BHGP DJK story

Is it possible that KF's opinion and reputation are so well respected in NFL circles that his "non-endorsement" of DJK was received the same as a bad endorsement?

In the end, DJK has only himself to blame.
Lets assume for a second that KF did not give DJK any ringing endorsement...and gave his blunt opinion and say it was not positive.

Is Kirk supposed to lie, or rather, not give his opinion? Because if he starts doing that, and if the player in question doesn't pan out or flakes out, then people will begin to question the value of Kirk's input...and that could have a negative impact on Iowa players chances at NFL opportunities down the line...players who weren't doing drugs..players who were walking the line that was set down to be walked in the program.

I agree and don't understand why some Iowa fans have a problem with that if it did play out that way.
I agree and don't understand why some Iowa fans have a problem with that if it did play out that way.

Do people really have a problem with it? I see a lot of people surprised he didn't get a shot but not a lot of people blaming Ferentz, they may point to that being the reason but I don't think they blame him.

(I didn't read the story in the OP so that could be exactly what it's about)
Lets assume for a second that KF did not give DJK any ringing endorsement...and gave his blunt opinion and say it was not positive.

Is Kirk supposed to lie, or rather, not give his opinion? Because if he starts doing that, and if the player in question doesn't pan out or flakes out, then people will begin to question the value of Kirk's input...and that could have a negative impact on Iowa players chances at NFL opportunities down the line...players who weren't doing drugs..players who were walking the line that was set down to be walked in the program.

That is of course a well constructed logic train Jon......

Here is the problem with it, at least as it pertains to the guys in question. There is a whole lot of personal investment in this DJK stuff. His staunch supporters have long been convinced KF held him back. They have long been convinced the guy who has now orchestrated quite an NFL pipeline (KF) somehow, almost inexplicably messes up “certain†personnel decisions (they know best) and really has a hard on for free spirits. You know because Pat Angerer wasn’t a free spirit, the guy who waxed poetic many years ago at his exit meeting (who was it) wasn’t a free spirit, heck Rick Stanzi wasn’t a free spirit, right?!?!

Even though DJK let his team down, he didn’t let these others down, because quite frankly it was only drugs and had little to do with his on field effort. Well except the occasional lack thereof on INT’s and what not….Its not conceivable to them he could have been a locker room distraction or a cancer because they’d know, right?!?!

When they hear stories like him and Pat Angerer having issues they pooh-pooh it. They need DJK to be on the up and up and they are willing to disregard the fact that he has already proven not to be trustworthy, because they already have issues in some capacity with KF. So they’ll take the side of a “kid†who has pretty much always shown to be fairly immature at the least, because they want to further validate their own issues with KF and staff. Therefore they build conspiracy theories because there is no way it could just be the NFL didn’t deem his skill set worth the risk. It had to be KF and by building this case it further builds the case of KF being stubborn and out of touch on certain things.

And honestly I get that because I get human nature and the lies will tell ourselves! Where I’m drawing a blank is what grand conspiracy REALLY needed to happen here?

It’s pretty cut and dried…….kid with a long history of issues with the staff (they wouldn’t even have to ask to see that) one who chose to have a class that could have been scheduled at any time during part of a Wednesday practice, a kid who occasionally gives a poor effort at an inopportune time who isn’t blazing fast, but more importantly not all that big….. Really guys there are 50 DJKs in college football……it’s the attitude, the attitude much like this Iowa team is a great deal more important than talent…..

And this past team proved that…..13 kids in NFL camps later and we went 8-5. DJK was apart of that attitude by the way, yet people always seem to miss that…..why.

DJK has enuff talent, but he doesn’t have the “other†things… then they go to KF hey Kirk whats up….!? Well honestly he’s a good kid who made some poor choices. He’s a little immature and needs a lot of “managingâ€, I like the kid fine, but he can be a distraction……does he need to say more than that?!? So then they talk to his teammates and him……viola’!

I’ll say again to those who don’t want to hear it……DJK, did DJK in, period end of story. Now we have a 60 minutes story coming.....that would show how out of touch our society has really become….lol

Lets assume for a second that KF did not give DJK any ringing endorsement...and gave his blunt opinion and say it was not positive.

Is Kirk supposed to lie, or rather, not give his opinion? Because if he starts doing that, and if the player in question doesn't pan out or flakes out, then people will begin to question the value of Kirk's input...and that could have a negative impact on Iowa players chances at NFL opportunities down the line...players who weren't doing drugs..players who were walking the line that was set down to be walked in the program.

I don't ever think Coach Ferentz should ever compromise his integrity in trying to get a player into the NFL.

However, DJK should be in the NFL in some capacity. Weird deal.
If an NFL team thinks DJK has the talent to help them win, they'll sign him. Period.

If KFZ did say anything to those teams asking... it was nothing more than the truth. He's not going to compromise his reputation by trashing a kid unnecessarily...or by backing him when he doesn't honestly feel he can.

I agree. I am pulling for DJK to make it to the NFL.
I want to add I do get some just wonder why he didn’t get a shot without blaming KF. Please for those of you in this category I’m not trying to jerk your chain and I sincerely mean that. There are some however who although I don’t think they necessarily realize their doing it……are saying just that….


