

I appreciate the advice and that is what I usually do. I got involved in this convo because I can understand some people's frustration, but also to test the waters on the types of reactions a I would get for poking a bit.

I generally don't go much beyond the preview on the recent forum list. As another poster mentioned,I happened upon this because I instinctively assumed it would be something about the positives and negatives of bye weeks.

As far as the avatar. I used to have one before the site switched over a couple years ago. After that I didnt visit as often initially and have Since been almost strictly an app user and don't know how to change or get it and don't see them anyhow...
Kinda like sittin in your favorite local bar. After a short while, it's not hard to identify the blowhards.
If the blowhards are spending money and providing entertainment (content), they belong. They are in the game at least.The guy who sits at the end of the bar, saying nothing, eating all the peanuts, and nursing a dollar draw is the problem.

Noted. Not everyone has the ability to provide "content" so prolifically as others. Sometimes it's best to just sit at the end of the bar, observe, and provide a small, but important, contribution to the topic at hand.

Not everyone wants to be the center of attention, but that doesn't mean they don't contribute, even when we're so busy with "entertaining" that we miss their nugget of information.
True, but does posting create any more "worth" to JD over "lurking"? I don't know the answer, but I'd guess that clicking on ads is what JD and the advertisers are looking for.

Posting is what makes this site a success. Without people posting (free) content, it would be JD's blog and he would not have many (if any) advertisers, because he wouldn't have traffic and all those unique hits. The contributions of the regulars is a key driver.
Which is why I think lurkers are parasites. This is a pot-luck dinner - everyone has to bring a dish.
Believe me, I have no problem with juvenile humor. I watched Dirty Work this afternoon on HBO. It still holds up after all these years.

I think what you aren't getting is that when threads get taken over by these kind of shenanigans, no one wants to post anything interesting any more. Why would you-- it's like trying to give an academic lecture on the dance floor at Brother's. If you want to see what I'm talking about, click on that Lolo Jones thread:

Given that the summer is always slow for Hawkeye stuff, it would have been fun to talk about things like that on the forum. I'm a track fan; my sister used to run against Lolo; I've followed her career since she was about 14 and ran in a couple of the same Drake Relays as her. Now, there's a chance that no one else is interested in talking about track, and if that's the case, that's fine. But how would we ever know? I sure as hell am not going to post anything in that thread you all derailed... starting with the fourth post. That one was kind of the breaking point for me-- it was about the tenth thread in a row where I clicked on the title because I thought it would be interesting and promptly logged off because it was so ridiculous. A bad run like that isn't indicative of the forum as a whole, but it's also not as rare as it should be. For that matter, it's the same for any women's sport-- some of us like women's sports, and it would be interesting to talk about them. (God forbid there are any actual women on here). Tough luck for us, huh? It's more important to make jokes that most seventh-graders would find lame.

That said, I do appreciate you contributing to this thread in an intelligent way in your last couple of posts. It will always be a balancing act. You've got to accept the fact that if you're going to push that hard you're going to get some pushback just like the rest of us have to accept there will always be jokes/threads etc. that aren't our style.

I know of at least one ...:rolleyes::)
Is it football season yet? The offseason is really hard on some people. Please hawkfans remember to Keep Calm and Chive On!!
Posting is what makes this site a success. Without people posting (free) content, it would be JD's blog and he would not have many (if any) advertisers, because he wouldn't have traffic and all those unique hits. The contributions of the regulars is a key driver.
Which is why I think lurkers are parasites. This is a pot-luck dinner - everyone has to bring a dish.

I get that part. All I was trying to say is that in theroy a guy lurking every day, clicking on the advertising is every bit as profitable to JD as say a guy with 30,000+ post. ;)

I think some of the frustration for the non regular posters is that they are not as comfortable being someone/thing completely different than who they actually are to post around here. I learned in the Cave that you gotta pretty much troll and flame yourself just to mix it up. Now the off topic isn't as bad, but really is just almost a place for the regulars to throw around their typical jokes all the time, and this spill over into the FB and BB forums more than it should. A good example of this is Golfer. I think at first he was stunned by the "greeting" he got on this board when he came out with some insider info. He rolled with the punches, and quickly has taken on a "persona, or style" so to say. Most people just don't feel comfortable doing that, and just want to post on here, like they would talk face to face with fellow Hawk fans. Sadly, I just don't think that happens on here at all....

Either way I can easily see why this is frustrating for those who don't have thousands of posts.
Jon, when incidents like these pop up, why don't you make it a priority to emphasize the ignore user feature? Banning 30 people would probably feel good, but what will you really gain? Take caution in how much you prune for homogeneity; you may not like the outcome as much as you think.Teach folks to use the ignore feature.
Why should anyone have to filter or choose ignore?You seem to know what you are doing is not appreciated by the majority, so why don't you just stop?Cmon, you are certainly capable of contributing in an intelligent discussion. We want to read that side of you.

