players in front of you, keep out of trouble, focus hard in the class room, weight room, and practice field, and do what the coaches are asking of you.

I'd bet 50-75% of the kids stuck behind a starter feel he is "better" than the starter in front of him, if only he got his shot. That is natural. If Willies feels lied to, under utilized, or just a bad fit at Iowa, by all means, leave at the end of the season. I think that is what most are saying here, everyone can understand that. Yet quitting in the middle of the season, if not the answer (unless of course family situation dictates, a coach is putting you in harms way playing injured).

I hope the best for Willies as well, but I have to say I doubt his talents will come to fruition if he keeps quitting when adversity hits for him.

BTW what promises were made to Willies? Seems you are in the know, I'm just curious.
I don't know if Imported Ankle is a troll or just an idiot, but if he's not a troll he has proven that he would give his life to save Ferentz and also give that same life to badmouth a 20 year old who wants to leave the program. Either way he's got issues that can only be addressed by trained professionals and shouldn't be responded to on here.

Saying that Willies made a bad decision quitting the team isn't bad mouthing him. Nobody is saying leaving the program is a bad decision, but leaving mid season is. I would tell that to any kid in any program (except if the kid has family issue, or coaches are playing him while injured). This has nothing to so with KF or Willies, that would be my advice to any kid in a D1 program.
Nic Gieselman

"So everyone knows. Derrick is very smart and a special talent. To think that there is something else going on other than his fit into the offensive scheme. You are wrong."

That says a few things:

1) Derrick lied to KF about the "real" reason
2) The "guardian" is calling KF a liar
3) KF isn't about to throw a kid under the bus even AFTER he has left the team
Or KF did damage control. No one knows who lied to who, or even if anyone lied. To me it looks like time for exit planning. My fear has always been what the administration down there throws together for the "blue ribbon" search team. Having said this, KF has been a net asset, and to say otherwise means one's ability to see reality is questionable. But I think it's time for a change, just as it was at the end of HF's tenure.

To be clear, I'm not defending either Willies or KF. I just have an opinion, and apparently other's ability to read and understand this is not exactly very good.
To me this isn't a loss because it's clear he wants stuff handed to him. The chances he would leave were high considering all his moves in high school. It just fits into a pattern in his life. He won't get far in life if he runs from everything.
To me this isn't a loss because it's clear he wants stuff handed to him. The chances he would leave were high considering all his moves in high school. It just fits into a pattern in his life. He won't get far in life if he runs from everything.

One could argue that you won't get far in life if you waste your talent with an organization that has no intent on using you either. For you and DeanXX, if you are slighted at work, have valuable/rare skills that others at the organization don't have but you are never given a chance to prove what you can do (and when you do get a chance you look pretty darn good), and are passed over for promotions by less talented employees...you should just suck it up and take it. I'm sure you would do that. Furthermore, why should DWillies risk an injury practicing his arse off for a team that he knows ain't going to use hime and he's leaving at the end of the season anyway??? Seems even more idiotic and illogical than your post.
Let's not pass this onto a kid as his problem. The problem is he is talented and not getting the ball like he honestly should.. You see coaches getting playmakers the ball every Saturday, yet we want them to "sit and wait for the future"

If he transfers, he will have to "sit and wait for the future" for at least a year though now. Plus the redshirt last year. That's a lot of waiting.
Or KF did damage control. No one knows who lied to who, or even if anyone lied. To me it looks like time for exit planning. My fear has always been what the administration down there throws together for the "blue ribbon" search team. Having said this, KF has been a net asset, and to say otherwise means one's ability to see reality is questionable. But I think it's time for a change, just as it was at the end of HF's tenure.

To be clear, I'm not defending either Willies or KF. I just have an opinion, and apparently other's ability to read and understand this is not exactly very good.