PS.....I'm on record that ANY past Iowa player on an NFL roster is good for the program so in no WAY am I against DJK.
Good points, but there are players in the NFL with the same sort of baggage, though (and worse baggage). His workout numbers were up there with other WRs at the combine that back up his record-breaking numbers at Iowa.

A year ago, DJK was going to the NFL... undeniably... by many sources.

If not saying he should have been drafted, but to not get a FA signing or a supplemental draft pick says something.

DJK's season production was mediocre. He is in Iowa's record books on the merit of starting for 4 straight seasons.

Furthermore, DJK wasn't a frequent visitor to the endzone until his SR season.

In contast, McNutt has a chance to pass DJK's yardage record AND to also take posession of the receiving TD record.

In other words, Marv's production, while being considered a top WR is a good bit more impressive.

More importantly, through DJK's career, he had games where he simply fell off the radar. When you have a top WR ... they DON'T fall off the radar ... not like that. When they do, it's usually a result of bracket coverage or something like that. Go watch DJK's film ... he drops off the map sometimes ... and there's no good reason for it!

The NFL sees things really simply here ...

1. DJK's production doesn't merit the attention that SOME Iowa fans seem to believe it should
2. DJK is too inconsistent
3. DJK is quite obviously a bit of a head case
4. DJK has issues with authority figures ... and that can severely impact coachability

Furthermore, when a guy is going for a job interview ... usually they still benefit from a good recommendation. DJK doesn't have ANY recommendation to hang his hat on. Ferentz doesn't need to disparage DJK. The very fact that DJK soured the very relationships needed to provide him with a positive recommendation ... that's telling in itself.

Now go and look at ANY other instance where "questionable" college talents end up getting their shot in the pros. Invariably, such a guy can bank on the sort of production that is absolutely unquestioned. Furthermore, many guys, like Masoli, benefit from a transfer ... which then still allows them to get a good recommendation.
There is something bigger than KF that is keeping teams from taking a leap. GM's have taken players with far less integrity than DJK. I am not buying the KF connection. I am not buying the "drug house" thing. He was one of the most dangerous WR in the Big 10. It just doesn't make sense. Reisner gets a look and DJK doesn't. Thats not taking away from Reisner, he is TE with skills as well but if you judge by just overall talent, DJK wins. Someday we may know but right now its mysterious.
40 time: In the 4.5 range
strength: 20 reps at 225 lbs.
Very productive collegiate career, good KOR guy, very good route runner

That translates into a mid round grade. Falls into the Pettis(Boise St. 3rd rd. pick) and Niles Paul(Neb. 5th rd. pick) category.

I am with Stormin on this it is a weird deal I am not sure what to think.
DJK's season production was mediocre. He is in Iowa's record books on the merit of starting for 4 straight seasons.

Furthermore, DJK wasn't a frequent visitor to the endzone until his SR season.

In contast, McNutt has a chance to pass DJK's yardage record AND to also take posession of the receiving TD record.

In other words, Marv's production, while being considered a top WR is a good bit more impressive.

More importantly, through DJK's career, he had games where he simply fell off the radar. When you have a top WR ... they DON'T fall off the radar ... not like that. When they do, it's usually a result of bracket coverage or something like that. Go watch DJK's film ... he drops off the map sometimes ... and there's no good reason for it!

The NFL sees things really simply here ...

1. DJK's production doesn't merit the attention that SOME Iowa fans seem to believe it should
2. DJK is too inconsistent
3. DJK is quite obviously a bit of a head case
4. DJK has issues with authority figures ... and that can severely impact coachability

Furthermore, when a guy is going for a job interview ... usually they still benefit from a good recommendation. DJK doesn't have ANY recommendation to hang his hat on. Ferentz doesn't need to disparage DJK. The very fact that DJK soured the very relationships needed to provide him with a positive recommendation ... that's telling in itself.

Now go and look at ANY other instance where "questionable" college talents end up getting their shot in the pros. Invariably, such a guy can bank on the sort of production that is absolutely unquestioned. Furthermore, many guys, like Masoli, benefit from a transfer ... which then still allows them to get a good recommendation.

My gawd, did he sleep with your wife? Mcnutt is 6'4 225 lbs. and has meat hooks for hands, yeah he better score, especially in the red zone.
40 time: In the 4.5 range
strength: 20 reps at 225 lbs.
Very productive collegiate career, good KOR guy, very good route runner

That translates into a mid round grade. Falls into the Pettis(Boise St. 3rd rd. pick) and Niles Paul(Neb. 5th rd. pick) category.

I am with Stormin on this it is a weird deal I am not sure what to think.

Very productive?

- His best season and he doesn't break 750 yards? The suggests either that there are talent limitations OR that the guy is too inconsistent.

- He doesn't break 3 TDs in a season until his SR year? Heck, Hinkel had 4 in one game!

DJK's productivity is exaggerated.

