
This site has gotten a little too high school for my liking. Some really smart people with good information, but a few meathead bullies that prey on people cuz they don't have anything insightful to add and can't let others share their thoughts. And of course when someone dare call them out on it everyone piles on that person because they fear being a victim of the puts downs themselves.

But I like the info so I guess I'll just deal with it.
would be interesting to get honest feedback. i'm sure some are put off with the shenanigans, but how much is really going on in the football and b-ball forums right now? is ghostofbtt/oates at it again? don't recall the meme crap going on over there lately...

don't get me wrong, i think it's kind of grade school, but it's easy to just let slide and move on. maybe i'm just more laid back. the quality of good OT threads has gone down, simply because fewer folks are on there. it's the same 8 of us all the time now that you can't access it on the app.

i doubt the sincerity of some of the commentors in this thread, but i'm sure a majority are legit. don't know what the solution is. maybe some folks do need to get the boot, but i'm sure most can adhere by the rules.
I can see your take there. I may have a different take that is clouded by how I view it, but won't ignore that some could say it was derailed. But it's a discussion, and a debate. It's not inserting pics of cats or some 'y u fat, bro?' level of crap.

would be interesting to get honest feedback. i'm sure some are put off with the shenanigans, but how much is really going on in the football and b-ball forums right now? is ghostofbtt/oates at it again? don't recall the meme crap going on over there lately...

don't get me wrong, i think it's kind of grade school, but it's easy to just let slide and move on. maybe i'm just more laid back. the quality of good OT threads has gone down, simply because fewer folks are on there. it's the same 8 of us all the time now that you can't access it on the app.

i doubt the sincerity of some of the commentors in this thread, but i'm sure a majority are legit. don't know what the solution is. maybe some folks do need to get the boot, but i'm sure most can adhere by the rules.

No doubt the out of season has a lot to do with it. I think we all get on each other's nerves every year in August. People think that with media days football is here...and the rest of August drags on. Once the games get here, I hope things take care of themselves for the most part.
I read every post in this thread and I agree, when the herp'n, derp'n, troll faces and memes attack it's bad for the legit sports threads they pop up in, along with choosing to attack posts and posters based on arguments had in the political forum everyday for the past 2 years or about Todd Lickliter "back in the day"...

I did find something funny in a post that was brought up (I can't remember who said it) a page or 2 back about how everyone piles on because they don't want to get it from those 30 if someone gets piled on for a stupid comment it's because NO ONE agrees with the stupid comment...

This site has gotten a little too high school for my liking. Some really smart people with good information, but a few meathead bullies that prey on people cuz they don't have anything insightful to add and can't let others share their thoughts. And of course when someone dare call them out on it everyone piles on that person because they fear being a victim of the puts downs themselves.

But I like the info so I guess I'll just deal with it.
My bad, it was right at the top of this page. (Page 9)
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I will add one more thing to this discussion--while Jon isn't perfect and sometimes gives too long of a leash for my taste, he has banned some of the most problematic posters in the sports forums in the past. There was a time this past winter where TylerSash and Herby ruined A LOT of threads. They were summarily banned. There are other examples, but those were the first couple that came to mind. For the most part, I would say that the sports forums are moderated quite well.
I think one thing that needs to be done is elimante the Alts. JD if you have people posting under multiple screen names they are only doing it to create problems.
Here's another thought on the ignore vs. ban debate, or whatever you call it. You are almost guaranteed to see the posts of people in your ignored list quoted in the replies of those same post. Maybe that is a future feature to add. Also, if you ignore people because you don't want to see their nitpicking of your own posts, you surely can't assume that your close friends are ignoring the same people. So, potentially thoughtful posters get scared away because of the jags.

Also, I see a trend of knuckleheads making a game out of finding the weakest (or least thoughtful) part of any post and attacking the poster. The main point of a post is often lost in that process.

So, just a couple minor points that most of you aready realize.
No doubt the out of season has a lot to do with it. I think we all get on each other's nerves every year in August. People think that with media days football is here...and the rest of August drags on. Once the games get here, I hope things take care of themselves for the most part.

