
Speaking personally, it's not the fact that people are trying to have fun that bothers me. It's that the same five or so "jokes" get repeated endlessly, even in threads that are actually interesting on their own merit. And I put "jokes" in quotes because what passes for humor in most of these threads would have been stale on 4chan ten years ago.

A chuckle hut for chuckleheads. I agree.
Speaking personally, it's not the fact that people are trying to have fun that bothers me. It's that the same five or so "jokes" get repeated endlessly, even in threads that are actually interesting on their own merit. And I put "jokes" in quotes because what passes for humor in most of these threads would have been stale on 4chan ten years ago.

I get that, OC, I really do, and I know I'm one of the buffoons who is guilty of such things. I am still amused by juvenile humor. I won't apologize for it.

I just don't get why some people--presumably adults--get so bunged up over it. (I'm not including you in that question; you never really seem bunged up about anything.)
I mean, it is just sooooo easy to skip over posts made by people who are annoying. I'm not even talking about the ignore function - I'm talking about directing your own eyes to move down the page when you encounter a post or poster that you don't care for. Example: there is a fella in this thread who clearly does not like me and used a couple of his posts to try to lure me into a confrontation. I don't have him on ignore - I just don't read his posts, or if I do skim them, I just keep moving because he is inconsequential.
It's really that simple. Duff made the point earlier, but no one seemed to notice because they were too busy b!tching! :eek: :confused: :D
I am not who or what you think I am. Just like you're not who or what I think you are.

It's a message board, gang. Almost completely anonymous. Made-up online personas. Posturing, grandstanding, lying, laffing, other words, acting like male sports fans ages 18-55, for cry-eye!
This ain't the Health-Sci Library where we must all be quiet and diligent and serious because we are studying for ways to cure deadly diseases.
It's also not a formal debate, in which we all must abide by strict rules and we only have 90 seconds to post and we must never talk over our opponent or use more than our allotted time and we must carefully stick to the skript.

It's a college sports-themed message board. Exactly what type of person did everyone think would loiter here??
I figured it was the funny old man choice.
I get that, OC, I really do, and I know I'm one of the buffoons who is guilty of such things. I am still amused by juvenile humor. I won't apologize for it.

Believe me, I have no problem with juvenile humor. I watched Dirty Work this afternoon on HBO. It still holds up after all these years.

I mean, it is just sooooo easy to skip over posts made by people who are annoying. I'm not even talking about the ignore function - I'm talking about directing your own eyes to move down the page when you encounter a post or poster that you don't care for.

I think what you aren't getting is that when threads get taken over by these kind of shenanigans, no one wants to post anything interesting any more. Why would you-- it's like trying to give an academic lecture on the dance floor at Brother's. If you want to see what I'm talking about, click on that Lolo Jones thread:

Given that the summer is always slow for Hawkeye stuff, it would have been fun to talk about things like that on the forum. I'm a track fan; my sister used to run against Lolo; I've followed her career since she was about 14 and ran in a couple of the same Drake Relays as her. Now, there's a chance that no one else is interested in talking about track, and if that's the case, that's fine. But how would we ever know? I sure as hell am not going to post anything in that thread you all derailed... starting with the fourth post. That one was kind of the breaking point for me-- it was about the tenth thread in a row where I clicked on the title because I thought it would be interesting and promptly logged off because it was so ridiculous. A bad run like that isn't indicative of the forum as a whole, but it's also not as rare as it should be. For that matter, it's the same for any women's sport-- some of us like women's sports, and it would be interesting to talk about them. (God forbid there are any actual women on here). Tough luck for us, huh? It's more important to make jokes that most seventh-graders would find lame.

That said, I do appreciate you contributing to this thread in an intelligent way in your last couple of posts. It will always be a balancing act. You've got to accept the fact that if you're going to push that hard you're going to get some pushback just like the rest of us have to accept there will always be jokes/threads etc. that aren't our style.
One other thing: I've always looked at HN as a modern-day corner tavern. The place where guys get together to BS, talk seriously about some stuff, joke around about other stuff, and just generally blow off steam and relax while picking up some knowledge about a variety of topics.
Those of you who think we should all toe some line because you don't like some of the things we say are the problem, imo. Go home and b!tch at your wife, because us guys yukking it up on the barstools don't want to hear it.
Good post up there ^ OC. Not going to quote it because it's long. I agree with everything you've stated. I'm not going to contribute to any derailments in the serious sports threads any more. And not because JD is waving his ban-hammer around - it's because I respect blokes like you who take the time to craft a thoughtful post in which you lay out the reasons for your frustration and then support it with examples. That hits the mark.
Have a nice evening.
Most of the threads in the forum sections seem to turn into pis-sing matches. Yes, there is some good information, and some incredibly wise and awesome Hawkeye fans who post. But the select few who seem to prey on any opportunity to put people down is annoying. And childish. And not worth the time. In all honesty, really really..not worth the time to even read a letter.

Honestly, you need some mods. And quick.

I will find the info elsewhere, taking HawkeyeNation off my reading list for now. for the smattering of replies going something like "we won't miss you, who are you... etc...etc..."

Doesn't matter. Look up the word "civility" sometime.

One less alt in the wall.
I'm not going to contribute to any derailments in the serious sports threads any more. And not because JD is waving his ban-hammer around - it's because I respect blokes like you who take the time to craft a thoughtful post in which you lay out the reasons for your frustration and then support it with examples. That hits the mark.
Have a nice evening.