Of all the people that have left the program, has KF thrown anyone under the bus? I think of Arob and Hampton as 2 examples. Both had off the field issues, but Kirk never mentioned it and wished them both well. You can look at coaches that have left the staff, same thing
KF is basically Joe Paterno at this point.

Seriously? Paterno allowed an assistant coach to rape young boys for years. Ferentz isn't winning as many games as we'd like. We may not like the direction of the program, but Ferentz is nowhere near the slime (the censors won't allow me to put in the word I'd like) that Paterno was.
One could argue that you won't get far in life if you waste your talent with an organization that has no intent on using you either. For you and DeanXX, if you are slighted at work, have valuable/rare skills that others at the organization don't have but you are never given a chance to prove what you can do (and when you do get a chance you look pretty darn good), and are passed over for promotions by less talented employees...you should just suck it up and take it. I'm sure you would do that. Furthermore, why should DWillies risk an injury practicing his arse off for a team that he knows ain't going to use hime and he's leaving at the end of the season anyway??? Seems even more idiotic and illogical than your post.

Once again, for the 10,000 time, nobody is saying the kid can't/shouldn't leave if he doesn't feel like he is getting a fair shake. The point we are talking about is quitting during the season.

If I am slighted at work, I make a plan to make myself better so that I can make my life better in the future. For example as a 22 year old out of college I worked for an employer who totally took advantage of me wage wise. I was running a good portion of his business, and I was compensated way less than I could have gotten elsewhere. I thought about moving on, but I also had to weigh the fact that while I was getting paid way less than I should, he did have me in charge, and I was gaining valuable experience. So what I did was stay with that employer to use him and gain even more experience, worked even harder, usually 70-80 hour work weeks, saved my money and by the time I was 25 I started my own business. On Jan 1 I will have owned the business for 19 years, and I couldn't be happier over those years.

Life isn't always rainbows and butterflies. There is no doubt in my mind that if I knew I was gonna leave, I would take advantage of my employer to help me (yes this is selfish, but oh well). Willies could have used the practice, the facilities and the time to become a better football player, but he choose to just quit. I think it is shortsighted, I think it is a bad life choice. Finish out the year and move on would have served this kid better.
Let's not pass this onto a kid as his problem. The problem is he is talented and not getting the ball like he honestly should.. You see coaches getting playmakers the ball every Saturday, yet we want them to "sit and wait for the future"

That's exactly my point when I stated this is a horrible situation from a team & coaches standpoint. My point is that it shows there is a problem with either the coaches philosophy on playing players or knowing who to play. That's my whole point. But also, some players who have been successful their entire lives have a difficult time adjusting to having to wait. The more telling point to me, though, is Ferentz doesn't put the best players on the field (many younger) which gives the teams the best chance to win. Coaching staffs are supposed to prepare the players and game plan and put the players in the best situations to succeed. This coaching staff starting with Ferentz are NOT doing that and it's frustrating.
Of all the people that have left the program, has KF thrown anyone under the bus? I think of Arob and Hampton as 2 examples. Both had off the field issues, but Kirk never mentioned it and wished them both well. You can look at coaches that have left the staff, same thing

Couldn't disagree more. Only one side of the story.

Let me remind you that KF ran AROB into the ground. You want me to recite the number of carries per game leading up to the UNNECESSARY concussion against Michigan St followed by the subsequent concussion 2-3 weeks later?

Upon answering questions regarding ARob, KF mentioned he was suffering from "academic indigestion".

So did KF intervene to get ARob focused on academics? Did he lighten his practice time so he could spend more time on his studies? Did he run him into the ground to just use him up while he had him? ARob had a four game stretch where he probably had more carries than any other back during KF's tenure. A real workhorse.

Oh and around the same time frame, maybe same press conference?, KF likened concussions to knee injuries. Just a part of the game.

Uh, no. Captain. You can fix a knee.

