Des Moines Lincoln High School Coach Update

I have no problem with making the kid read the tweet in front of the team. He should be embassed like that.

I have no problem with the exra conditioning, provided he had adequate water.

I have a huge problem with the coach encouraging ,directly or indirectly, any threats of violence against the kid. That is clearly not appropriate and the coach should have been immediately terminated if that happened.

Guess Travism and TC feel that this is okay, lessoned learned they should have potential violence brought upon them. It's a teaching moment.. :)..
lol.. Nice try.. So your not a parent yet.. Talk to me when you are.. :)

Actually I am a parent, of a son, which I said in my post. I will also..GASP...spank my son. I got yelled at by my coaches, all my friends got yelled at by their coaches, and sometimes in the same type of manner in which you are reading. They all turned out perfectly fine. This includes my friends that had coach Mihalovich at the age of 10-12 with the Packers.
Guess Travism and TC feel that this is okay, lessoned learned they should have potential violence brought upon them. It's a teaching moment.. :)..

I'm sure he would have taken a few extra hits in practice. I know the kid in my situation, when I was 12 years old, got in the middle of a circle and people took turns going 1 on one with him. After practice, I'm sure if anyone beat up the kid, they would have been given a trophy by the coach and faced no discipline lol...give me a break. You guys are pansies.
Actually I am a parent, of a son, which I said in my post. I will also..GASP...spank my son. I got yelled at by my coaches, all my friends got yelled at by their coaches, and sometimes in the same type of manner in which you are reading. They all turned out perfectly fine. This includes my friends that had coach Mihalovich at the age of 10-12 with the Packers.

Good luck then, I hope all works out for the young man.

I have a 2 sons one playing football at the HS level and another in Middle School. Trust me I have no problem with teaching moments, I've seen and experienced teaching moments as a kid and adult playing and coaching. I wouldn't ever take it to the level that Coach Mihalovich took it, that is unacceptable. When you start comprising someone safety you have taken it too damn far. Enough said!! I'm done listening to you try and justify to the extent this was taken. No kid deserves that..
I'm sure he would have taken a few extra hits in practice. I know the kid in my situation, when I was 12 years old, got in the middle of a circle and people took turns going 1 on one with him. After practice, I'm sure if anyone beat up the kid, they would have been given a trophy by the coach and faced no discipline lol...give me a break. You guys are pansies.

Man, where do you live so I can make sure I stay as far away from you and your kid. Because he's going to grow up just like you. Pretty sad...
Good luck then, I hope all works out for the young man.

I have a 2 sons one playing football at the HS level and another in Middle School. Trust me I have no problem with teaching moments, I've seen and experienced teaching moments as a kid and adult playing and coaching. I wouldn't ever take it to the level that Coach Mihalovich took it, that is unacceptable. When you start comprising someone safety you have taken it too damn far. Enough said!! I'm done listening to you try and justify to the extent this was taken. No kid deserves that..

Best Cry Ever - YouTube
Man, where do you live so I can make sure I stay as far away from you and your kid. Because he's going to grow up just like you. Pretty sad...

Oh, come one man! Your kid would be fine! He could run home and tell mommy and she would protect him! I'm sure he's well aware of that though judging by your posts. Pretty sad...
I think we can all agree that Travis is clearly the Alpha of this group.

A clear example of the pussification of our society right here. A guy sticking up for the way things have been done for the entire history of a sport is now considered the "alpha" lol. Not everything TM has done is right. The Chris Street stuff is disturbing, and he let a scumbag kid play after kicking the crap out of a girl. I'm talking about the way he handled this specific case.

Extra running: Fine
Making him an example: Fine
Humiliating him in front of the team that this kid is supposed to be a part of, which he publicly bashed: Fine

Had he encouraged the kids to kick the **** out of the kid I would have a problem with it. He didn't do that. People are just drawing that conclusion. It's being said that this little puke refused to apologize to the team. That says everything I need to know about him, and the way his parents raised him.
A clear example of the pussification of our society right here. A guy sticking up for the way things have been done for the entire history of a sport is now considered the "alpha" lol. Not everything TM has done is right. The Chris Street stuff is disturbing, and he let a scumbag kid play after kicking the crap out of a girl. I'm talking about the way he handled this specific case.

Extra running: Fine
Making him an example: Fine
Humiliating him in front of the team that this kid is supposed to be a part of, which he publicly bashed: Fine

Had he encouraged the kids to kick the **** out of the kid I would have a problem with it. He didn't do that. People are just drawing that conclusion. It's being said that this little puke refused to apologize to the team. That says everything I need to know about him, and the way his parents raised him.


