
Disagree stronglyWhen it comes to an actual topic give me an example of this please. I think solid posts in the football/bball forums are treated fairly
I'm with you on this too, bus.And people who are using the term "bully"? That is ridiculous. If you feel "bullied" because someone argues with you or pokes fun at your post on a message board, I'd say that's a "you" problem. Grow a set of stones.
Busabus,You help make my point here by implying that you or anyone else has such a profound knowledge of any sport that they have a right to deem any thread or topic "solid" as you call it. There isn't a person on here with the credentials to do that. Jon certainly has the right because it is his site, but beyond that no one here is anywhere close. So, thanks.Scorpio,Personally, assuming you were referencing my post, I am not saying people here feel bullied. I was more or less trying to liken it to something people are familiar with. Certainly people post on message boards expecting people to disagree. However, I think the childish antics of some take away from the boards because some people that could positively contribute just say screw it. I don't think people get hurt feelings or lack "stones" as you suggest. But I do think it pushes people away. In fact the original premise of this thread was that point exactly. Do you think the OP its the only person to ever stop coming to this site for those reasons? Wouldn't the more logical line of thought be that he is just the first to post about it?
HawkeyeGameFilm is pretty solid.

I'm going to break it down for the "victims" (everyone in America is now a victim of something) of the big bad posters on this site.

The boards are fine for factual information. Actually, they are excellent to receive breaking news because there are some folks on the ground in IC who hear stuff before it comes out (hat tips to tm, golfer, duff, et al). But about 99.8% of the posts in the football forum are opinion based. Sports in this country provides an outlet for proles who have no expertise in anything marketable to spout off an opinion and pretend they are informed about something that matters. Who will win the Iowa-Iowa State game? How will Iowa be at running back? What would have happened if Richard Stanzi didn't get blown up by Wooton? Why Kurt should have "gone for it" in C-bus in 2009. And on and on and on. Those proles' opinions and a few bucks will buy a newspaper.

Now I know in school you learned that opinions can't be right or wrong and such, but that does not mean they can't be stupid. On occasion, stupid opinions are expressed, and a mechanism for dealing with them, namely the meme generator, allows certain folks to respond with a 10-12 word response that takes 3 seconds to read rather than typing out a point by point refute of the post. If you don't like those, don't read them. Simple as that. I generally only read the FB board looking for factual info because I honestly don't give two craps about what ChunkyLover53 has to say about how deep our offensive line is because he saw the third string right guard at the mall and he was big. If the meme guys stop that guy from posting, they have made this board better.

Miller has a family and other business interests and can't monitor this place 24/7. Give the guy a break.
Disagree stronglyWhen it comes to an actual topic give me an example of this please. I think solid posts in the football/bball forums are treated fairly
I'm with you on this too, bus.And people who are using the term "bully"? That is ridiculous. If you feel "bullied" because someone argues with you or pokes fun at your post on a message board, I'd say that's a "you" problem. Grow a set of stones.
Busabus,You help make my point here by implying that you or anyone else has such a profound knowledge of any sport that they have a right to deem any thread or topic "solid" as you call it. There isn't a person on here with the credentials to do that. Jon certainly has the right because it is his site, but beyond that no one here is anywhere close. So, thanks.Scorpio,Personally, assuming you were referencing my post, I am not saying people here feel bullied. I was more or less trying to liken it to something people are familiar with. Certainly people post on message boards expecting people to disagree. However, I think the childish antics of some take away from the boards because some people that could positively contribute just say screw it. I don't think people get hurt feelings or lack "stones" as you suggest. But I do think it pushes people away. In fact the original premise of this thread was that point exactly. Do you think the OP its the only person to ever stop coming to this site for those reasons? Wouldn't the more logical line of thought be that he is just the first to post about it?
HawkeyeGameFilm is pretty solid.


If someone wanted to engage in a conversation with gamefilm and disagree with what he says I would be ok with that so long add it was intelligent and not some picture making fun of him or the same joke for the hundredth time.

You help make my point here by implying that you or anyone else has such a profound knowledge of any sport that they have a right to deem any thread or topic "solid" as you call it. There isn't a person on here with the credentials to do that. Jon certainly has the right because it is his site, but beyond that no one here is anywhere close. So, thanks.

When did I ever say that I had the ability to decide what posts were "solid"? All I said was that for the most part if you make a reasonable post it will be responded to reasonably....for the most part. That doesnt mean someone wont respond with a worthless response but I do think if you make a decent post it will be treated finely.

Its amazing how touchy some people are....its a message board
When did I ever say that I had the ability to decide what posts were "solid"? All I said was that for the most part if you make a reasonable post it will be responded to reasonably....for the most part. That doesnt mean someone wont respond with a worthless response but I do think if you make a decent post it will be treated finely.

Its amazing how touchy some people are....its a message board

Check your 2011 award line, bud. Those aren't handed out like acid at a Phish concert.

I agree with what you say there for the most part. It'd just be nice not to have to sift through all the crap to get the info. And I also don't think people should expect Jon to baby sit everyone, but people could cut back on their own a bit.

