
I agree with much of what you are saying. At the same time, the "personalities" on this board also keep people from posting that might otherwise. I was a "lurker" for a long time on the other sites, but then decided to just post. At first it is very off putting, or at least I thought it was. Once you get a certain thicker skin, it is a good time. Yet you gotta understand that there are many jag off on here that make it not very fun to start posting, and in essence keep people away. They aren't seasoned veterans like you and me, so they don't know how to handle these people. H@ll at time you and I are "those people". ;)

My first coupla months on this site were not fun at all. From almost Day One, with the stupid Marengo Cougar thread, I took a huge ration of shite from a lot of posters because I displayed the temerity to say that the cougar shouldn't have been killed and the guy who killed it was a doosh with a hero fantasy. It got ugly fast. I had guys telling me that they were going to kill my puppy and I was called all sorts of awful hurtful names like "hippie" and "wimp" and your favorite, "libtard".
Plus, I made the HUGE mistake of misunderstanding OK4P's...err, distinct style...and I went out of my way to antagonize him. Kind of like how, on your first day in prison, you find the biggest baddest mofo and crack him on the jaw to earn respect. Those transactions did not work out in my favor, to put it mildly.
I was very naive.
I don't let it bother me very much - I do my best to ignore the particular crowd this has been discussed. They are a$$clowns, and I know it, so why should that bother me when there's nothing I can do about it?

I don't find it very hard to avoid that particular crowd anyway because I always make it a point to be respectful to fellow posters, even in a heated debate. In a perfect world, everyone else would extend the same courtesy, but I understand that the reality is that this is message board country where there are quite a few individuals who talk a big game when they are safe behind their computer screens. The way I've seen some people talk - if they talked like that to some people face-to-face, it would earn them a mouthful of knuckles. Guess I figure "Internet Tough Guy" syndrome comes with the territory in an environment that is based on 100% anonymity.

All in all, it's still worth my time to come out here, but I admit that I post less than I used to because any thread that survives more than 1 page usually is inevitably hijacked by someone, and the conversation degenerates into a p!$$ing match. I'm more of a lurker these days.

That is why I unsubscribed from the politics forum in particular. The venom and arrogance there is unreal.
If you want to get rid of derailmental posters. You should ban all clown fans. Doooublewide can stay. Clownies turn every thread into a fight. Bing bang boom better site.
To be perfectly clear: I do not think, nor am I asserting, that high-frequency posters are more profitable to JD by and of themselves. That's simply not true.

What I'm saying is that HN is quasi-communistic. Yeah, I know, you just L'dOL.
But consider...
"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his needs."
This is something Marx supposedly said, and some believe it was adapted from a biblical passage (found in Acts).
There are frequent posters who contribute a great deal, free of charge, and ask nothing in return (except maybe a sense of humor and a grown-up tolerance level); these posters fuel the engine of HN. JD can't do it all by himself, which is why HN is formatted the way it is (highly contributory). It's basically a wiki.
My point is that without this format, and without the people who frequently contribute, the "lurkers" would have nothing to read and would likely never return to HN. As it is now, they read and return...and JD's advertisers get all those wonderful hits and views.
In another thread, JD said that 95% of visitors contribute nothing to the discussion. This means that 5% of us are doing all the contributing. Take those 5% away because of some light-hearted memes and goofy troll posts, and HN becomes a graveyard.
So to all of you "lurkers" who want to dis the guys doing the heavy lifting 'round here, I say: be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Just no poverty and economic decay or gross mistreatment of the populace or wealthy party members yet starving citizens........
If you want to get rid of derailmental posters. You should ban all clown fans. Doooublewide can stay. Clownies turn every thread into a fight. Bing bang boom better site.

Its Doublewide mister, this is your first warning. Next time you will be locked in a room with ISUer for a period of 12 hours.
I have to say, when I first started posting on the site I absolutely hated a bunch of posters, Scorpio in particular. I hated the fact that guys got off topic and always wanted to post the childish crap such as memes and derp herp crap. I finally realized that I was the one being an a-hole, not Scorpio or anyone else. You can't take things personal on here. Guys are just trying to step away from their everyday crap and have some fun. If you can't handle that then maybe you need to find another site.
I have to say, when I first started posting on the site I absolutely hated a bunch of posters, Scorpio in particular. I hated the fact that guys got off topic and always wanted to post the childish crap such as memes and derp herp crap. I finally realized that I was the one being an a-hole, not Scorpio or anyone else. You can't take things personal on here. Guys are just trying to step away from their everyday crap and have some fun. If you can't handle that then maybe you need to find another site.

im glad you finally realized you were an a-hole, a-hole.
I have to say, when I first started posting on the site I absolutely hated a bunch of posters, Scorpio in particular. I hated the fact that guys got off topic and always wanted to post the childish crap such as memes and derp herp crap. I finally realized that I was the one being an a-hole, not Scorpio or anyone else. You can't take things personal on here. Guys are just trying to step away from their everyday crap and have some fun. If you can't handle that then maybe you need to find another site.

you had me at "hated", Sparky. :p;):)

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