Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

Seriously...after seeing and reading about this stuff....**** Arizona. I think I might hate them more than Iowa State.....really want to play those ******** in Pasadena....I have NEVER seen anything close to that at any stadium in America, for any sport....and I've been to quite a few....both as a visitor, home fan, and even as a neutral....never, have I ever seen **** like that.
Iowa City was once know as the greatest place to tailgate for visiting teams. Then Fry came, Iowa started winning, and fan behavior dropped off. Anyone remember the stadium with the "lessfilling/taste great" chant, but those were not the pharases used! Even better on the class meter the F""k Bucky" shirts. Just wait for for the Husker swarm when we have 10,000 huskers outside. Lets hope we are better hosts!
Did the one woman say "I'm married to a white, so I can say anything that I want to about white people"?
Iowa City was once know as the greatest place to tailgate for visiting teams. Then Fry came, Iowa started winning, and fan behavior dropped off. Anyone remember the stadium with the "lessfilling/taste great" chant, but those were not the pharases used! Even better on the class meter the F""k Bucky" shirts. Just wait for for the Husker swarm when we have 10,000 huskers outside. Lets hope we are better hosts!

I understand what you are saying to a degree.....but Ann Arbor is a Whore shirts, or **** bucky shirts, or whatever, are tee shirts.....stupid chants that the student section partakes in, or used to partake in, are stupid chants....when it's to the degree shown in that video, that isn't an avid fanbase, that is a joke of a human being that should not be allowed to set foot in that stadium ever again.
A chant is a chant. A tee shirt is a tee shirt. They are humorous. Not always friendly on the ears of young ones, but they are indeed found humorous, often times by many of the opposing teams fans. I sold a guy my Ann Arbor is a Whore shirt 7 or 8 years ago, he was a Michigan fan and HAD to have it. That **** in the video isn't even taunting....that is verbal, as well as physical (I don't care what you say about "oh please he hit his camera"...**** that, that's physical,) harassment and abuse. And a few shades of racism. That is incredibly disgusting that people are PERMITTED to act like that....and COME BACK? (and it isn't just this video, numerous accounts of threats being made, verbal harassment, physical harassment, this **** went on all around the stadium/parking lot/area where the game crowd was centered). Again. **** Arizona. If they don't lose the rest of their games, I hope they win out, I'd love to beat their sorry *** in Pasadena.
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I was there and the verbal abuse happened the day before the game, the day of the game, after the game, and the day after the game... it made me sick. I expect being taunted some, but the use of their langauage was out right abusive. I could only imagine anyone who brought their kids what they experienced. I have been to many away games and you get a little but verbal abuse and it is expected and usiually not in bad taste but that is not like what I experienced in AZ.
Now I did find a few fans that were really cool and in fact their was a tailgate right outside the stadium at Zendejas and they were inviting Hawk fans to come up and have a beer with them. We did some easy taunting back and forth but never the abusive langauage and it was fun.
The rest of AZ was totally trash.
Ann Arbor on the front, is a whore on the back. Classic. I was at one of those Michigan weekends, alot of Michigan fans were having fun with it. Miching fans would say things like, "her reputation is even down in Iowa" and the like. Muck Fichigan was another good one.
Ann Arbor on the front, is a whore on the back. Classic. I was at one of those Michigan weekends, alot of Michigan fans were having fun with it. Miching fans would say things like, "her reputation is even down in Iowa" and the like. Muck Fichigan was another good one.

