Des Moines Lincoln High School Coach Update

In the history of mankind, only one man, Ronald Reagan, has been able to DERP his way to victory in an argument Trav.

You sir, are no Ronald Reagan. Give it up.

Or keep it going, I kind of win either way...
YOU say they and yourself all "turned out fine" but I don't think most here would trust your judgement of that based on the things you're approving of in your posts on this topic.

There's a fine line between "old school" discipline and abuse. Have teammates go 1 on 1 against the same kid over and over as punishment is over the line. Kid gets hurt and hello lawsuit and deservedly so.

Fine. I disagree with pretty much everyone. I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever. It wasn't 1 on 1 in a gun duel. It was football. It was team building, including for the kid. The kid showed guts by taking his tongue lashing and 1 on 1's and everyone was cool with him afterwards because he accepted it and apologized. And we were freaking 13 years old. I honestly don't get what was wrong with the punishment in this case specifically. It is what it is.

I guess it's similar to if my kid lipped off to a bigger, older kid because he thought that the kid wouldn't smack him...and he gets smacked. If he comes home crying to me about it, I'm gonna tell him he had it coming. There are consequences, and you can't get bailed out of everything in the real world. Parents today IMO are doing kids a huge injustice by handicapping them in this regard.
Fine. I disagree with pretty much everyone. I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever. It wasn't 1 on 1 in a gun duel. It was football. It was team building, including for the kid. The kid showed guts by taking his tongue lashing and 1 on 1's and everyone was cool with him afterwards because he accepted it and apologized. And we were freaking 13 years old. I honestly don't get what was wrong with the punishment in this case specifically. It is what it is.

I guess it's similar to if my kid lipped off to a bigger, older kid because he thought that the kid wouldn't smack him...and he gets smacked. If he comes home crying to me about it, I'm gonna tell him he had it coming. There are consequences, and you can't get bailed out of everything in the real world. Parents today IMO are doing kids a huge injustice by handicapping them in this regard.

I'm glad that you disagree with everyone here, it shows that we're better than you.
Travis' dad...

Jeez... Much ado about nothing... Lincoln WAS a great school.... When I went there... A LONG time ago... YELLING a a player? Making him RUN??? Unheard of!!! This is all crap... He didnt SHOWER with the punk!
I'm sure he would have taken a few extra hits in practice. I know the kid in my situation, when I was 12 years old, got in the middle of a circle and people took turns going 1 on one with him. After practice, I'm sure if anyone beat up the kid, they would have been given a trophy by the coach and faced no discipline lol...give me a break. You guys are pansies.

Travis and TC have got the world by its balls. These guys are big and tough. They have the solution to this politically correct world. God knows it wasn't people like them that caused the need for all of this era's politically correct mumbo jumbo anyway. Jeepers, Travis even had a 12 year old friend that played football and was disciplined. Look how he turned out. The world needs more tough guys like you men. Bravo.
Fine. I disagree with pretty much everyone. I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever. It wasn't 1 on 1 in a gun duel. It was football. It was team building, including for the kid. The kid showed guts by taking his tongue lashing and 1 on 1's and everyone was cool with him afterwards because he accepted it and apologized. And we were freaking 13 years old. I honestly don't get what was wrong with the punishment in this case specifically. It is what it is.

I guess it's similar to if my kid lipped off to a bigger, older kid because he thought that the kid wouldn't smack him...and he gets smacked. If he comes home crying to me about it, I'm gonna tell him he had it coming. There are consequences, and you can't get bailed out of everything in the real world. Parents today IMO are doing kids a huge injustice by handicapping them in this regard.

Haha it's the big tough conservative dad who teaches his kid not to have self confidence and that he should expect to get his *** kicked whenever he talks. You are a moron.
Haha it's the big tough conservative dad who teaches his kid not to have self confidence and that he should expect to get his *** kicked whenever he talks. You are a moron.

lol the irony in this post is classic. An ignorant dbag running his mouth on a computer, who probably does need to get his *** kicked, taking about someone getting their *** kicked for running their mouth lol I love it.
lol the irony in this post is classic. An ignorant dbag running his mouth on a computer, who probably does need to get his *** kicked, taking about someone getting their *** kicked for running their mouth lol I love it.

U mad? Ya u mad.
U mad? Ya u mad.

Not at all my dude. I was being serious. I think it's hilarious. People are getting this ****** about a little punk high school kid and his ***** father who raised his kid to be a little *****. Hang on, my lawyer's on line 3. We're gonna sue my kindergarten teacher for not giving me a gold star for my finger painting on day 6.
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Not at all my dude. I was being serious. I think it's hilarious.People are getting this ****** about a little punk high school kid and his ***** father who raised his kid to be a little *****. Hang on, my lawyer's on line 3. We're gonna sue my kindergarten teacher for not giving me a gold star for my finger painting on day 6.

You obviously have some mental issue preventing rational thought. Were you physically abused as a child? Do you beat your own kid? I bet your kid is scared to death of you and fears coming home from school because of how you treat him.
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Not at all my dude. I was being serious. I think it's hilarious. People are getting this ****** about a little punk high school kid and his ***** father who raised his kid to be a little *****. Hang on, my lawyer's on line 3. We're gonna sue my kindergarten teacher for not giving me a gold star for my finger painting on day 6.

Once again, do you know the people involved that you're making these judgments on? Did you read the article? Guessing not because all the folks who initially were on your side changed their tune after reading the article.
lol the irony in this post is classic. An ignorant dbag running his mouth on a computer, who probably does need to get his *** kicked, taking about someone getting their *** kicked for running their mouth lol I love it.

Keep posting Travis. You're a classic!
Just went through this thread and re-read some of the stuff from the WHO website. I have to admit my reactions back in September and all along seem to have been wrong. The kid definitely deserved discipline, but this seems to have been over the top and Mihalovich's behavior on this and other things probably deserves significant discipline up to and including dismissal.
Not at all my dude. I was being serious. I think it's hilarious. People are getting this ****** about a little punk high school kid and his ***** father who raised his kid to be a little *****. Hang on, my lawyer's on line 3. We're gonna sue my kindergarten teacher for not giving me a gold star for my finger painting on day 6.

Pretty clear Travis has not read the full complaint. As 1Hawkeye1 said, the running/conditioning was maybe 10% of the issue. That alone wouldn't have got Mihalovich fired, nor would the swearing (that part of the report was fairly ridiculous). The kid's mom even lied saying he ran for "2 hours" - multiple witnesses and video confirm it was about 32 minutes. Also from the report:

Nearly every coach and student athlete interviewed reported there was no such “Chris Street” drill, nor did Respondent reference Chris Street during practices. However, Coach Alessio reported hearing Respondent say to student athletes, “You got ran over, like Chris Street.”

No, the reason Mihalovich needs to be fired is the sheer volume of insubordination, lying, harrassment, and unprofessionalism documented therein, with multiple witnesses in every case. Including behaviors he'd been formally warned about before. He and his attorney even walked off with the investigator's confidential notes then disclosed their contents to the DSM. Which makes his new complaint about the full report being made public, absolutely rich. Then he makes off with team equipment after being suspended, to make the interim coach's job harder? Classy.

Take a hike, loser.

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