FB post from Willies' guardian

Yes, leaving now is a bad choice. But that doesn't excuse the coaches for failing to utilize their game-breakers more effectively. This bad choice doesn't erase the legitimacy of his frustration.

I'm not saying it give the coaches a pass. I'm as frustrated as everyone is by the personnel decision going on with this staff. I'm saying that as a life decision, leaving the team because of this is a mistake. I hope things work out for him, but this is not a good choice, no matter how frustrated he is. People need to deal with these frustrations by re doubling their efforts, not quitting. As I said, nothing bad will ever come from working harder, the reward might not materialize next week, or next month, or with the Hawkeyes at all, but make no mistakes the hard work would pay off for him at some point, somewhere.
Wassa matter wit tea party?

Hahaha nothing old friend, nothing at all. It was more of a remark on the whole picture.

more of a friendly reminder that the veil of anonymity shouldnt be used as a safety net to be a dingleberry, because you never know who has military training to uncover identities..

Like I said, I'm not giving up the anonymity he enjoys here, but he needs to know if I can find his identity, other people -- and he's not just annoying me -- can too.
Wow...this is not Tashard Choice transferring because he is sitting behind a Adrain Peterson. This is a redshirt freshman that isn't good enough to get PT behind a mediocre receiving core. The claims that KF doesn't play underclassmen and that is why Willes isn't playing are BS. Explain Bo Bower, Sean Welsh, Desmond King, James Morris, Dougie Fresh, etc. Willes isn't playing because he hasn't beaten out the players in front of him. Much like the other entitled cry babies that transferred instead of worked for PT, look for Willes to make no impact wherever he goes. Good riddance young man.
Nic Gieselman

"So everyone knows. Derrick is very smart and a special talent. To think that there is something else going on other than his fit into the offensive scheme. You are wrong."

Thank you Nic Gieselman for confirming Derrick's father's illness wasn't the real reason.

Because a redshirt frosh who quits mid-season solely due to "his fit into the offensive scheme" is not "very smart". He's a quitter, and just raised a big red flag for future coaches, teammates and employers.

I've been frustrated with Ferentz' offenses for years, but if you can't see the problem with applauding a move like this, I hope to God you aren't raising sons. That said, best wishes to Derrick, he may need to learn the hard way what his guardian wouldn't teach him: to stick through adversity and be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
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Leave people like that alone. If they're miserable, just let them wallow in it. You make no profit pushing them further down. About the only benefit might be your personal enjoyment. Which I suspect is true in your case. Most people who enjoy trolling do not have the mental capacity to realize when you're just allowing them to go on for your own personal enjoyment. Happens on here a lot. They say they don't care, get kicked off, and have a scary, unhealthy obsession about the place they claim to hate and not care about. All the while patting themselves on the back, and claiming to have won some sort of dysfunctional trolling contest. Sane persons only need to observe reality to realize they are delusional and not mentally healthy.
I'm not saying it give the coaches a pass. I'm as frustrated as everyone is by the personnel decision going on with this staff. I'm saying that as a life decision, leaving the team because of this is a mistake. I hope things work out for him, but this is not a good choice, no matter how frustrated he is. People need to deal with these frustrations by re doubling their efforts, not quitting. As I said, nothing bad will ever come from working harder, the reward might not materialize next week, or next month, or with the Hawkeyes at all, but make no mistakes the hard work would pay off for him at some point, somewhere.

That's a pretty tough lesson for a kid to learn at that young of an age. How many of us learn that by the time we're 19 or 20? I'm not afraid to say I don't believe I thought that maturely or that logically when I was Willies' age.

It's tough for us to judge because we just don't know Derrick's complete issues and his level of frustration. We can speculate but ...

All I know is, it's difficult to tell any person (let alone a kid) to keep giving when they aren't getting anything in return. You can dangle the carrot in front of someone, but you have to let them nibble a little bit.
Leave people like that alone. If they're miserable, just let them wallow in it. You make no profit pushing them further down. About the only benefit might be your personal enjoyment. Which I suspect is true in your case. Most people who enjoy trolling do not have the mental capacity to realize when you're just allowing them to go on for your own personal enjoyment. Happens on here a lot. They say they don't care, get kicked off, and have a scary, unhealthy obsession about the place they claim to hate and not care about. All the while patting themselves on the back, and claiming to have won some sort of dysfunctional trolling contest. Sane persons only need to observe reality to realize they are delusional and not mentally healthy.