I'm not saying he isn't talented. Frankly, I think that DJK didn't even get close to his ceiling of potential. And that is the sad part. Had the young man towed the line ... had the young man put in the work, had the young man invested into being a better leader, and had he put in all the time needed to hone his craft .... his record numbers at Iowa perhaps could have been almost "untouchable." Instead, his numbers were okay ... but not great.
Lets assume for a second that KF did not give DJK any ringing endorsement...and gave his blunt opinion and say it was not positive.

Is Kirk supposed to lie, or rather, not give his opinion? Because if he starts doing that, and if the player in question doesn't pan out or flakes out, then people will begin to question the value of Kirk's input...and that could have a negative impact on Iowa players chances at NFL opportunities down the line...players who weren't doing drugs..players who were walking the line that was set down to be walked in the program.

+1. DJK has talent but not to the degree that allowed him to operate outside of the lines and still get to the NFL. If he had kept his nose clean, gotten along well with his coaches and teammates and worked hard on every play, the chances are good he either would have been drafted in the late rounds or invited as a free agent.
There is something bigger than KF that is keeping teams from taking a leap. GM's have taken players with far less integrity than DJK. I am not buying the KF connection. I am not buying the "drug house" thing. He was one of the most dangerous WR in the Big 10. It just doesn't make sense. Reisner gets a look and DJK doesn't. Thats not taking away from Reisner, he is TE with skills as well but if you judge by just overall talent, DJK wins. Someday we may know but right now its mysterious.

I think Reisner was invited to a camp on Iowa's TE tradition alone.

Agree aside from asking every GM in the NFL why they didn't invite him to camp we may never know.
My gawd, did he sleep with your wife? Mcnutt is 6'4 225 lbs. and has meat hooks for hands, yeah he better score, especially in the red zone.

And yet many of McNutt's TD receptions where long balls. Heck, very few of McNutt's TD receptions were on fades ... so your argument lacks merit.

If McNutt were to really get down the fade-ball with Vandenberg ... then his TD numbers could truly be insane this year.
40 time: In the 4.5 range
strength: 20 reps at 225 lbs.
Very productive collegiate career, good KOR guy, very good route runner

That translates into a mid round grade. Falls into the Pettis(Boise St. 3rd rd. pick) and Niles Paul(Neb. 5th rd. pick) category.

I am with Stormin on this it is a weird deal I am not sure what to think.

See even here…I get what you are saying, but he isn’t comparable to Pettis….

Pettis is 6 2†and 5/8 and DJK is maybe 6 foot….

Pettis also ran the fastest shuttle time of ANY receiver and he had 229 receptions and 39 TD passes. Playing alongside another legitimate NFL WR (Titus Young 2nd round) basically his whole career…..

Compare that to DJK who had 168 receptions and 16 TDs….not really very comparable, right?!?!

As far as Niles Paul he is 6-1 but 224, the NFL loves those guys. He also came out of a run first offense and has a huge upside.

Even in these comparison’s DJK is on the short end.

Now in response to RAD…….yes I’d have thought he’d at least get a look and I too think one day we “may†find out all that went on behind the scenes. I personally think we are going to see a MUCH improved attitude, focus and effort on this year’s edition of the Iowa Hawkeyes and it is my personal belief DJK was a major team distraction. I get the sense the NFL got that in their investigations as well……

KF will never say, but as you have noted something else is out there and the NFL knows it.

I think Reisner was invited to a camp on Iowa's TE tradition alone.

Agree aside from asking every GM in the NFL why they didn't invite him to camp we may never know.

Watch Reisner's tape ... even going back to the '08 season. The young man has learned how to block!

Reisner is not a freak athlete ... however, he can block, he knows how to execute with great versatility as a TE, and he has great hands. You combine those assets with a very good recommendation from Ferentz and Co ... and you're looking at legit chance at realizing a NFL dream.
Very productive?

- His best season and he doesn't break 750 yards? The suggests either that there are talent limitations OR that the guy is too inconsistent.

- He doesn't break 3 TDs in a season until his SR year? Heck, Hinkel had 4 in one game!

DJK's productivity is exaggerated.

I'm not saying he isn't talented. Frankly, I think that DJK didn't even get close to his ceiling of potential. And that is the sad part. Had the young man towed the line ... had the young man put in the work, had the young man invested into being a better leader, and had he put in all the time needed to hone his craft .... his record numbers at Iowa perhaps could have been almost "untouchable." Instead, his numbers were okay ... but not great.

You nailed it here Homer.....he had a higher ceiling, but he wouldn't allow himslef to reach it.

My gawd, did he sleep with your wife?

LOL! No, he did something worse! He was a me-first player ... and was a negative influence in the Hawkeye locker room (a very polarizing figure). I know of a few NFLers (former Hawks) who hate DJK for that very reason.

I invariably have the "backs" of Iowa players. However, when a player hurts our program ... they lose my support. And by hurting our program ... I don't mean by playing poorly. There are plenty of great Hawkeyes who weren't terribly good ... Antwan Allen being one of such guys.

In sincerely believe that the Iowa program would have been better off and more successful WITHOUT DJK. His influence led to polarization ... furthermore, he was a distraction to the team.
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