Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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There seems to be a circle of and generation hand me down aspect to some real shitty parenting in this country. Abuse, both physical, verbal and emotional, is pretty common I would guess. Glad I had very good parents and I have tried to be the best I can. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have a parent say you were a POS or something like that.

I told my kids they had no choice that they were brought into this world but they need to lead their own lives, be in control, and try to do the best they can.

I struck out w parents. Did it destroy Has it caused issues career wise...yes, good and bad. PTSD can be a great coaching advantage and in the marketplace. There are significant drawbacks. In my PTSD moments I ve told several supervisors to go to hell.
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I just got back from my weekly grocery shop that I started during the pandemic. I wear a mask and do my best to social distance. It gives me peace of mind. Most people do the same. Some don't wear masks. Some walk right up on you with no regard for space. I just do my thing and head home. Whatever.

Today, there was an older man in one of those rascal like scooter deals just dancing to his own drummer. He went the opposite way down the one-way aisles and was riding up on people. I just shook my head. Again, whatever.

Then as I'm checking out, he comes flying down my checkout lane the opposite way after a wild turn and runs into the candy and gum in the express lane. He already had checked out. He was laughing and I could help but laugh with him as he cruised by me.
Well, Northside, I have lived a pretty long life. My theory has always been “I do not want to die of something dumb.” Seems to have worked so far.

John Andre a Brit spy was struggling with his impending hanging as he approached the gallows. When asked if he was composed he's not the dying that bothers me but the method.
If Trump and Pelosi would both be out of their respective offices come January, I don't believe I would shed a tear.

Agreed. And McConnell, and Schumer, and quite a few others, both sides.

Term limits would solve so much.. Almost everyone agrees, know...the people that would have to vote for that to happen. Have you ever seen that be a topic of debate in the general debates or during midterm elections, either party. Or ran as a bipartisan tv add? Me neither.

Weird huh, the one thing almost every voter, no matter the politics, would fully support.....crickets.

That 1 thing would eventually root out a ton of corruption, the pork in bills(that takes them from 50 pages if good intent to 800 pages if which the masses have no clue about), lobby money, etc.

Wont happen in our lifetime. You either have bipartisan gridlock or one party that somehow will get all 3 branches and whooooaaa nelly.

But we'll get to hear about how they gonna fix healthcare, medicare, schools, soc sec, jobs, the global climate for the 100th time. Now they have a new talking point, loads of promises to sell.

Sorry all....blacked out there for a bit. Apologies.
Good point in showing the deck is stacked against them from the start. Are you a lifetime construction worker? Do you know what that does to your body?

Not everybody can be bankers or medical researchers. Actually, jobs in the "trades" are really suffering and low.

Some are just too damn lazy to work in these fields and others don't know what the hell they are doing because they grew up with their fingers on a PS4 control instead of a hammer.
I've always liked John Stossel. I think he's a great reporter.
Same here, I used to really enjoy his segments on ABC's 20/20 when he was a regular on that show. He was on Fox for awhile and now seems to be doing more freelance stuff. He's written a couple very interesting books as well. He makes you think and raises some points you typically don't here on the left or right.
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Woody Allen: “I’m not afraid of dying. I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”
A good friend of mine had a father who was dying of cancer. On his death bed in the hospital he told my buddy, "if I would have known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself".
I just got back from my weekly grocery shop that I started during the pandemic. I wear a mask and do my best to social distance. It gives me peace of mind. Most people do the same. Some don't wear masks. Some walk right up on you with no regard for space. I just do my thing and head home. Whatever.

Today, there was an older man in one of those rascal like scooter deals just dancing to his own drummer. He went the opposite way down the one-way aisles and was riding up on people. I just shook my head. Again, whatever.

Then as I'm checking out, he comes flying down my checkout lane the opposite way after a wild turn and runs into the candy and gum in the express lane. He already had checked out. He was laughing and I could help but laugh with him as he cruised by me.
Is this the same guy?

Not everybody can be bankers or medical researchers. Actually, jobs in the "trades" are really suffering and low.

Some are just too damn lazy to work in these fields and others don't know what the hell they are doing because they grew up with their fingers on a PS4 control instead of a hammer.
Great point Melrose! I started doing roofing, (paper,Hot tar, and rock chips) after high school. I became an electrical apprentice and worked until I got my journeyman card. I went to John Deere where I worked in maintenance for 30 years. I went back to construction working for contractors after JD. A person can make some serious coin if your willing to work. It's a good career to be in!
Not everybody can be bankers or medical researchers. Actually, jobs in the "trades" are really suffering and low.