Only part id isagree with a bit is the idea that the meme things, and the like keep people from saying stupid stuff. If that were the case there would have been a lot less so called stupid things being posted a long time ago. Kind of like saying the death penalty helps prevent murder. It doesn't, but it is punitive and that's more less how I see the member type stuff. People being "punished" in a way (not really but kind of) for saying something someone thought was stupid.

i've seen several people ask why people don't just skip and not read the negative stiff I'd they don't like it. Wouldn't it be just as easy, if not easier, for people not to respond to something they deemed "stupid"?
Busabus,You help make my point here by implying that you or anyone else has such a profound knowledge of any sport that they have a right to deem any thread or topic "solid" as you call it. There isn't a person on here with the credentials to do that. Jon certainly has the right because it is his site, but beyond that no one here is anywhere close. So, thanks.
When did I ever say that I had the ability to decide what posts were "solid"? All I said was that for the most part if you make a reasonable post it will be responded to reasonably....for the most part. That doesnt mean someone wont respond with a worthless response but I do think if you make a decent post it will be treated finely.Its amazing how touchy some people are....its a message board

But the question still remains. who decides when a post is or isn't worthy, reasonable, solid or whatever? If there are in fact threads that should or can be made fun of because they deserve to be, who gets to make that distinction? That person or people is essentially making the decision and I guess I would just be curious what makes them so much more intelligent or insightful than the other person?

I don't usually post enough to care, but I see how some get frustrated....
But the question still remains. who decides when a post is or isn't worthy, reasonable, solid or whatever? If there are in fact threads that should or can be made fun of because they deserve to be, who gets to make that distinction? That person or people is essentially making the decision and I guess I would just be curious what makes them so much more intelligent or insightful than the other person?

I don't usually post enough to care, but I see how some get frustrated....

I would suggest not taking a message board so seriously. That would be a start
I have always wanted more mods...but one problem I have probably lies with me; are people I grant mod powers to going to mod the same way as me, and how much time am I going to have to spend to get people up to speed, etc. That's a me problem.

The bigger concern there is not people letting stuff fly that I don't, it's a concern of over zealousness. Contrary to what some might think, I let a lot of stuff fly..outside of lewd images and profanity. The line is pretty tough to reach.

But there are things that I find to be mind numbing that after a while set off a nerve, and there is no can be a feel on one day that isn't there on another, and that's an issue...I lack consistency in this area...Duff wrote something about me once or twice a year going off on this and he's right. I tend to have a hands off approach on most of this stuff save for libelous rumor mongering. Some days, however, the fuse is shorter.

I don't know the answer, quite frankly. I am hopeful that this is just an off season thing, and in season things get back to 'normal'. Just remind me of all of this next summer ;)
Kinda like sittin in your favorite local bar. After a short while, it's not hard to identify the blowhards.

If the blowhards are spending money and providing entertainment (content), they belong. They are in the game at least.
The guy who sits at the end of the bar, saying nothing, eating all the peanuts, and nursing a dollar draw is the problem.

I agree with what you say there for the most part. It'd just be nice not to have to sift through all the crap to get the info. And I also don't think people should expect Jon to baby sit everyone, but people could cut back on their own a bit.

Only part id isagree with a bit is the idea that the meme things, and the like keep people from saying stupid stuff. If that were the case there would have been a lot less so called stupid things being posted a long time ago. Kind of like saying the death penalty helps prevent murder. It doesn't, but it is punitive and that's more less how I see the member type stuff. People being "punished" in a way (not really but kind of) for saying something someone thought was stupid.

i've seen several people ask why people don't just skip and not read the negative stiff I'd they don't like it. Wouldn't it be just as easy, if not easier, for people not to respond to something they deemed "stupid"?

You seem reasonably intelligent so I will share the secret to finding good, factual information on HawkeyeNation. Step 1 - go to the main page and see what JD is peddling, he actually sorts through information and writes articles about material developments and they are usually published very quickly after the occurrence of the development. Step 2, go to FB board and BB board and skim titles. If something looks interesting, scroll your cursor over it and you will get a preview. Almost all good factual information is in that first post. Trust me. If you are wading through 12 page diatribes looking for nuggets of information, you ain't gonna find those nuggets.

Miller does a decent job nipping things in the bud, but he also gives folks some leeway and that is why I think he runs the best board (plus, he's an Iowa dude staking out on his own and not affiliated with some national network that doesn't give two craps about Iowa). A good example was when Woodbury committed, that morning someone (boat, I believe) threw up a post saying "if Woodbury commits, I hope we don't get 100 posts claiming we're back." Needless to say, as soon as the guy committed, I personally started at least 10 such posts just to poke boat in the eye and several copycats did the same. Did it knock posts down? Yeah, but that was the biggest story of the day and it was worth it. Instead of complaining about stuff, go in and mix it up. Boards are meant to be interactive and they are terrible to just read, roll in, get some cred and be part of the discourse, don't just lurk, and if someone talks crap, talk crap back and don't take it personally - I know several dudes who post on here and they ain't malicious people. And oh yeah, get an avatar, too, your street cred will increase exponentially.

I don't take them seriously, I'm not on here often enough to. I do understand some people's frustrations though.
If the blowhards are spending money and providing entertainment (content), they belong. They are in the game at least.
The guy who sits at the end of the bar, saying nothing, eating all the peanuts, and nursing a dollar draw is the problem.

True, but does posting create any more "worth" to JD over "lurking"? I don't know the answer, but I'd guess that clicking on ads is what JD and the advertisers are looking for.
I think the OP made some good points. Many times the same people take over a thread and soon the topic leads to something else completely. Then you have the regulars who try to be funny with every post they make. I understand it is a message board but it does get old when a thread turns into 6 pages of "funny" photos and video links. I still enjoy this site but I do think a certain few on this site seem to hijack several threads and make the site a not-so-fun place to talk about the Hawks.