Des Moines Lincoln High School Coach Update

Pretty clear Travis has not read the full complaint. As 1Hawkeye1 said, the running/conditioning was maybe 10% of the issue. That alone wouldn't have got Mihalovich fired, nor would the swearing (that part of the report was fairly ridiculous). The kid's mom even lied saying he ran for "2 hours" - multiple witnesses and video confirm it was about 32 minutes. Also from the report:

No, the reason Mihalovich needs to be fired is the sheer volume of insubordination, lying, harrassment, and unprofessionalism documented therein, with multiple witnesses in every case. Including behaviors he'd been formally warned about before. He and his attorney even walked off with the investigator's confidential notes then disclosed their contents to the DSM. Which makes his new complaint about the full report being made public, absolutely rich. Then he makes off with team equipment after being suspended, to make the interim coach's job harder? Classy.

Take a hike, loser.

Yeah, since it appears there's really no more fun to be had in here because everyone has moved on....I have not read the report whatsoever, nor did I even play organized football in Jr. High. Nor have i talked to anyone who played for TM. From what everyone is posting, guy sure sounds like a psycho.

Good day.
Any real reason to post this in a Hawkeye football forum, other than perhaps you were too lazy to look for the appropriate place? This belongs in Recruiting or Off Topic.

That is all.

I think it's so you have something to comment on and complain about. That's pretty much all I ever see you do.
Mihalovich was fired today and is planning a wrongful termination lawsuit. What a piece of work.
Mihalovich was fired today and is planning a wrongful termination lawsuit. What a piece of work.

As he should is he feels that way, heck it was not even a unanimous vote to fire him so there must have been some question about it by the school board members.
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As he should is he feels that way, heck it was not even a unanimous vote to fire him so there must have been some question about it by the school board members.

Being that Iowa is an "At Will" state, what does that do for his chances of winning a case for wrongful termination?
I played on winning football team , practices are hard and coaches are tough on you and it's why we win all the games. but when you are on team you are part of team that work together doing their job that theyre supposed to . I think players should be able to work out their differences and learn to work together and learn to cooperate with eachother. WHile you're in middle of season, no time to think about being butthurt about little things such as tweets or blogs. coaches should have focus on finishing the season and making sure each players are keeping up good grades and are attending the classes. Coaches are supposed to be good role model for each players. players look up to their coaches for advice to many things in life.What the coaches did was very immature on his part
Being that Iowa is an "At Will" state, what does that do for his chances of winning a case for wrongful termination?

Zero. He'll get some settlement money but less than he or his dbag lawyer think - judges don't appreciate antics like walking off with investigation notes. These cases never get to trial anyway, because the expense is ferocious.
I played on winning football team , practices are hard and coaches are tough on you and it's why we win all the games. but when you are on team you are part of team that work together doing their job that theyre supposed to . I think players should be able to work out their differences and learn to work together and learn to cooperate with eachother. WHile you're in middle of season, no time to think about being butthurt about little things such as tweets or blogs. coaches should have focus on finishing the season and making sure each players are keeping up good grades and are attending the classes. Coaches are supposed to be good role model for each players. players look up to their coaches for advice to many things in life.What the coaches did was very immature on his part
I think that coach spends too much on tweets and internet .I think parents went to lawyers too quickly. They should have sat around and try to work things out the problems between coach and school and player
Seems like a bad situation for everyone involved. Coach should of known better, but I was holding out hope he'd be reinstated with other forms of punishment. I'll be curious to see if any similar cases pop up going forward using this as a basis. There a lot of disappointed Mihalovich supporters today.
Here's a tweet from Jordan this morning and I'm sure there are a lot of former players who feel the same way.

jordan bernstine@JBernstine
I've always been a proud Lincoln Alum, but I cannot back them after this. LHS gets no more support or respect. I'm with Coach Mihalovich!
guy getting fired for something he did that was common place even 15 years ago. football coaches are molders of men, if you fire them for that you might as well shut down football everywhere.
Anyone that is capable of naming an exercise the Chris Street drill gets no sympathy from me. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
How about you get a clue and stop being stupid? Or maybe you going to go cry to your mommy to!

Thank you for proving my point. Nobody deserves to be talked to like that and nobody likes being talked to like that, not even a kid by his football coach.
Thank you for proving my point. Nobody deserves to be talked to like that and nobody likes being talked to like that, not even a kid by his football coach.

Oh brother, if the kid didn't want to be talked to like that maybe he shouldn't have spouted off about this teammates like that?

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