Some are just too damn lazy to work in these fields and others don't know what the hell they are doing because they grew up with their fingers on a PS4 control instead of a hammer.
I've worked in a movie theater, as a bartender, as an exterminator and as a car salesman. I worked overnight at a gas station 3 nights a week while going to Iowa full-time. Don't try to make me feel bad for being a banker. I worked hard to get where I am and I'm good at what I do. My whole point is that there are many people out there who start with such a bad hand that they will not make it no matter how hard they try. PC mentioned that some people have parents that tell them they will never make it out. What do you think that does to their development from childhood to adulthood. I'm sure for some, it motivates them. The rest give up on society and their dreams, if they ever had them.

You're making sweeping generalizations about an entire generation, I have had many high school and college kids work for me over the years. 95% of them have been awesome. Why do older people demonize millennials so much when they are they ones that raised them?? I mean let's be honest, who really fucked up here? You blame the kids for their parents shortcomings? Makes no sense to me.
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And in our normal day to day lives and activities most of what we do is not competitive but cooperative. At home, at work, in school we have to cooperate to get things done. But humans are competitive in spirit as our many animals because at a very base level each organism does compete to survive.

I am not sure what sociologists say or experts in human nature but maybe that is why we play competitive activities, games, sports, spelling bees etc to satisfy that part of our nature.

If our human ancestors did not compete against rival groups or sometimes among themselves they might not have survived and flourished. The way ancient humans hunted in groups was cooperative and you might have to compete though to get your share of the spoils.

Agree 100% but developmentally I think you've got to move through that "me" stage to get to the cooperative "we" stage. He's only 9 now so the focus is still on his development and instilling those values, but at this point its definitely been a great motivator to help him stay focused on his education and push himself in the classroom. By developing a work ethic and the mentality that everything comes with a price (you get out what you put in) it promotes hard work and dedication at an early age so that he's a "leader" when he gets older and not someone that's going to ride the coattails of others when he reaches the age when the real world becomes more about teamwork
Great point Melrose! I started doing roofing, (paper,Hot tar, and rock chips) after high school. I became an electrical apprentice and worked until I got my journeyman card. I went to John Deere where I worked in maintenance for 30 years. I went back to construction working for contractors after JD. A person can make some serious coin if your willing to work. It's a good career to be in!
Being an electrician is a great field to be in. I've tried to convince some of my construction worker friends to get into it because their joints are starting to break down and it pays a lot better.
Tom Brady breaks the law and get's busted!

I am not sure why states or maybe cities are closing parks. A Tampa Fl park is closed but beaches reopened.

Parks should be a place people can get outside yet socially distance themselves. You dont have to really socially distance yourself from someone you live with who is also mainly isolated from others. Go to the park and walk exercise and relax.

Good read here if I can get the link to work. About how much more deadly this is than the seasonal flu. It says the seasonal flu has a death rate of .1% and COVID killed .1% of the entire population of New York in one month. Also made a good point about Wuhan and their false numbers. Would China really close down their economy for 2 months over a bad flu? They would execute 10% of their population today before they shut their economy down.
I am not sure why states or maybe cities are closing parks. A Tampa Fl park is closed but beaches reopened.

Parks should be a place people can get outside yet socially distance themselves. You dont have to really socially distance yourself from someone you live with who is also mainly isolated from others. Go to the park and walk exercise and relax.
The one thing about parks is kids playgrounds. Other than that I agree.
I've worked in a movie theater, as a bartender, as an exterminator and as a car salesman. I worked overnight at a gas station 3 nights a week while going to Iowa full-time. Don't try to make me feel bad for being a banker. I worked hard to get where I am and I'm good at what I do. My whole point is that there are many people out there who start with such a bad hand that they will not make it no matter how hard they try. PC mentioned that some people have parents that tell them they will never make it out. What do you think that does to their development from childhood to adulthood. I'm sure for some, it motivates them. The rest give up on society and their dreams, if they ever had them.

You're making sweeping generalizations about an entire generation, I have had many high school and college kids work for me over the years. 95% of them have been awesome. Why do older people demonize millennials so much when they are they ones that raised them?? I mean let's be honest, who really fucked up here? You blame the kids for their parents shortcomings? Makes no sense to me.

Not to make you feel bad...we are both banksters!:cool:

I was mostly with you on Millennials....until significant others got involved. Frankly it's like dealing with Princesses who will cut parent in laws out of their life with any slight reason that makes discomfort. Never saw this attitude coming.
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