I cant emphasize enough how lazy this is. You could take one simple step to make this a more enjoyable place for you. But no, why should YOU have to do anything. After all you are am AMERICAN!!!! Everything should be handed to you on a silver platter EXACTLY as you want it to be. I cant believe these monsters want you to click on two buttons. Dont they know how busy you are?
I cant emphasize enough how lazy this is. You could take one simple step to make this a more enjoyable place for you. But no, why should YOU have to do anything. After all you are am AMERICAN!!!! Everything should be handed to you on a silver platter EXACTLY as you want it to be. I cant believe these monsters want you to click on two buttons. Dont they know how busy you are?

Your post "is not appreciated by the majority," Duff. :rolleyes:
I cant emphasize enough how lazy this is. You could take one simple step to make this a more enjoyable place for you. But no, why should YOU have to do anything. After all you are am AMERICAN!!!! Everything should be handed to you on a silver platter EXACTLY as you want it to be. I cant believe these monsters want you to click on two buttons. Dont they know how busy you are?

Which two buttons do I click? How do I know when to click them? Is there a penelty for clicking them to early/late? I'm confused :D
A good example was when Woodbury committed, that morning someone (boat, I believe) threw up a post saying "if Woodbury commits, I hope we don't get 100 posts claiming we're back." Needless to say, as soon as the guy committed, I personally started at least 10 such posts just to poke boat in the eye and several copycats did the same. Did it knock posts down? Yeah, but that was the biggest story of the day and it was worth it. Instead of complaining about stuff, go in and mix it up. Boards are meant to be interactive and they are terrible to just read, roll in, get some cred and be part of the discourse, don't just lurk, and if someone talks crap, talk crap back and don't take it personally - I know several dudes who post on here and they ain't malicious people. And oh yeah, get an avatar, too, your street cred will increase exponentially.

I don't know how many different ways we can put it. The people complaining aren't mad that people have a sense of humor, that people blow off steam, that conversations organically turn into something else after three pages (i.e. the Aaron White thread that turned into a discussion of Jordan vs. Bird). None of those things bother us.

Instead, it's the kind of crap you mention above that sets people off. When we repeatedly come back to the board on big Hawkeye news days to see it filled with pointless threads, derailed topics, and variations on the same JPEG over and over... well, for me personally, I don't get mad, I just immediately close that tab and go to a more interesting site. You say you want people to mix it up, to lurk less, to offer their own opinions... and then you pull the sort of crap that you did when Woodbury signed. Why would anyone want to post on forum like that? What's the point? It's not so much annoying as it is aggressively anti-interesting.
I think for the most part, since Jon layed down the rules about the subscribe only off topic forum, that most of the regulars (high posters) have done a good job of keeping the ponies in the corral over there. An occasional meme in the sports threads happens, and threads are derailed, but not to the extent it used to be.

In my opinion, I've seen more sniping and snarky remarks in the sports threads by guys having a p1ssing match over who knows more....typical male bravado. :rolleyes: in the sports forums, I would bet that most of that snarkyness isn't being done by top the 10, even 20 highest count posters. They are generally passionate about politics or discussing beer or posting pony memes in OT.

Most either ignore it and don't respond, and some get really defensive and bite back and/or just pout about it. Sometimes the aggressor is being a jerk on purpose and some can't help themselves, so like real life, you just learn to avoid them.

Edit: for ice hide
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Fail. The Hawkeye Lounge is the pay board at Hawkeye Report. It can be found at this website: Iowa Hawkeyes Football: I highly recommend it.

I've been a paying member of that site for nearly three years, and the content on the Hawkeye Lounge is far and above better than the dribble now found here.

In this case, you truly get what you pay for.

Actually, Hawkeye Lounge is an actual website/message board not associated with the pay "Hawkeye Lounge" on the Rivals board.

And if anybody here ever complains about bad posters, bullying, vulgarity and what not, go browse some of the threads over there. HN posters look like angels compared to many of the guys on Hawkeye Lounge. That is truly a message board where about 20-30 guys run the place and newbies are extremely unwelcome.
I think for the most part, since Jon layed down the rules about the subscribe only off topic forum, that most of the regulars (high posters) have done a good job of keeping the ponies in the corral over there. An occasional meme in the sports threads happens, and threads are derailed, but not to the extent it used to be.

In my opinion, I've seen more sniping and snarky remarks in the sports threads by guys having a p1ssing match over who knows more....typical male bravado. :rolleyes: in the sports forums, I would bet that most of that snarkyness isn't being done by top the 10, even 20 highest count posters. They are generally passionate about politics or arguing about beer or posting pony memes in OT.

Most either ignore it and don't respond, and some get really defensive and bite back and/or just pout about it. Sometimes the aggressor is being a jerk on purpose and some can't help themselves, so like real life, you just learn to avoid them.

We don't argue about beer.
Here's the thing....

This ain't intramurals brother. Not everyone gets the opportunity to play because not everyone is good enough to play. 90% of posters on here, myself included, are incapable of creating stimulating content and this site is better when those folks get out of the way and let the professionals do their work. The posters that are just complained about are also the most articulate and able to provide skill right out opinions in nearly any subject. They might be knuckleheads a lot of the time but they provide more readable and intuitive discussion than 90% of the posters so u say let them eat cake and let us enjoy the show.

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