I am sorry, and I am sure some will disagree, but I have ALWAYS had an balanced view of KF. He can be a real tool at times.
If this is really about playing time then I'm truely at a loss....When Willies came to Iowa he knew he was signing with an "old school" program, controlled by an "old school" head coach. Now we're being told that (7) games into his red shirt freshman season he is dismayed about not being the featured receiver. If true, this looks like a decision that he will certainly live to regret. I hope someone close to him is able to make him see what a huge mistake this is.
Once again, for the 10,000 time, nobody is saying the kid can't/shouldn't leave if he doesn't feel like he is getting a fair shake. The point we are talking about is quitting during the season.

If I am slighted at work, I make a plan to make myself better so that I can make my life better in the future. For example as a 22 year old out of college I worked for an employer who totally took advantage of me wage wise. I was running a good portion of his business, and I was compensated way less than I could have gotten elsewhere. I thought about moving on, but I also had to weigh the fact that while I was getting paid way less than I should, he did have me in charge, and I was gaining valuable experience. So what I did was stay with that employer to use him and gain even more experience, worked even harder, usually 70-80 hour work weeks, saved my money and by the time I was 25 I started my own business. On Jan 1 I will have owned the business for 19 years, and I couldn't be happier over those years.

Life isn't always rainbows and butterflies. There is no doubt in my mind that if I knew I was gonna leave, I would take advantage of my employer to help me (yes this is selfish, but oh well). Willies could have used the practice, the facilities and the time to become a better football player, but he choose to just quit. I think it is shortsighted, I think it is a bad life choice. Finish out the year and move on would have served this kid better.

Obviously it is you who doesn't get it. Leaving the team midseason and getting blatantly misled/passed over when you've been working your behind off are linked. You can't just separate the two and look at each in isolation...that's not how this works. Personally, I don't care what you did with your life...great for you, congrats on having a successful business. But your business does not depend on you being a physical monster on a football field. Why would you risk injury and sacrifice your body (which would HURT, not help like you imply, your future) for a coach that has misled/lied/greatly exaggerated/whatever to you and has refused to give you ample opportunity to prove your talents? You wouldn't. Good on the kid for having the courage to walk away and protect HIS future. Here's hoping that none on this board sit back and take it in the rear at their jobs (unless that is their job, which I can't believe it would be....but I digress) because it's the "right thing to do" and "builds character."
If this is really about playing time then I'm truely at a loss....When Willies came to Iowa he knew he was signing with an "old school" program, controlled by an "old school" head coach. Now we're being told that (7) games into his red shirt freshman season he is dismayed about not being the featured receiver. If true, this looks like a decision that he will certainly live to regret. I hope someone close to him is able to make him see what a huge mistake this is.

Actually this makes perfect sense. Why would he come here knowing all of that? Could it be that he was told the Iowa offense under the new OC was going to start becoming a bit more exciting, explosive, etc.? Over the past 2 years the kid saw the writing on the wall. This offensive scheme and QB are a WRs worst nightmare.
I love that you keep calling the kid a 'quitter' but will stick up for KF who has obviously been a 'liar' according to more than a handful of his players. If you've been lied to (as Willies WAS), that voids any contractual obligation I may have with you. With this kid's physical talents don't think there won't be a line out the door for him of D1 schools to choose from. By leaving right now, he has an opportunity to let things settle down and really think about which program offers him the best opportunity. Good on the kid for having the courage to not stand (on the sidelines...while he watches) for KFs broken promises anymore. This kid will land on his feet somewhere and be a contributor. I wish nothing but the best for him.

Do you have any first hand information on a kid saying KF is lying to players. I don't belive that for one min. I have never heard one kid question KF honesty. Its is so easy to attack someone on the internet where you don't have to sign your name. Say you don't like his coaching but don't say he is lying
I love that you keep calling the kid a 'quitter' but will stick up for KF who has obviously been a 'liar' according to more than a handful of his players. If you've been lied to (as Willies WAS), that voids any contractual obligation I may have with you.

What was the lie?

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