
Here's the thing....

This ain't intramurals brother. Not everyone gets the opportunity to play because not everyone is good enough to play. 90% of posters on here, myself included, are incapable of creating stimulating content and this site is better when those folks get out of the way and let the professionals do their work. The posters that are just complained about are also the most articulate and able to provide skill right out opinions in nearly any subject. They might be knuckleheads a lot of the time but they provide more readable and intuitive discussion than 90% of the posters so u say let them eat cake and let us enjoy the show.

After reading this I had no choice but to finish reading the post imagining Hulk Hogan reading it aloud.
Here's the thing....

This ain't intramurals brother. Not everyone gets the opportunity to play because not everyone is good enough to play. 90% of posters on here, myself included, are incapable of creating stimulating content and this site is better when those folks get out of the way and let the professionals do their work. The posters that are most complained about are also the most articulate and able to provide well thought out opinions on nearly any subject. They might be knuckleheads a lot of the time but they provide more readable and intuitive discussion than 90% of the posters so I say let them eat cake and let us enjoy the show.
Thank you olivecourt for expressing what a lot of us are feeling. It is the FRUSTRATION created by the "crap" as we call it that is interjected by the same group of posters. Once in a while is funny, but not on practically every topic. It can be excessive,.and that is why this thread was started.
They know who they are, and know exactly what they are doing. A few have even admitted doing it. That's the first step right?

Mr Duff says just don't read it or ignore it. Sure, I do that all the time. If the knuckleheads have a right to post crap and expect others to skip over it, fine. But the readers and posters that want to obtain and enjoy Hawkeye information also have a right to be frustrated about the crap, and to speak up about it, and the right to expect the crap posters to respect that. There are other places to play. Those people that want to play EVERY DAY should go play there and quit being so LAZY.

As far as being a lurker and just a reader, I get you Scorpio. I am quilty of not contributing. So that I can and will change by speaking up. You may wish you hadn't said that! LOL
I get that part. All I was trying to say is that in theroy a guy lurking every day, clicking on the advertising is every bit as profitable to JD as say a guy with 30,000+ post. ;)


To be perfectly clear: I do not think, nor am I asserting, that high-frequency posters are more profitable to JD by and of themselves. That's simply not true.

What I'm saying is that HN is quasi-communistic. Yeah, I know, you just L'dOL.
But consider...
"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his needs."
This is something Marx supposedly said, and some believe it was adapted from a biblical passage (found in Acts).
There are frequent posters who contribute a great deal, free of charge, and ask nothing in return (except maybe a sense of humor and a grown-up tolerance level); these posters fuel the engine of HN. JD can't do it all by himself, which is why HN is formatted the way it is (highly contributory). It's basically a wiki.
My point is that without this format, and without the people who frequently contribute, the "lurkers" would have nothing to read and would likely never return to HN. As it is now, they read and return...and JD's advertisers get all those wonderful hits and views.
In another thread, JD said that 95% of visitors contribute nothing to the discussion. This means that 5% of us are doing all the contributing. Take those 5% away because of some light-hearted memes and goofy troll posts, and HN becomes a graveyard.
So to all of you "lurkers" who want to dis the guys doing the heavy lifting 'round here, I say: be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
You make a good point there. If it wasn't for the regulars, there would be a lot less to read. So sometimes to get the good, you have to take some bad.
Ummm...guys, the site is a free site to the experience is that anything you get for free isn't necessarily free. Sex with the girlfriend or wife for the technically free, but we all know we pay for it in oh so many ways. This site is, but it comes with the catch of knuckheads and the occasional moron hijacking a legitimate thread. If Jon tries to police it, it just means his focus isn't on providing content. I'd rather have the content.

Let them have some cake.
You make a good point there. If it wasn't for the regulars, there would be a lot less to read. So sometimes to get the good, you have to take some bad.

I will second that. The regulars post quite a bit. If everyone's a lurker, few post, and there is only the occasional hawkeyegamefilm-type article to generate interest.

