BHGP DJK story

Very productive?

- His best season and he doesn't break 750 yards? The suggests either that there are talent limitations OR that the guy is too inconsistent.

- He doesn't break 3 TDs in a season until his SR year? Heck, Hinkel had 4 in one game!

DJK's productivity is exaggerated.

I'm not saying he isn't talented. Frankly, I think that DJK didn't even get close to his ceiling of potential. And that is the sad part. Had the young man towed the line ... had the young man put in the work, had the young man invested into being a better leader, and had he put in all the time needed to hone his craft .... his record numbers at Iowa perhaps could have been almost "untouchable." Instead, his numbers were okay ... but not great.

Blame KOK's playcalling, not DJK for the stats he put up.
Iowa is a run-first squad, always has been.

He can't control what plays are called or when the ball is thrown to him. He can just run the routes and hope the ball is delivered.

Furthermore, you say he disappeared in some games... hell almost the ENTIRE TEAM QUIT AT MINNESOTA, yet DJK despite not-starting, was about the only one who did show up.
Blame KOK's playcalling, not DJK for the stats he put up.
Iowa is a run-first squad, always has been.

He can't control what plays are called or when the ball is thrown to him. He can just run the routes and hope the ball is delivered.

Furthermore, you say he disappeared in some games... hell almost the ENTIRE TEAM QUIT AT MINNESOTA, yet DJK despite not-starting, was about the only one who did show up.

For what its worth we cut that Iowa offense arguement off at the pass already......see Marvin McNutt. Already similar production in 2 years time....

I think that is where I draw the line. Against Minny he looked to be the only one giving any effort. He may not have done as much OFF the field, and I have no idea whether he did or not....but I think he gave it his all while ON the field.

I frankly have a different interpretation of the state of affairs there. I believe that the rest of the team was hurting. You could see the collective air out of their sails in that game. So then you have to aski ... why was DJK different?

Was DJK playing for the team ... trying to inspire them ... trying to be a team leader and help the avoid the disappointment of losing to the Gophers?

LOL ... nah! That's not in character for DJK. He never was overtly a leader for the team ... so why wait until his last collegiate game?

Rather, the more likely scenario was that he was playing for numero uno. And, while everyone else was hurting together as a team ... he was left unaffected. He didn't give a crap about the team ... he was still just going by the motto of "make plays or die." Thus, I actually believe that DJK's performance agaisnt Minny beautifully illustrated the disconnect between him and the rest of the team.

Sure, DJK was a gamer ... but he was never consistent. And, more importantly, his efforts were self-serving first ... the team was lucky to be a distant second (if it was even that high on his list). Consequently, when everyone else was hurting ... he was immune.
First off ... Brodell got injured right at the beginning of the 4th game of the '07 season (against Wisky) ... same game that Moeaki went down in too.

As for the WR tally through the first 3 games:

Brodell - 12 receptions
Cleveland - 4 receptions
DJK - 4 receptions
Sandeman - 3 receptions
Stross - 1 reception

It would seem that my original assertion still holds ... Brodell was the most consistent/reliable WR we had. Furthermore, he caught the most balls ... and even still our passing game was limited because Christensen sucked so bad.

Project that out for a full season what is that 48 receptions? That is what you are going to use for 'I told you so'?:rolleyes:
First ... if you think DJK is not good enough to at least play a role on an NFL team, you're nuts

Second ... quit crying DJK, sign with the CFL or AFL or USFL and show the NFL they are wrong
I would wager a lot that Kirk is giving his honest assessment of DJK to NFL coaches. And that includes the good and the bad. He wasn't in the doghouse for years just because Kirk didn't like his interview hat.

I've pointed out this link before, but seemingly no one has really taken note of it. DJK explains his Minnesota benching:

Path of a fallen star: the sad ending to DJK?s story - The Daily Iowan

It's this personality that has, at times, alienated him from a Hawkeye coaching staff hell-bent on controlling the program's image and never saying too much. As recently as Nov. 27 against Minnesota, Johnson-Koulianos didn't start because fellow wide receiver Colin Sandeman had a "better week of practice," Ferentz said. When I asked DJK his explanation for the non-start, he said he was the last one on the field for the Friday walk-through.
Were we on the same team? Or are you me? That describes me to a T.

BTW, I remember the throws that you are talking about - well, I think one was Indiana, at least. I mean, I do agree with you there...he could have done more. But I think overall, he was a hard worker on the field. But like I said, off of it...I don't doubt that he was a bad teammate.

Yeah sad really.......we had a really good team. Lost to Spencer 14-7 in the semi-finals and I can't help but look back and think we had a lot more to give….the same goes with DJK. Though in my instance I wasn’t a loud over bearing team distraction like it appears DJK was. (that came later in my life..... :D) And although I agree he mostly gave solid effort……that NW INT this year in particular doesn’t happen with better effort on his part. The other one I believe you are referencing was just a NO effort to tackle the guy. People (teammates) see that…

More importantly if he isn’t giving his all to improve in practice and it seems he genuinely wasn’t a great practice player at the least, then he really wasn’t giving his all on the field either.

Just my opinion I guess…..

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First ... if you think DJK is not good enough to at least play a role on an NFL team, you're nuts

Second ... quit crying DJK, sign with the CFL or AFL or USFL and show the NFL they are wrong

First....the guys you need to convince aren't in here, they are collecting pay checks from the NFL for talent evaluations…..

There is no 2nd…….:cool:

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So DJK should have been more productive or less productive.

