

Holy hell!!!!!!!
Exactly. Post memes and talk about short hand as if you are witty. This is your prom...and you are the bully everyone was to you.

I truly hope you get the everlasting satisfaction you crave. Then when your internet goes out, the memes become the acid washed jeans of your past, or your family actually wants to see you, I wish you nothing but happiness. Because we can all tell you desire nothing but acceptance and camaraderie.

Just maybe try looking for it by accepting others, as opposed to belittling them.

That right there is solid gold. Nice work, Bunyan.
Although I agree that there has been a dramatic decline on the content on these boards the past year or so, I must say that these are some funny pics. But, only proves what the original poster stated, HN's message boards are not what they used to be.
Although I agree that there has been a dramatic decline on the content on these boards the past year or so, I must say that these are some funny pics. But, only proves what the original poster stated, HN's message boards are not what they used to be.

Would you rather they be OVERMODERATED to the point of being a Police-State? Like cyfan.....?
I think the OP has a message for all of us and eloquently made his point...and let's not forget what we all know, "Some of you are Arseholes!".
Although I agree that there has been a dramatic decline on the content on these boards the past year or so, I must say that these are some funny pics. But, only proves what the original poster stated, HN's message boards are not what they used to be.

yeah, all three years over here were just epic and then it went bad...

check some other boards and get back to me...

to you and the OP, you think this is bad, you obviously haven't looked around.
Although I agree that there has been a dramatic decline on the content on these boards the past year or so, I must say that these are some funny pics. But, only proves what the original poster stated, HN's message boards are not what they used to be.

Agreed. That first year was absolutely awesome, but it slowly declined until the last year or so. Now it's mostly ******* matches, memes, etc. I admit, I'm guilty of some of that, especially the ******* matches. It's just not as fun to visit here as it used to be.

Would you rather they be OVERMODERATED to the point of being a Police-State? Like cyfan.....?

I've been posting on CF for over two years and never once had a problem with over-moderation. You don't have to suck ISU's balls, but if you're respectful, you won't have problems. And that's how it should be on a rival's site. And even if you feel like being less respectful, you should be fine so long as you keep the vitriol in the rivalry forum.

I also think the overall content on CF is better. Their off topic forum, especially.

And, gun to my head, I would rather have over-moderation than open season. But it's not like there can't be a middle ground.
Although I agree that there has been a dramatic decline on the content on these boards the past year or so, I must say that these are some funny pics. But, only proves what the original poster stated, HN's message boards are not what they used to be.

John should be concerned (bold). I'm sure others have bookmarked other sites looking for actual sports conversation and information.
yeah, all three years over here were just epic and then it went bad...

check some other boards and get back to me...

to you and the OP, you think this is bad, you obviously haven't looked around.

It's pretty bad compared to what these boards were like in 2009/2010.
The seasons are about to begin, and I've made some posts this summer that the meme stuff and other are going to be confined in the OT forums. When posts in the sports forums get derailed by the same people, it will become apparent and those doing the derailing will no longer be welcome here.

During the course of this year, there will also be more mods added to the site. I concur with some of the OP's notions and others who have shared the same. The replies to this topic are pretty much a case in point. About 30 or so people have been treating the forums as though they are their personal playground.

Once the season begins, which for me is basically tomorrow, if this stuff takes places anywhere other than the OT forum or the Con/Pol forum, we'll be doing some pruning.

I encourage anyone who sees things they don't like to copy the permalink (in the upper right hand corner of a specific post, not the link to the main thread) and email me or PM me and I can look at it.

In the end, I am more concerned with the other 3000 people lurking and keeping them interested in visiting the site than being a playground for 30
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This sort of stuff is also going to lead me to making the forum landing page the one where you select the topic, not the free for all aggregate. You will still be able to make that aggregate your own personal landing page and make it your bookmark, but for new visitors to the site, I want them to be able to go to the places they want to go and read what they want to read...and once in those threads, not have to wade through derailments with stupid images and meme garbage.
He's basically right. The snarky "look-at-how-clever-I-am" responses tell the story.

Internet anonymity = increased a-hole quotient ...particularly for the attention-starved, those with "small man syndrome" and elevated opinions of themselves that don't get validated enough in the"real world".

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