Additionally, I wonder if any of you would admit that having really long threads that just complain about other posters is also distracting, annoying, and childish?

Seriously, I don't really care, but this is a multi-page thread. It's mostly negative, and is just really a bunch of people complaining. That's high quality interwebs, too.
Here's my feedback:

1. I love the game film analysis.
2. I enjoy "mashup" links.
3. I occasionally enjoy the chuckle hut and political forum.

I think there's room enough for everyone here.

My proposal:

1. Memes,etc should generally be kept out of the football and basketball forums. That would make the offended people somewhat less offended (I think).
2. The chuckle hut stuff should be in the chuckle hut. One would then go there with the full knowledge that they're getting chuckle hut material.

Sound good?
Did this thread actually devolve into a thoughtful discussion? I hate what this place is becoming.
Here's my feedback:

1. I love the game film analysis.
2. I enjoy "mashup" links.
3. I occasionally enjoy the chuckle hut and political forum.

I think there's room enough for everyone here.

My proposal:

1. Memes,etc should generally be kept out of the football and basketball forums. That would make the offended people somewhat less offended (I think).
2. The chuckle hut stuff should be in the chuckle hut. One would then go there with the full knowledge that they're getting chuckle hut material.

Sound good?

There are exceptions to every rule, but this is basically what JD wants and what we all ought to abide by.

Exception A: Separated at Birth threads for Iowa opponents are definitely Chuckle Hut material, but I think everyone can agree that they belong in the football forum. It's goofy, but it is also relevant and traditional, and if SaB threads were tossed into Rivalry, they'd die a quick death and that isn't what we want.
Stop trying to derail the discussion. ;)

One other thing: I've always looked at HN as a modern-day corner tavern. The place where guys get together to BS, talk seriously about some stuff, joke around about other stuff, and just generally blow off steam and relax while picking up some knowledge about a variety of topics.
Those of you who think we should all toe some line because you don't like some of the things we say are the problem, imo. Go home and b!tch at your wife, because us guys yukking it up on the barstools don't want to hear it.

Then ISUer is the drunken homeless guy with Turrets that everyone just "tolerates" but doesn't want to kick out, because that would just be cruel to his already-difficult existence.
Then ISUer is the drunken homeless guy with Turrets that everyone just "tolerates" but doesn't want to kick out, because that would just be cruel to his already-difficult existence.


and Cyclowns17 is the overly-aggro little man who has three natty lights and suddenly thinks he's a MMA champ.
To be perfectly clear: I do not think, nor am I asserting, that high-frequency posters are more profitable to JD by and of themselves. That's simply not true.

What I'm saying is that HN is quasi-communistic. Yeah, I know, you just L'dOL.
But consider...
"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his needs."
This is something Marx supposedly said, and some believe it was adapted from a biblical passage (found in Acts).
There are frequent posters who contribute a great deal, free of charge, and ask nothing in return (except maybe a sense of humor and a grown-up tolerance level); these posters fuel the engine of HN. JD can't do it all by himself, which is why HN is formatted the way it is (highly contributory). It's basically a wiki.
My point is that without this format, and without the people who frequently contribute, the "lurkers" would have nothing to read and would likely never return to HN. As it is now, they read and return...and JD's advertisers get all those wonderful hits and views.
In another thread, JD said that 95% of visitors contribute nothing to the discussion. This means that 5% of us are doing all the contributing. Take those 5% away because of some light-hearted memes and goofy troll posts, and HN becomes a graveyard.
So to all of you "lurkers" who want to dis the guys doing the heavy lifting 'round here, I say: be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

I agree with much of what you are saying. At the same time, the "personalities" on this board also keep people from posting that might otherwise. I was a "lurker" for a long time on the other sites, but then decided to just post. At first it is very off putting, or at least I thought it was. Once you get a certain thicker skin, it is a good time. Yet you gotta understand that there are many jag off on here that make it not very fun to start posting, and in essence keep people away. They aren't seasoned veterans like you and me, so they don't know how to handle these people. H@ll at time you and I are "those people". ;)

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