Well-Known Member
The guest that was on Murph and Andy yesterday, his last name is Justice, anyway, he's a Nebby guy but he said the exact same thing about AZ fans...classless in every definition of the word.
We helped them have a sell out for the game but I will never go back there again.We tailgated with some Arizona Hawkeyes and had a good time but that was it.Just had to keep mouth shut and watch game for what it was.Not all of the fans were bad but when they make fun of our players on there jumbotron by calling Stanzi,Sandie on there caption is classless.Then changing the score all of the time to give them 44pts.Still like Florida to retire over Arizona.
Nope. No Hawk fan has ever been a dick to a Cyclone EVER. It's all the figment of many delusional imaginations. Shada'srevenge already said that all the stories on CF are made up. He HAS to be right.
Iowa should schedule the Clowns four times a year. This way, you might stay off the hawkeye message boards a few additional days each year when your team gets pounded.
I think you're probably right about some Iowa fans being bad. It doesn't discount the fact that Arizona fans were absolutely awful to us when we were there.
Why come here to pee on this board? Get a life.
ISU fans who come to this site after that beatdown they took are complete losers. Worry about you own problems. The Panthers are in town, and you have to have that win for a chance at a 4-win season!
Our little sister keeps track of everything that happens with our team better than we do sometimes.There the first to throw dirt in our face without looking in there back yard.
What a disgrace!
I was at the game, and while there definitely was some friendly taunting and “let us who can cheer for our team the loudest†going on in the area I was at, and yes there were also "way too many" Hawkeyes in my area, there was absolutely no hostility or anything even remotely like what I just saw in that video.
After the game I walked out of the stadium with thousands of other fans in both Red and Black & Gold. I walked about a mile among them all, and saw NOTHING even remotely like this, or even fans doing anything but celebrating (or yawning since it was so darn late).
I am not saying it didn’t happen, because it obviously did. And I am not saying it is not horrible that some people will act like that, because it truly is! What I am saying is; this was NOT the general scenery by far!
I can see that this is taken from the southern end-zone stands. For those thinking that this is a student section, it is NOT! It is what is known as the “Circle-K Red Zoneâ€, which is described as “general admission seating area†on the ArizonaWildcats.com website.
The ZonaZoo (the student section) is on the Eastern sideline.
However, let me play “devil’s advocate†for a second. Maybe, just maybe, it was not entirely unprovoked by the Hawkeye fans filming this. There are other Hawkeye fans around the unruly Wildcat “fans†(and I use that term loosely), that are completely left out of it. It is not an attack on Iowa or their fans in general, but on the ones that also happen to be the providers of the 1 minute 24 second video that shows the Arizona "fans" being morons. It does not show what led up to this incident. This doesn’t excuse their behavior, but please keep in mind that it is a one-sided portrayal of the incident.
Once again, sorry that anyone had to experience this, and I hope it doesn’t keep anyone from showing up next time!
Go Cats & Go Hawks!
By the way; regarding the "incidents" on the scoreboard; the person running it is not exactly up to par. He got the name of the Arizona players wrong, at least through out the first half. Examples; Full's instead of Foles (our QB for crying out loud!), Grisby instead of Grigsby (our Senior RB!). I noticed the 44 a couple of times. Not sure if that was "intentional taunting" or just a complete inability to operate the board. If your "feedback" causes us to get someone else to run the board, you got my vote![]()