FB post from Willies' guardian

No way in hell would KF "promise" playing time to any recruit. I could however believe that some of the new young coaches on staff might oversell things a bit during the recruiting process.....
Obviously it is you who doesn't get it. Leaving the team midseason and getting blatantly misled/passed over when you've been working your behind off are linked. You can't just separate the two and look at each in isolation...that's not how this works. Personally, I don't care what you did with your life...great for you, congrats on having a successful business. But your business does not depend on you being a physical monster on a football field. Why would you risk injury and sacrifice your body (which would HURT, not help like you imply, your future) for a coach that has misled/lied/greatly exaggerated/whatever to you and has refused to give you ample opportunity to prove your talents? You wouldn't. Good on the kid for having the courage to walk away and protect HIS future. Here's hoping that none on this board sit back and take it in the rear at their jobs (unless that is their job, which I can't believe it would be....but I digress) because it's the "right thing to do" and "builds character."

Do you have kids? I could see you being the dad who complains all game their kid should be starter and be on the a team.

Growing making excuses is great if that's your thing.
No way in hell would KF "promise" playing time to any recruit. I could however believe that some of the new young coaches on staff might oversell things a bit during the recruiting process.....

Keep in mind that Willies' key recruiter and position coach (E. Campbell) was let go less than a year after he signed. Certainly a possibility he may have made some inferences about things that a new regime doesn't feel obligated to honor. How Willies was projected under the new Davis system could have been altered as well.

I agree that Ferentz is not going to promise playing time.
Just a guess, but I bet dwillies has some growing up to do, maybe immature. Even with that said he will prob go on to be a great receiver somewhere, because that's the only luck we have right now, bad luck
Obviously it is you who doesn't get it. Leaving the team midseason and getting blatantly misled/passed over when you've been working your behind off are linked. You can't just separate the two and look at each in isolation...that's not how this works. Personally, I don't care what you did with your life...great for you, congrats on having a successful business. But your business does not depend on you being a physical monster on a football field. Why would you risk injury and sacrifice your body (which would HURT, not help like you imply, your future) for a coach that has misled/lied/greatly exaggerated/whatever to you and has refused to give you ample opportunity to prove your talents? You wouldn't. Good on the kid for having the courage to walk away and protect HIS future. Here's hoping that none on this board sit back and take it in the rear at their jobs (unless that is their job, which I can't believe it would be....but I digress) because it's the "right thing to do" and "builds character."

If Willies wants to leave I don't have a problem with it but leaving mid season was in my mind a poor choice. He is maybe protecting his career by leaving but he also might have helped his career by continuing to study, practice, and try to learn as much as possible. If he is considering this as a lost year he still could have salvaged something out of it. Now, if he's sincere about his Father and being with him then my point doesn't mean a thing. If you need to help family you have to put other plans on hold. I wish he was here but I wish him well and pray for him and his family.
Actually this makes perfect sense. Why would he come here knowing all of that? Could it be that he was told the Iowa offense under the new OC was going to start becoming a bit more exciting, explosive, etc.? Over the past 2 years the kid saw the writing on the wall. This offensive scheme and QB are a WRs worst nightmare.

I liked the young man but he was confused when he did get on the field....ran wrong routes...and so he is a monster in practice but is confused on game days? Sounds like a frosh who needed more polish. He should have stuck around and be a fixture on the field for 3 seasons, starting next year....but clearly, like many teenagers, he was too impatient to even wait a season before playing in front of 100k fans at PSU and other great venues in the Big Ten.
One could argue that you won't get far in life if you waste your talent with an organization that has no intent on using you either. For you and DeanXX, if you are slighted at work, have valuable/rare skills that others at the organization don't have but you are never given a chance to prove what you can do (and when you do get a chance you look pretty darn good), and are passed over for promotions by less talented employees...you should just suck it up and take it. I'm sure you would do that. Furthermore, why should DWillies risk an injury practicing his arse off for a team that he knows ain't going to use hime and he's leaving at the end of the season anyway??? Seems even more idiotic and illogical than your post.

Just a hunch but I would bet you haven't reached the age of 30 yet.
Pretty crazy to be 7 games into the season and we still don't know what our philospophy is on offense. We haven't established the run in any games ... We have Jake throwing it 50+ in 2 seperate games ... It just seems like Davis and Kirk can't get on the right page and this Davis experiment has just been a flop. I never thought I would say I miss the O'Keefe offense ... It may have been predictable at times ... but we moved the ball ...
I don't understand the "Shouldn't have transferred in middle of season, wait till end of season" arguement. KF obviously wasn't going to bump him up the depth chart. So his lack of playing time wasn't going to change much (based on almost everything we've seen from KF's loyalty).

It doesn't affect our offense when he is sitting on the sideline vs sitting at home (either way he isn't playing).

It's crappy that he bailed on his teammates, but you can't tell me that a red shirt freshman is the glue that holds the team together. It's not like Weisman or another upper classman leader is bailing.

Im not at all saying I'm happy he is gone, far from it. I thought this kid was going to be a program changing talent. And I'm extremely angry he's leaving (part of me still thinks he will reconsider). But I don't see a difference if he leaves now or end of year. It hurts him the most as he used up his red shirt and now wastes a year and a half of eligibility instead of the normal year.
Six Pages of posts, many very good ones. However, the title, "Post from Willies' Guardian" has NEVER been confirmed as true. I asked the question 5 pages ago and have not received an answer. How about it, OP?
So I have a very easy question, are you friends with him on FB? If your not that explains why there is nothing.. Way to easy.. :)

I don't know Nic, but I do have friends that are friends with him on FB as I used to live in Burlington..

Go look at the page... you're wrong.
wasn't he playing behind Smith. Who thinks he was ready to beat Smith out ?

To be fair, I don't think it would be an issue of being the starter, more an issue of seeing the field and getting meaningful reps. But if he's been hurt and/or made mistakes, he would have nobody to blame but himself, on the one hand, while on the other hand citing the fact Parker has gotten plenty of touches since the Ball State game.
He decided to leave no different from anyone leaving a University to go to another University mid-season. Someone really went as far as to say it will affect his future employment and getting a hired which is really big stretch, come on now.. To funny! Think what we have here is some KF fans that don't like him leaving and now want to tear Willies to Shreds. Shame on you! Kid is moving on, stop preaching and ridiculing him for his decision.
To be fair, I don't think it would be an issue of being the starter, more an issue of seeing the field and getting meaningful reps. But if he's been hurt and/or made mistakes, he would have nobody to blame but himself, on the one hand, while on the other hand citing the fact Parker has gotten plenty of touches since the Ball State game.
Not argueing Bob, but other than since he was dinged up. Who was playing in front of him at his position except Smith ? I could be wrong but cant think of anybody. Sometimes people scream without thinking it through. Anyone that knows feel free to jump in on this
He decided to leave no different from anyone leaving a University to go to another University mid-season. Someone really went as far as to say it will affect his future employment and getting a hired which is really big stretch, come on now.. To funny! Think what we have here is some KF fans that don't like him leaving and now want to tear Willies to Shreds. Shame on you! Kid is moving on, stop preaching and ridiculing him for his decision.

Speaking of preaching......this post is pretty preachy

Not argueing Bob, but other than since he was dinged up. Who was playing in front of him at his position except Smith ? I could be wrong but cant think of anybody. Sometimes people scream without thinking it through. Anyone that knows feel free to jump in on this

According to some here Mccarron and Vandenberg were stealing his "touches" including punt returns.

Position be damned, they were taking his touches.

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