Touche.. Posts edited
I'm not saying it give the coaches a pass. I'm as frustrated as everyone is by the personnel decision going on with this staff. I'm saying that as a life decision, leaving the team because of this is a mistake. I hope things work out for him, but this is not a good choice, no matter how frustrated he is. People need to deal with these frustrations by re doubling their efforts, not quitting. As I said, nothing bad will ever come from working harder, the reward might not materialize next week, or next month, or with the Hawkeyes at all, but make no mistakes the hard work would pay off for him at some point, somewhere.

Truth. Selfishly I want him to stay because he could help this team in the future, as well as helping this season. Seeing so many leave like Wegher; Coker; Grant; Wilson; Hill etc. It gets hard as a fan knowing that Iowa doesn't bring in lots of kids with his level of talent, just to see it leave. It's no fun imagining what 2010-2013 would've looked like with Coker and Wegher as part of our offense. I honestly wish our QB depth chart was CJ/Sokol. Now we're probably going to lose CJ and that is a bummer. I'm a big fan of too much depth. And just when it looks like we are about to achieve it, it slips away. Depressing to think about.
Wow...this is not Tashard Choice transferring because he is sitting behind a Adrain Peterson. This is a redshirt freshman that isn't good enough to get PT behind a mediocre receiving core. The claims that KF doesn't play underclassmen and that is why Willes isn't playing are BS. Explain Bo Bower, Sean Welsh, Desmond King, James Morris, Dougie Fresh, etc. Willes isn't playing because he hasn't beaten out the players in front of him. Much like the other entitled cry babies that transferred instead of worked for PT, look for Willes to make no impact wherever he goes. Good riddance young man.

Wake up man. Seriously.

There isn't a freshman in the world who could beat out KMM at this point.

Willies is the most physically gifted receiver on the team.

The QB and OC situations probably have as much to do with it as anything.

This program is a mess.
That's a pretty tough lesson for a kid to learn at that young of an age. How many of us learn that by the time we're 19 or 20? I'm not afraid to say I don't believe I thought that maturely or that logically when I was Willies' age.

It's tough for us to judge because we just don't know Derrick's complete issues and his level of frustration. We can speculate but ...

All I know is, it's difficult to tell any person (let alone a kid) to keep giving when they aren't getting anything in return. You can dangle the carrot in front of someone, but you have to let them nibble a little bit.

I believe Willies missed the Maryland game because he was injured. I do recall him missing at least one, if not two, smoke audibles in the Indiana. Tough to get reps when you are injured and you are not helping your cause if you fail to capitalize when your number is called.
This bad choice doesn't erase the legitimacy of his frustration.

but the best answer when you are frustrated isn't to quit. you know - life can be tough. getting thru 'tough times' like being away from your loved ones, being at school, getting an education while playing as a true freshman in the big ten - that certainly could mold you - but not if you run when you haven't even been there long enough to finish a cup of coffee.

does anyone know if he is at least going to finish the semester? or is that throw away material as well?
I believe Willies missed the Maryland game because he was injured. I do recall him missing at least one, if not two, smoke audibles in the Indiana. Tough to get reps when you are injured and you are not helping your cause if you fail to capitalize when your number is called.

When you have the most talent of any player at your position, is it better to learn on the job or sit on the bench and work against the 2s in practice?

Over 17 yards per catch says he's got some decent production to contribute.

Let's be clear, though, this issue isn't just about Derrick Willies. Tevaun Smith, Damon Powell and Jonathan Parker have loads of ability, too, and they rarely touch the ball.
wondering about D. Willies - wonder how long he's ever stayed in any one place? he's had a difficult life, as i understand it, up to this point.

and when you are at that age, decisions are sometimes not well thought out and maybe not the best, long term. i know i can say that for my self at that age.

Sorry, but this is such an ignorant post. The kid has monster skills -- you can't imagine the things this kid does in practice. I mentioned this before on this board (about two or three weeks ago) that several WRs were extremely frustrated with their place in Kurt's brilliant offense and there would be MULTIPLE defections. This was card number 1 and there will be more before this is all said and done. When will you KF apologists wake up and recognize that our program is circling the drain with captain conservative and his sidekick check down Charlie? Love my Hawks, hate what they are becoming.
When you have the most talent of any player at your position, is it better to learn on the job or sit on the bench and work against the 2s in practice?