Makin' Michigan our BICH-Again is my personal favorite.
Ann Arbor on the front, is a whore on the back. Classic. I was at one of those Michigan weekends, alot of Michigan fans were having fun with it. Miching fans would say things like, "her reputation is even down in Iowa" and the like. Muck Fichigan was another good one. I said, some Iowa fans/Michigan fans, fans in general might think those shirts are sick....or inappropriate, and maybe they are....but I happen to enjoy it. I saw a pretty good Iowa State shirt last weekend, degrading Iowa, and I told the guy it got a laugh out of me. Some people probably scoffed at it, but's a shirt. It's not threatening anyone's safety, or making racist comments, or spitting in anyone's's a jeer towards one side or the other, like any other taunting that goes on before a football game. Taunting is normal between fans. That **** in Arizona, I am positive, does not "happen everywhere" to the level I've heard of it happening there.
I love how the chick calls him white trash. How would someone who is "white trash" be able to afford to go on a weekend vacation to Arizona, pay for all vacation expenses, purchase tickets to the game, and have a pretty nice camera (great pixel quality)? Judging by only the actions of the couple, they probably got those tickets by jumping two people outside of the stadium...
Share this with as many people as you can.....I wanna see these people get prosecuted by the U of A and local Tuscon authorities!!!
This is going to Arizona AD and Tuscon Police.........soon!

As much D-baggery that was shown on that video clip, I dont really see anything that warrants taxpayer money going to prosecuting anyone. What exactly is the AZ AD going to do with this video? People are allowed to be idiots. The public ridicule these people will recieve because of this will be more than enough punishment. Once it is on the internet it aint coming off. Good luck to these people ever getting a job if this video gets around. (granted their jobs likely consist of waking themselves up in time to collect welfare before the welfare office closes @ 5 pm)
Did the one woman say "I'm married to a white, so I can say anything that I want to about white people"?

Yeah, something tells me if a white woman said she was married to a black and then started dropping N bombs all over the place that wouldnt go over so well.
Arizona experience from an Alabama fans' perspective...

kleph goes to the football stadium: Arizona vs. Iowa Gameday

Thanks. Spot on. My experience was nearly identical to his. We did talk with a few cool people, but I couldn't wait to get out of that place.

I can tolerate as much banter as anyone. However, these people were just trashy and abusive (not to mention plentiful).

I will never go back there.

I will go back to the Catalinas (mountains) to hike, though!
I want to apologize on behalf of all REAL Wildcats Fans. We do not act this way or treat the opposing team this way. At least 90% of the fans in UofA are very respectful and very friendly. I tailgate with a bunch of people there that welcome and feed anyone from the opposing team. We have been remembered and written by former opposing teams that UofA is one of the most friendliest so pleased do not take a bunch of A$$ho##s as what to expect at UofA. Please remember there are bad apples anywhere you go and your luck just so happened to be bad that day. Again We are sorry.
I want to apologize on behalf of all REAL Wildcats Fans. We do not act this way or treat the opposing team this way. At least 90% of the fans in UofA are very respectful and very friendly. I tailgate with a bunch of people there that welcome and feed anyone from the opposing team. We have been remembered and written by former opposing teams that UofA is one of the most friendliest so pleased do not take a bunch of A$$ho##s as what to expect at UofA. Please remember there are bad apples anywhere you go and your luck just so happened to be bad that day. Again We are sorry.

Thanks. The friends that we were staying with were Arizona grads, and are great friends of ours. Certainly, there are lots of great Arizona fans.

I do, however, think that these incidents were not isolated on this given day, and should give y'all pause to reflect. It happened to lots of us before, during, and after the game. Definitely the worst road game crowd I've seen (and I've seen a lot).

I did enjoy your city, the Saguaro museum, and hiking the Catalinas. The mexican food was awesome as well. I just with some of your fans could buy a little more class.
Thanks. The friends that we were staying with were Arizona grads, and are great friends of ours. Certainly, there are lots of great Arizona fans.

I do, however, think that these incidents were not isolated on this given day, and should give y'all pause to reflect. It happened to lots of us before, during, and after the game. Definitely the worst road game crowd I've seen (and I've seen a lot).

I did enjoy your city, the Saguaro museum, and hiking the Catalinas. The mexican food was awesome as well. I just with some of your fans could buy a little more class.

Add it to the list of things that money can't buy.