
Who wants to sift through the garbage every day to try to find some news and intelligent conversation / opinions? In my mind the garbage has been piling up for quite some time. Would also suggest trying to control the headline grabbers who feel starting multiple threads on the same subject is necessary to their self worth and the rest of mankind.....just makes things more frustrating for everyone.

Let the pruning begin. It might even bring back more of an audience your sponsors might prefer as well.

Good luck.
Why should anyone have to filter or choose ignore?
You seem to know what you are doing is not appreciated by the majority, so why don't you just stop?

Cmon, you are certainly capable of contributing in an intelligent discussion. We want to read that side of you.

Considering there are few complaints on here I'd assume the opposite is true.
I haven't been around as long as some, but I've been around long enough to know that during the off season, people get bored and start picking at one another.
Soon fb will begin then we can all go back to calling for KF to be fired and all the usual garbage.
In all honesty JD, you can't very well just come on here and ***** about the way things are on here without taking some responsibility for it yourself. There is virtually no moderation on this site. For ****s sake there was a thread with pictures of porn and fbombs in it that went on for better part of a month before you actually saw it and put a stop to it. If you want a different environment around here do some work to create the environment you want, and that doesn't mean making a threat post about mass bans once or twice a year.

And I'm seriously LOLing at all you people who are complaining that they shouldn't have to be responsible for avoiding or ignoring posters they don't like or complain about the environment here. How ******* lazy. You expect everything to be spoon fed to you. If you want to make a difference in it participate in it. I realize lurkers drive ad revenue for teh Diesel, but they sure as **** don't do anything to help form a community. If you ain't participating you don't get a say. It's like complaining about the direction of the country when you didn't vote.
In the business world, you would know that the majority is usually silent. Very few customers will make a formal complaint if they are unhappy with product or service. What they do is they just don't come back, and then they will tell 20 others about their bad experience so that they won't patronize the business.

Jon will have to decide if he wants to keep 30 non contributing customers or lose 1000 potentially good customers.
Jon, when incidents like these pop up, why don't you make it a priority to emphasize the ignore user feature? Banning 30 people would probably feel good, but what will you really gain? Take caution in how much you prune for homogeneity; you may not like the outcome as much as you think.
Teach folks to use the ignore feature.

The point is that with or without the ignore feature, threads are getting derailed. The first time I click on a thread about, say, Kyle Meyer, and it actually isn't about Kyle Meyer at all, but instead about who's a real fan, who's being sarcastic, and who needs a better sense of humor, I get annoyed. The second time, I stop clicking on basketball threads. The fifteenth time, I stop coming to the site. The signal-to-noise ratio in some of these threads is like 1:50, and if you have all of the annoying posters on ignore you end up seeing about two posts. There are just far better resources out there for Hawkeye talk without having to wade through all of that crap.

And the fact that you all can't respond to a pretty thoughtful post from metahawk without being world class jerks says pretty much all the rest of us need to know.
There isn't going to be many ground breaking stories during the summer. Therefore there's a lot of random stuff that gets talked about on message boards. Some of it is funny, some of it gets old. When it gets old, I simply choose another thread to read, or go do something else. The thing is, if more people would contribute, then maybe they could help keep threads "on track." Are they afraid of getting insulted? If so, you shouldn't, you can just ignore that person and move on. It's easy to sit back and complain how others contribute while doing nothing to actually help fix the perceived problem.
In all honesty JD, you can't very well just come on here and ***** about the way things are on here without taking some responsibility for it yourself. There is virtually no moderation on this site. For ****s sake there was a thread with pictures of porn and fbombs in it that went on for better part of a month before you actually saw it and put a stop to it. If you want a different environment around here do some work to create the environment you want, and that doesn't mean making a threat post about mass bans once or twice a year.

And I'm seriously LOLing at all you people who are complaining that they shouldn't have to be responsible for avoiding or ignoring posters they don't like or complain about the environment here. How ******* lazy. You expect everything to be spoon fed to you. If you want to make a difference in it participate in it. I realize lurkers drive ad revenue for teh Diesel, but they sure as **** don't do anything to help form a community. If you ain't participating you don't get a say. It's like complaining about the direction of the country when you didn't vote.

1) The 95% of us who are adults don't need to be moderated. The policies are stickied at the top of every forum. They aren't complicated.

2) There is literally nothing in these threads to participate in without trolling or being trolled. There are tons of people who start interesting threads or contribute interesting thoughts to other threads. For their efforts, they are rewarded with profanity, thread derailment, and constant trolling. Plus hilarious (and fresh) jokes, like "U MAD, BRO?" (Seriously, it's just cutting edge stuff). After a while, it's tough to justify coming back for more.

3) The fact that you can't post two paragraphs-- paragraphs that are supposedly about being an adult and participating in a community-- without swearing (which is a violation of forum policy)... it's just sort of pathetic.
The ignore feature should be utilized more. I can certainly understand that argument. Still, this site has developed a clique mentality that is a tad pathetic. Like it or not, there are people that are uncomfortable about sharing their opinons because of the possibility of being tarred and feathered on here. And while it is true that you need to grow a spine if you are going to enter the wild world of message boards...a little civility wouldn't kill any of us.