Over 17 yards per catch says he's got some decent production to contribute.

Let's be clear, though, this issue isn't just about Derrick Willies. Tevaun Smith, Damon Powell and Jonathan Parker have loads of ability, too, and they rarely touch the ball.

There in lies your real problem. The head coaches personnel decisions.

Most players don't leave when they know the guy ahead of them is better and they will get their turn. That makes perfect sense.

They leave when guys ahead of them are not better and there is no logical explanation.

That destroys faith in leadership.
Sorry, but this is such an ignorant post. The kid has monster skills -- you can't imagine the things this kid does in practice. I mentioned this before on this board (about two or three weeks ago) that several WRs were extremely frustrated with their place in Kurt's brilliant offense and there would be MULTIPLE defections. This was card number 1 and there will be more before this is all said and done. When will you KF apologists wake up and recognize that our program is circling the drain with captain conservative and his sidekick check down Charlie? Love my Hawks, hate what they are becoming.

thanks for correcting my ignorance.

i'm not apologizing for anyone - just posting about the situation, as are you.

at the end of the day, Ferentz will be ok.

I wish the best for Willies, and any other player in his situation that resolves a tough situation by 'quitting'. His road just got tougher.
thanks for correcting my ignorance.

i'm not apologizing for anyone - just posting about the situation, as are you.

at the end of the day, Ferentz will be ok.

I wish the best for Willies, and any other player in his situation that resolves a tough situation by 'quitting'. His road just got tougher.

I love that you keep calling the kid a 'quitter' but will stick up for KF who has obviously been a 'liar' according to more than a handful of his players. If you've been lied to (as Willies WAS), that voids any contractual obligation I may have with you. With this kid's physical talents don't think there won't be a line out the door for him of D1 schools to choose from. By leaving right now, he has an opportunity to let things settle down and really think about which program offers him the best opportunity. Good on the kid for having the courage to not stand (on the sidelines...while he watches) for KFs broken promises anymore. This kid will land on his feet somewhere and be a contributor. I wish nothing but the best for him.
Sorry, but this is such an ignorant post. The kid has monster skills -- you can't imagine the things this kid does in practice. I mentioned this before on this board (about two or three weeks ago) that several WRs were extremely frustrated with their place in Kurt's brilliant offense and there would be MULTIPLE defections. This was card number 1 and there will be more before this is all said and done. When will you KF apologists wake up and recognize that our program is circling the drain with captain conservative and his sidekick check down Charlie? Love my Hawks, hate what they are becoming.

KF is basically Joe Paterno at this point.
thanks for correcting my ignorance.

i'm not apologizing for anyone - just posting about the situation, as are you.

at the end of the day, Ferentz will be ok.

I wish the best for Willies, and any other player in his situation that resolves a tough situation by 'quitting'. His road just got tougher.

Well of course he'll be fine, that's is entirely the problem. There is no financial repercussion possible for his ineptitude, and you better believe he is fully aware of it..
I love that you keep calling the kid a 'quitter' but will stick up for KF who has obviously been a 'liar' according to more than a handful of his players. If you've been lied to (as Willies WAS), that voids any contractual obligation I may have with you. With this kid's physical talents don't think there won't be a line out the door for him of D1 schools to choose from. By leaving right now, he has an opportunity to let things settle down and really think about which program offers him the best opportunity. Good on the kid for having the courage to not stand (on the sidelines...while he watches) for KFs broken promises anymore. This kid will land on his feet somewhere and be a contributor. I wish nothing but the best for him.

I don't know if Imported Ankle is a troll or just an idiot, but if he's not a troll he has proven that he would give his life to save Ferentz and also give that same life to badmouth a 20 year old who wants to leave the program. Either way he's got issues that can only be addressed by trained professionals and shouldn't be responded to on here.
I don't know if Imported Ankle is a troll or just an idiot, but if he's not a troll he has proven that he would give his life to save Ferentz and also give that same life to badmouth a 20 year old who wants to leave the program. Either way he's got issues that can only be addressed by trained professionals and shouldn't be responded to on here.

I don't think he's a troll.

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