FB post from Willies' guardian

I did I'm not friends with him so it doesn't show me active current postings he has made. His profile setting are not open Scooter, it will show random snippets of pics and posting that is all.

Well, I am and the alleged post doesn't exist.

This whole thread is a fraud.
I wish I had a guardian angel looking out for me, protecting me from bad offensive coordinators and past their prime head coaches or upset teammates.
He decided to leave no different from anyone leaving a University to go to another University mid-season. Someone really went as far as to say it will affect his future employment and getting a hired which is really big stretch, come on now.. To funny! Think what we have here is some KF fans that don't like him leaving and now want to tear Willies to Shreds. Shame on you! Kid is moving on, stop preaching and ridiculing him for his decision.

Anybody who is a Hawk fan shouldn't like him leaving. And anybody who hates KF so much that they like to see Willies leaving to spite him ain't no Hawk fan.

And if you think that leaving a team to go to another is the same as leaving a university to go to another, I can only assume you're a sociopath who has no concept of loyalty or fraternity.
Do you have any first hand information on a kid saying KF is lying to players. I don't belive that for one min. I have never heard one kid question KF honesty. Its is so easy to attack someone on the internet where you don't have to sign your name. Say you don't like his coaching but don't say he is lying

Wow, you really haven't been paying attention much as to why CJB came back this year have you. There were a number of players who were (not promised), but essentially told one thing and it has turned out to be completely false. As a result, those athletes felt they were misled/lied to/whatever you want to call that. It's pretty simple really. Lets talk at the end of the season when everyone's made their decisions about next year shall we. So far, I think I've provided some pretty accurate information (as have a number of other posters who have some type of connection with the program).
No way in hell would KF "promise" playing time to any recruit. I could however believe that some of the new young coaches on staff might oversell things a bit during the recruiting process.....

No coach promises anything to any athlete. But when you tell an athlete they will get a fair shake, that you are going to be an integral part of the offensive scheme, and then you see the field twice...that seems a bit like a lie to me. Especially when the two tds you catch are a big reason this team is 5-2 and not 4-3 or 3-4.
Do you have any first hand information on a kid saying KF is lying to players. I don't belive that for one min. I have never heard one kid question KF honesty. Its is so easy to attack someone on the internet where you don't have to sign your name. Say you don't like his coaching but don't say he is lying

DJK says Hi. Or high.
Do you have kids? I could see you being the dad who complains all game their kid should be starter and be on the a team.

Growing making excuses is great if that's your thing.

What are you talking about? This doesn't make any sense...but why am I not surprised.
Just a hunch but I would bet you haven't reached the age of 30 yet.

Wow so witty, how does he do it folks. Is this your way of asking my a/s/l??? I'm actually almost 40, retired and just do some consulting gigs when I feel like it. Rough...I know!
Not argueing Bob, but other than since he was dinged up. Who was playing in front of him at his position except Smith ? I could be wrong but cant think of anybody. Sometimes people scream without thinking it through. Anyone that knows feel free to jump in on this

Hard to say with this WR corps. Some times we see Hillyer, or Vandeberg or KMM or Smith, etc., but other than the starters, how can you really say who is "ahead". Number of catches is only one aspect. A guy could play every down at WR, but if he can't get open effectively, he'll have less catches. Or, in this offense, he'll be touted as a great downfield blocker!
Wow, you really haven't been paying attention much as to why CJB came back this year have you. There were a number of players who were (not promised), but essentially told one thing and it has turned out to be completely false. As a result, those athletes felt they were misled/lied to/whatever you want to call that. It's pretty simple really. Lets talk at the end of the season when everyone's made their decisions about next year shall we. So far, I think I've provided some pretty accurate information (as have a number of other posters who have some type of connection with the program).

Funny, I know a guy who had an "in-law" on the team last year, and according to him, CJB was NEVER leaving or talking about it, in fact, he "loves" Iowa and Iowa City.
Wow, you really haven't been paying attention much as to why CJB came back this year have you. There were a number of players who were (not promised), but essentially told one thing and it has turned out to be completely false. As a result, those athletes felt they were misled/lied to/whatever you want to call that. It's pretty simple really. Lets talk at the end of the season when everyone's made their decisions about next year shall we. So far, I think I've provided some pretty accurate information (as have a number of other posters who have some type of connection with the program).

