Des Moines Lincoln High School Coach Update

I agree with this 100%

Here too.

As with so many things...few people take the time to read and understand what really happened. And equally common...they argue around points that aren't the central issue.

Had he disciplined this kid in a reasonable manner, it wouldn't have been an issue. (and he could have legitimately done so...actually teaching the kid something about his conduct) But like many other things he's done... he handled it like an idiot. This case was just the straw that broke the camel's back

The Coach should have been fired long ago, that much is clear. He doesn't belong in teaching of any sort.
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I live on the southside, so I can't argue with that. Definitely a lot of unemployed people over here. However, when it comes to tax dollars, you have to remember that Mihalovich paid for a lot of stuff over the years out of his own pocket. He estimated a little over hundred thousand over 12 years. If that's true, I think he's as entitled to unemployment as the next guy.

The two have no connection. He may very well have given out of his own pocket ...but that doesn't make him any more or less eligible for unemployment. The conditions of his dismissal do.
Mihalovich: "I am appalled to think that some of the money I handed over to a Lincoln High School officials from the team’s fund-raising efforts never found its way into the district's account."

Football team finances being investigated | Local News - KCCI Home
Sooooo...I'm guessing the Mihalovich lovers are going to deny this too when it finds out he stole from the team?

Football team finances being investigated | Local News - KCCI Home

I love this quote, "I look forward to the resolution of this audit, so that the Lincoln High School football program can move ahead and put the focus back where it belongs – on the players and the game."

It reminds me of Paterno saying, "At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can."

As if to say, "There's nothing to see here. Please move on. Let the poor kids play football."

Good luck Mihalovich. You're going to need it.


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