I am not like the other 2 in thinking he could have been way more productive. I guess maybe if he worked harder off the field, but that is just my speculation that he didn't. I think his production is pretty in line with how good he was, but that doesn't necessarily translate into an NFL WR.
I agree with several of the other posts, while DJK is not the most explosive, speedy, or polished receiver, he has a skill set to make catches, get open, blocking and return kickoffs to be a contributor on a team. Now every single team does extensive research, back ground checks and interviews with those players and coaches. I can guarantee KF was very honest about any questions he was asked, if DJK was in his doghouse KF would be honest about it.

There has to be more to it than just what KF has said to them. Yes several teams have taken chances on other plays that have had issues, but they have more elite skill sets so they are willing to take that chance, but on an unproven kid out of college who wouldnt be assured of a roster spot there are question marks. I agree he should take a CFL contract, prove himself and then the NFL will be calling.

I also think you will see the NFL's approach to these players alot different now with the new CBA in place, there will be alot more scrutinization of players and their backgrounds, hence Pryors 5 game suspension he still must uphold in the NFL.
I'll always remember DJK as a good WR for Iowa and I do appreciate his effort in his last game against Minnesota when everyone else appeared disinterested. Perhaps the most disappointing game, effort wise I seen under KF.

However there was a telling sequence in that game in which DJK was pushed far out of bounds on the Iowa sideline. The Minnesota player recieved a PF for his actions. Not one Iowa player came to his defense. Usually an act like this results in a flag-ridden slap dance between the teams as players over-defend the guy in DJK's shoes.

That told me everything I needed to know about how DJK is viewed in his teammates eyes'. As others have said, something must have happened behind the scenes and I would imagine that KF or any other Iowa coach or player interviewed regarding DJK would probably not have many positive comments about.

Right, wrong, or indifferent, this is Kirk's program, his rules. Had DJK followed them, he'd be in a much better situation right now.
For what its worth we cut that Iowa offense arguement off at the pass already......see Marvin McNutt. Already similar production in 2 years time....


Technically, all that says is that McNutt is a better receiver than DJK. And McNutt, barring unforeseen circumstances, is a lock to be in the NFL next year.
Blame KOK's playcalling, not DJK for the stats he put up.
Iowa is a run-first squad, always has been.

He can't control what plays are called or when the ball is thrown to him. He can just run the routes and hope the ball is delivered.

Furthermore, you say he disappeared in some games... hell almost the ENTIRE TEAM QUIT AT MINNESOTA, yet DJK despite not-starting, was about the only one who did show up.

Good lord Justin ... break down some gol-dern game film before you attempt to roast KOK!

That's the saddest knee-jerk reaction I could have anticipated.

Last-time I checked ... KOK was the OC when Mo Brown broke out in '02. Same OC when Solomon had a great season in '04.

Heck, if you do your homework, then you'd notice that:

- Ferentz coached WRs have enjoyed 4 out of Iowa's ABSOLUTE BEST 10 receiving seasons. That says something considering that Fry's teams were much better known for their passing game. (that extends to 9 out of the top 20 too)

- Ferentz coached QBs have enjoyed 5 out of the top 10 ABSOLUTE BEST passing seasons.

- While playing under Ferentz/KOK ... McNutt still managed to gain more yardage than DJK. In fact, looking toward the '11 season, most folks anticipate that McNutt should surpass 1000 yards. Why didn't DJK?

- Ferentz coached teams are "run-first?" Since '09 Iowa has been hurting with regard to experience at RB and it has shown. As a result, the Hawks have actually been a bit more PASS-FIRST. Perhaps you didn't notice?

- Ferentz coached teams are "run-first?" Perhaps you don't recall all the times when Ferentz has explicitly emphsized how much they value BALANCE on O? If you look at Iowa's historical production under Ferentz ... it would appear that Coach wasn't lying!
I am not like the other 2 in thinking he could have been way more productive. I guess maybe if he worked harder off the field, but that is just my speculation that he didn't. I think his production is pretty in line with how good he was, but that doesn't necessarily translate into an NFL WR.

To be fair I am just beginning to come to this feeling....everyone keeps telling me it’s obvious he had great numbers and ability and as I loom and compare, there was more there to give if this ability was really so great.

That’s pretty much all I’m saying……

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48 receptions X 4 years ====== 192, DJK had 168 total.

That is all.............


Brodell had 94 career catches and those 8 games he missed in '07 he would have to average 9 per to make up the difference. So you honestly think he would have been the all-time reception leader if he had stayed healthy?:eek:
Brodell had 94 career catches and those 8 games he missed in '07 he would have to average 9 per to make up the difference. So you honestly think he would have been the all-time reception leader if he had stayed healthy?:eek:

Listened you pooh-poohed the yearly production by multiplying it out....I took the same, poor methodology and showed DJK didn’t even average that yearly production….

One bad arguement deserves another....

Project that out for a full season what is that 48 receptions? That is what you are going to use for 'I told you so'?:rolleyes:

Why a uniform scaling factor? By the same logic you'd assume that Cleveland and DJK would only get 16 receptions!

Instead, Cleveland and DJK each ended getting 9 times more receptions. Obviously, the same multiplicative factor wouldn't apply to Brodell. However, it's only logical to assert that the Iowa coaches were purposely trying to lean a bit more on the run early in the season in order to flash the threat of the run and to help along the development of the OL. As a result, it only makes sense that the receivers would get many more looks through the latter three-fourths of the season.

Thus, I'd assert that it's much more likely that Brodell would have gotten more in the neighborhood of 60 receptions. And that would have easily been enough to put him in the ballpark of 850-1000 yards. Certainly SUBSTANTIALLY BETTER than DJK.

Heck, in DJK's defense ... in '07 he was just a RS FR ... and to his credit he demonstrated pretty nice promise. However, he didn't advance his craft nearly as far as he could have!

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