You cant back up one thing you said. I don't like the way some things are going. But for some some guy hiding on the internet to call KF a LIER I cant belive you arnt banned
Hard to say with this WR corps. Some times we see Hillyer, or Vandeberg or KMM or Smith, etc., but other than the starters, how can you really say who is "ahead". Number of catches is only one aspect. A guy could play every down at WR, but if he can't get open effectively, he'll have less catches. Or, in this offense, he'll be touted as a great downfield blocker!

But Bob there 3 WR postions. most guys only know 1 or 2 at the most Very seldom does anyone guy know all 3 positions.
No coach promises anything to any athlete. But when you tell an athlete they will get a fair shake, that you are going to be an integral part of the offensive scheme, and then you see the field twice...that seems a bit like a lie to me. Especially when the two tds you catch are a big reason this team is 5-2 and not 4-3 or 3-4.

Wow. You are clueless. He saw the field a lot more than two times before he was nicked up. And he only caught one TD pass. With the statement that he would get a fair shake is also the promise from the kid that he will work hard and prove he deserves it. If you go out on the field and then show you aren't prepared why should he get more time? See the Purdue game. He got two targets on which he didn't know what was going on. The fact he gave up so early is an indictment on him not the coaches. That attitude won't get him very far on any other team he goes to. In fact, given his track record of moving around I wouldn't be surprised if he leaves the next place he goes as well when things don't go his way. The kid has the physical tools to be a good player but unless he changes his attitude he will just be another kid who has wasted his talent.

I am sure Greg Mabin was told he would get a fair shake to earn the starting CB spot and then he went out and earned the starting spot. He could have dogged it when early he was behind Fleming and/or Draper. Do you think Meier didn't work hard to beat out Hardy.
But Bob there 3 WR postions. most guys only know 1 or 2 at the most Very seldom does anyone guy know all 3 positions.

Put it this way, he was usually listed on the 2-deeps. He was injured for Indiana game, IIRC. We only had one game since then. It was curious how we seldom seemed to throw his way, but as others have pointed out, several things could be factoring into that.
Look, here's how I see it....

As a Hawkeye fan, it sucks balls that what appeared to be one of our most athletically gifted receivers has left the team. I wish he would have stayed and understood that his time would come.

On the other hand, to throw out bullspit terms like "FRATERNITY", "LOYALTY", "FIDELITY", etc as if DW was in the Marines is ridiculous and flat out stupid.

In this day and age of college football where everyone from the head coach on down to some scrub athletic department administrator is making hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars, where players bust their ***, but if they're paid $3,000 to sign their name they're given a 4 game suspension and 40 hours of community service, where until just recently a coach couldn't buy a poor player a meal after a long road trip and the dining hall was closed, where in a lot of places if a player gets hurt they get their scholarship yanked.....make no mistake about it, there's none of those feel good things like loyalty happening from the other side either.

In the REAL WORLD (which is what I keep hearing people lecture DW about), people leave employment ALL THE TIME when they feel like they're getting passed over for promotion (whether true or not, perception is reality). And let's make no mistake about it....these players are employees in everything but name only.

So while I'm pi$$ed as all get out that he left, I'm not going to let my love for the Hawks blind me to the fact that what he did happens thousands of time a day all over the world.

Just let it go guys....
Wow...this is not Tashard Choice transferring because he is sitting behind a Adrain Peterson. This is a redshirt freshman that isn't good enough to get PT behind a mediocre receiving core. The claims that KF doesn't play underclassmen and that is why Willes isn't playing are BS. Explain Bo Bower, Sean Welsh, Desmond King, James Morris, Dougie Fresh, etc. Willes isn't playing because he hasn't beaten out the players in front of him. Much like the other entitled cry babies that transferred instead of worked for PT, look for Willes to make no impact wherever he goes. Good riddance young man.

Explain to me why our best QB is on the bench? In the very limited time he's been on the field CJB has clearly shown he is our best option at that position. You're making a good point if there was no evidence of the opposite.
Red, I don't know if you say he is clearly our best option. In my opinion he should have been played in the non conference games and given a chance to show what he has. You can clearly say he has a better arm and is a better runner. But a big part of a QB is between the ears. That im not sure anyone but the staff is in a position to know that.

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