I agree JD... but I would like to take it a little further. What if, and I know it's a big what if. How about some kind of organized meet and greet at Kinnick before a game, so we could put faces to avatars? I think if we would actually meet each other, there would be a whole lot less animosity towards each other on the forums. We all have one thing in common.... the Hawks. "Can't we all get along"?:eek: I know I would enjoy meeting most if not all of you, just for shite and giggles. I am so old, nothing any of you losers say will "really" **** me off.:D
I agree JD... but I would like to take it a little further. What if, and I know it's a big what if. How about some kind of organized meet and greet at Kinnick before a game, so we could put faces to avatars? I think if we would actually meet each other, there would be a whole lot less animosity towards each other on the forums. We all have one thing in common.... the Hawks. "Can't we all get along"?:eek: I know I would enjoy meeting most if not all of you, just for shite and giggles. I am so old, nothing any of you losers say will "really" **** me off.:D

It has been tried, Twin. Limited success. For instance, I've met drakebulldog and "deanvogs" at tailgates, but they still hate me and threaten me and call me names like socialist and libtard.
I agree JD... but I would like to take it a little further. What if, and I know it's a big what if. How about some kind of organized meet and greet at Kinnick before a game, so we could put faces to avatars? I think if we would actually meet each other, there would be a whole lot less animosity towards each other on the forums. We all have one thing in common.... the Hawks. "Can't we all get along"?:eek: I know I would enjoy meeting most if not all of you, just for shite and giggles. I am so old, nothing any of you losers say will "really" **** me off.:D
It has been tried, Twin. Limited success. For instance, I've met drakebulldog and "deanvogs" at tailgates, but they still hate me and threaten me and call me names like socialist and libtard.

Who says that's a limited success?

Just kidding. It was a hanging curve ball and I just had to swing.
I can't decide if all of the pics provided by Vin is just showing how sad he is or if he is a funny old man. Which is it??
No doubt the out of season has a lot to do with it. I think we all get on each other's nerves every year in August. People think that with media days football is here...and the rest of August drags on. Once the games get here, I hope things take care of themselves for the most part.
Yep once the season starts that is when the epic meltdowns start. Bring on the comedy!
I can't decide if all of the pics provided by Vin is just showing how sad he is or if he is a funny old man. Which is it??

I am not who or what you think I am. Just like you're not who or what I think you are.

It's a message board, gang. Almost completely anonymous. Made-up online personas. Posturing, grandstanding, lying, laffing, other words, acting like male sports fans ages 18-55, for cry-eye!
This ain't the Health-Sci Library where we must all be quiet and diligent and serious because we are studying for ways to cure deadly diseases.
It's also not a formal debate, in which we all must abide by strict rules and we only have 90 seconds to post and we must never talk over our opponent or use more than our allotted time and we must carefully stick to the skript.

It's a college sports-themed message board. Exactly what type of person did everyone think would loiter here??
Looked at another way, due to the excessive chafe and vetting, people who post sometimes do need to be more thoughtful in their comments and questions, and therefore rebutts and comments are sometimes better for it. (not saying people should be afraid to post though, and while there are more polite ways to respond, this is an anominous message board).

most of the posters the few complaints are voiced on challange others to think outside the box. There are answers usually posted within minutes rather than days. unfortunately, the trollers won't stop, and there are a few on here who usually seem to curtail the lunacy (maybe with 1 or 2 less memes per thread).

Maybe like iowa's playcalling...HN just needs a few tweaks here and there, but for most part it is very informative and entertaining.
It's a message board, gang. Almost completely anonymous. Made-up online personas. Posturing, grandstanding, lying, laffing, other words, acting like male sports fans ages 18-55, for cry-eye!

Speaking personally, it's not the fact that people are trying to have fun that bothers me. It's that the same five or so "jokes" get repeated endlessly, even in threads that are actually interesting on their own merit. And I put "jokes" in quotes because what passes for humor in most of these threads would have been stale on 4chan ten years ago.

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