Besides...I know that the second I put one of you dbags on ignore is the day you will have an outstanding and informative post. That's guaranteed cause the posters we are talking about do bring a lot of tangible **** to this board. They just need to dial it back a bit.
In the business world, you would know that the majority is usually silent. Very few customers will make a formal complaint if they are unhappy with product or service. What they do is they just don't come back, and then they will tell 20 others about their bad experience so that they won't patronize the business.Jon will have to decide if he wants to keep 30 non contributing customers or lose 1000 potentially good customers.

lets stop pretending you represent the silent majority or are looking out for JDs biz interests. you are looking out for you and represent you. if you dont like it here go try another hawkeye website. try hawkeye report, hawkeye insider, hawkeye lounge... try them all, have fun. when you realize that the collection of as5hats who populate this place are head and shoulders above any of those i wont say i told you so.

youve been threatening to leave for a year or more. shite or get off the pot. just stop crying wolf.
And I'm seriously LOLing at all you people who are complaining that they shouldn't have to be responsible for avoiding or ignoring posters they don't like or complain about the environment here. How ******* lazy. You expect everything to be spoon fed to you. If you want to make a difference in it participate in it. I realize lurkers drive ad revenue for teh Diesel, but they sure as **** don't do anything to help form a community. If you ain't participating you don't get a say. It's like complaining about the direction of the country when you didn't vote.

Hmm, funny, cause I am seriously LOLing at all you people who are complaining that you have to abide by standards that the rest of us do and may get a banning because you continue to flaunt the rules. How ******* lazy. You expect to have no rules and no consequences while the rest of us just sit back and accept whatever thread destroying flamewars you decide to start. We should all just bow down and click "ignore". (and yes, I have derailed many a thread myself)

I don't mind mixing it up with you and scorp, etc. cause I don't take it personally and I know it is just in fun and I think you do too. But many people don't participate because a few cyber bullies belittle and crack on those who don't make 3500 posts per day.
The natives have gotten restless in the offseason and some threads have been derailed for sure. I enjoy some solid hawk conversation as much as the next. Some of the meme stuff has been funny and passed time. However, once football starts, I'll be paying my attention to threads pertaining to talking about the team more. I would hope though, that I don't feel like I have to walk on eggshells about using humor and not knowing when the line has been crossed by people who only read.
There isn't going to be many ground breaking stories during the summer. Therefore there's a lot of random stuff that gets talked about on message boards. Some of it is funny, some of it gets old. When it gets old, I simply choose another thread to read, or go do something else. The thing is, if more people would contribute, then maybe they could help keep threads "on track." Are they afraid of getting insulted? If so, you shouldn't, you can just ignore that person and move on. It's easy to sit back and complain how others contribute while doing nothing to actually help fix the perceived problem.

That's what's so disappointing. There was a ton of stuff to talk about this summer-- some of it bad news, but still. Iowa put together their recruiting class way earlier than usual. DeAndre Johnson and Barkley Hill. The PTL debuts of the incoming basketball players. The Penn State ruling. With two new coordinators, a lot of interesting developments to follow out of training camp. Thinking back, I don't know that there's been a more eventful summer from an Iowa/Big Ten perspective unless you're talking about a head coaching change. But the discussion wasn't very high level. Some of us work, and when you get home at the end of the day, click on a thread about Barkley Hill because you don't know what the hell happened, and find that it's six pages of JPEGs... it's just not an appealing destination.
And I'm seriously LOLing at all you people who are complaining that they shouldn't have to be responsible for avoiding or ignoring posters they don't like or complain about the environment here. How ******* lazy. You expect everything to be spoon fed to you. If you want to make a difference in it participate in it. I realize lurkers drive ad revenue for teh Diesel, but they sure as **** don't do anything to help form a community. If you ain't participating you don't get a say. It's like complaining about the direction of the country when you didn't vote.
Hmm, funny, cause I am seriously LOLing at all you people who are complaining that you have to abide by standards that the rest of us do and may get a banning because you continue to flaunt the rules. How ******* lazy. You expect to have no rules and no consequences while the rest of us just sit back and accept whatever thread destroying flamewars you decide to start. We should all just bow down and click "ignore". (and yes, I have derailed many a thread myself)I don't mind mixing it up with you and scorp, etc. cause I don't take it personally and I know it is just in fun and I think you do too. But many people don't participate because a few cyber bullies belittle and crack on those who don't make 3500 posts per day.

i got news for you sporto. i aint one of the 30 jd is talking about.
Jon, when incidents like these pop up, why don't you make it a priority to emphasize the ignore user feature? Banning 30 people would probably feel good, but what will you really gain? Take caution in how much you prune for homogeneity; you may not like the outcome as much as you think.
Teach folks to use the ignore feature.

Because I don't want the stupidity either, and I am not going to use the ignore feature.

Be stupid, goofy, childish, whatever, in the OT. On the sports topic forums like football, football recruiting and basketball, don't derail threads.
In the business world, you would know that the majority is usually silent. Very few customers will make a formal complaint if they are unhappy with product or service. What they do is they just don't come back, and then they will tell 20 others about their bad experience so that they won't patronize the business.Jon will have to decide if he wants to keep 30 non contributing customers or lose 1000 potentially good customers.
lets stop pretending you represent the silent majority or are looking out for JDs biz interests. you are looking out for you and represent you. if you dont like it here go try another hawkeye website. try hawkeye report, hawkeye insider, hawkeye lounge... try them all, have fun. when you realize that the collection of as5hats who populate this place are head and shoulders above any of those i wont say i told you so. youve been threatening to leave for a year or more. shite or get off the pot. just stop crying wolf.

1. My post was in response to you saying there had been few complaints. Mr. Miller is well aware as this I am sure and doesn't need my support, but he has it.
2. Now I am complaining and it seems others agree. What you dont comprehend is that when you don't follow the forum guidelines or are just generally annoying, you think others should adjust. Wrong.
3. I have not been threatening to leave for a year. Don't know where you got that.
4. I have left the site for a few months. My choice. Discussions should be better now that season is getting ready to begin.
5. R U MAD?

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