You are an example the the idiotification of our society. You cling to horribly wrong beliefs with nothing to support them except the fact it's the way you think things should be done, and then you attempt to belittle anyone who opposes you with a hint of logic or common sense.

I'd rather have a society of ******* like 95% of the people here rather than a society of idiots like you.
A clear example of the pussification of our society right here. A guy sticking up for the way things have been done for the entire history of a sport is now considered the "alpha" lol. Not everything TM has done is right. The Chris Street stuff is disturbing, and he let a scumbag kid play after kicking the crap out of a girl. I'm talking about the way he handled this specific case.

Extra running: Fine
Making him an example: Fine
Humiliating him in front of the team that this kid is supposed to be a part of, which he publicly bashed: Fine

Had he encouraged the kids to kick the **** out of the kid I would have a problem with it. He didn't do that. People are just drawing that conclusion. It's being said that this little puke refused to apologize to the team. That says everything I need to know about him, and the way his parents raised him.

This has nothing to do with "pussification" or anything of the sort

So you think a coach calling a 17 year old kid a C*** Sucker and Mother F***** or calling him a ***** and telling him to buy Vagisile (read the report) that makes someone tough? That kind of trashy idiotic low life behavior has never made anyone a better football player.

That has nothing to do with making someone tough.

I've known about Mihalovich for years - there are many more stories worse than this. I really think some of you "Defenders" really have no clue to be honest.. Just because you talked to the guy a couple times. I've heard a lot of other stories. This guy has been asking for this for a long time.

Swearing - no one really cares about swearing but if really that's all you can come up with really its doesn't gain any respect from anyone with an IQ above 60 and looks like Trash.

How about how he took all the equipment away from the coaches and players after he got suspended?

Is that caring about your friends or players?

Tom is all about Tom and his ego is ferocious - so ferocious that people are scared of him and that's what he does with both adults and kids - he bullies them into getting what he wants.

It's been done before through history - nothing to be proud of.

Mihalovich is a great example of the hot headed hypocrite - Demanding respect to a point of corruption yet respecting nothing and no one else.
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I'm talking about the way he handled this specific case.

i know you are. but everyone else is talking about the big picture and the guy's history. i think you're misunderstanding that crucial part. no one at any time in this thread is against some type of punishment. now, i don't know anyone involved, so i'm not making sweeping judgments but you have to agree that this coach has done himself no favors to get the benefit of the doubt from his superiors. it appears that intimidation is his method of choice, and many on here have a problem with that. you obviously don't. i don't think this particular incident would be a fire-able offense, except maybe when the big picture is considered.

do you know the people involved? who cares if the kid is a punk? you are drawing your own conclusions, just so you know.

one last thing. it is okay to do things differently than in the past. physical discipline of your kids has always been acceptable until the last couple decades or so. you and i may think there's a time and place for that, but society doesn't. guess who has to change?
Y'all should ask yourselves one question: would our beloved Kurt Ferrets evar do to a youngster with this coach whatsizname did?
Y'all should ask yourselves one question: would our beloved Kurt Ferrets evar do to a youngster with this coach whatsizname did?

This raises an interesting question. I'm sure that all of you that are ****** about this were up in arms about the KF/Doyle situation. Kids were physically hurt BADLY in that case. All in the name of TEAM. The drill was fine with everyone because that's how it had been done forever, and most kids were perfectly fine. So, do me a favor and everyone who's up in arms about this, throw me a linky to your outrage over Kirk's corporal punishment in the Rhabdo case.
This raises an interesting question. I'm sure that all of you that are ****** about this were up in arms about the KF/Doyle situation. Kids were physically hurt BADLY in that case. All in the name of TEAM. The drill was fine with everyone because that's how it had been done forever, and most kids were perfectly fine. So, do me a favor and everyone who's up in arms about this, throw me a linky to your outrage over Kirk's corporal punishment in the Rhabdo case.

You know I love you, brah,'re on your own on this one.
Actually I am a parent, of a son, which I said in my post. I will also..GASP...spank my son. I got yelled at by my coaches, all my friends got yelled at by their coaches, and sometimes in the same type of manner in which you are reading. They all turned out perfectly fine. This includes my friends that had coach Mihalovich at the age of 10-12 with the Packers.

YOU say they and yourself all "turned out fine" but I don't think most here would trust your judgement of that based on the things you're approving of in your posts on this topic.

There's a fine line between "old school" discipline and abuse. Have teammates go 1 on 1 against the same kid over and over as punishment is over the line. Kid gets hurt and hello lawsuit and deservedly so.

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