Cheers to that; thanks for reading.
I read every post in this thread and I agree, when the herp'n, derp'n, troll faces and memes attack it's bad for the legit sports threads they pop up in, along with choosing to attack posts and posters based on arguments had in the political forum everyday for the past 2 years or about Todd Lickliter "back in the day"...I did find something funny in a post that was brought up (I can't remember who said it) a page or 2 back about how everyone piles on because they don't want to get it from those 30 if someone gets piled on for a stupid comment it's because NO ONE agrees with the stupid comment...Edit:
This site has gotten a little too high school for my liking. Some really smart people with good information, but a few meathead bullies that prey on people cuz they don't have anything insightful to add and can't let others share their thoughts. And of course when someone dare call them out on it everyone piles on that person because they fear being a victim of the puts downs themselves. But I like the info so I guess I'll just deal with it.
My bad, it was right at the top of this page. (Page 9)

I disagree. Again, its like high school. Someone might say something that one of the usuals disagrees with and decides to make fun of in an ultra new and original way. Then the other 10 people that lurk on here 24/7 jump on board because it puffs their chest a the time people with lives join the conversation the topic is so far derailed or to a point that they don't want to agree with the OP cuz they'll just get more of the same. much like high school when kids are afraid the stand up to a bully, if you will.
I disagree. Again, its like high school. Someone might say something that one of the usuals disagrees with and decides to make fun of in an ultra new and original way. Then the other 10 people that lurk on here 24/7 jump on board because it puffs their chest a the time people with lives join the conversation the topic is so far derailed or to a point that they don't want to agree with the OP cuz they'll just get more of the same. much like high school when kids are afraid the stand up to a bully, if you will.

Nail. Head. Bravo.
I disagree. Again, its like high school. Someone might say something that one of the usuals disagrees with and decides to make fun of in an ultra new and original way. Then the other 10 people that lurk on here 24/7 jump on board because it puffs their chest a the time people with lives join the conversation the topic is so far derailed or to a point that they don't want to agree with the OP cuz they'll just get more of the same. much like high school when kids are afraid the stand up to a bully, if you will.

Disagree strongly

When it comes to an actual topic give me an example of this please. I think solid posts in the football/bball forums are treated fairly
One last thing: I literally clicked on this thread thinking it was going to be a discussion about the timing of Iowa's bye week. That's probably a clear sign of how desperate for real football I am-- I was actually looking forward to reading and participating in a thread about Iowa's bye.
Disagree strongly

When it comes to an actual topic give me an example of this please. I think solid posts in the football/bball forums are treated fairly

I'm with you on this too, bus.

And people who are using the term "bully"? That is ridiculous. If you feel "bullied" because someone argues with you or pokes fun at your post on a message board, I'd say that's a "you" problem. Grow a set of stones.
One last thing: I literally clicked on this thread thinking it was going to be a discussion about the timing of Iowa's bye week. That's probably a clear sign of how desperate for real football I am-- I was actually looking forward to reading and participating in a thread about Iowa's bye.

LOL I can only imagine how disappointed you were to find out it was a mirage! :D
One other thing: I've always looked at HN as a modern-day corner tavern. The place where guys get together to BS, talk seriously about some stuff, joke around about other stuff, and just generally blow off steam and relax while picking up some knowledge about a variety of topics.
Those of you who think we should all toe some line because you don't like some of the things we say are the problem, imo. Go home and b!tch at your wife, because us guys yukking it up on the barstools don't want to hear it.

You are calling yourself a tavern hold?

Last edited:
Disagree strongly

When it comes to an actual topic give me an example of this please. I think solid posts in the football/bball forums are treated fairly

i think after 6 pages, every topic diverges. it's called conversation. some just don't get it man. now ponies is lame, but divergence happens. should trademark that.
Disagree stronglyWhen it comes to an actual topic give me an example of this please. I think solid posts in the football/bball forums are treated fairly
I'm with you on this too, bus.And people who are using the term "bully"? That is ridiculous. If you feel "bullied" because someone argues with you or pokes fun at your post on a message board, I'd say that's a "you" problem. Grow a set of stones.


You help make my point here by implying that you or anyone else has such a profound knowledge of any sport that they have a right to deem any thread or topic "solid" as you call it. There isn't a person on here with the credentials to do that. Jon certainly has the right because it is his site, but beyond that no one here is anywhere close. So, thanks.


Personally, assuming you were referencing my post, I am not saying people here feel bullied. I was more or less trying to liken it to something people are familiar with. Certainly people post on message boards expecting people to disagree. However, I think the childish antics of some take away from the boards because some people that could positively contribute just say screw it. I don't think people get hurt feelings or lack "stones" as you suggest. But I do think it pushes people away. In fact the original premise of this thread was that point exactly. Do you think the OP its the only person to ever stop coming to this site for those reasons? Wouldn't the more logical line of thought be that he is just the first to post about it?
Disagree stronglyWhen it comes to an actual topic give me an example of this please. I think solid posts in the football/bball forums are treated fairly
I'm with you on this too, bus.And people who are using the term "bully"? That is ridiculous. If you feel "bullied" because someone argues with you or pokes fun at your post on a message board, I'd say that's a "you" problem. Grow a set of stones.
Busabus,You help make my point here by implying that you or anyone else has such a profound knowledge of any sport that they have a right to deem any thread or topic "solid" as you call it. There isn't a person on here with the credentials to do that. Jon certainly has the right because it is his site, but beyond that no one here is anywhere close. So, thanks.Scorpio,Personally, assuming you were referencing my post, I am not saying people here feel bullied. I was more or less trying to liken it to something people are familiar with. Certainly people post on message boards expecting people to disagree. However, I think the childish antics of some take away from the boards because some people that could positively contribute just say screw it. I don't think people get hurt feelings or lack "stones" as you suggest. But I do think it pushes people away. In fact the original premise of this thread was that point exactly. Do you think the OP its the only person to ever stop coming to this site for those reasons? Wouldn't the more logical line of thought be that he is just the first to post about it?

HawkeyeGameFilm is pretty solid.

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