This is well said, I've been saying (not here really) that while there is so much "bad" coming from this pandemic, there will be some good that comes out of it. It could have been much worse. Imagine a virus that kills 10% of the infected instead of 1-3%. That isn't impossible in the future. It will hopefully open people's eyes about the medical industry and how we weren't set up to help large amounts of people. When rural hospitals are floundering, hopefully it shows that they might be a necessity. It showed that moving production overseas of goods like PPE, while more effective at creating a profit, creates shortages for Americans.
Most importantly it shows that we are all in this together, any action we take will have an effect on others. While it's especially true during this pandemic, it will also be true after the virus subsides.
Lmao I doubt you get paid more than me, I do just fine. I'm not complaining at all about my wages - I'm pointing out the insane inequity in this country. You mentioned other countries that are worse than the US, funny, are you just guessing or do you have some data that shows Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Venezuela are worse than the US? There's 8 countries that have more inequality than the US, and only one of yours is on the list. The one that is? China. See any similarities between our countries? Tons of corruption between politicians and corporations. Same thing here.
I'm probably the least religious person on this forum, but why do people not listen to Jesus' words when he taught that we should use our financial resources to help the poor and needy through benevolence? Of all his teachings it seems the most convenient one to ignore, especially here in America. Or is it just that people don't want the government re-allocating money? Honest question. Obviously allowing people like Bezoz and others to donate as he wishes out of fear from eternal damnation hasn't worked so far. Yes I agree people should be rewarded for their hard work, their ideas and their ambition. I work with people like this every day. I also work with a family who spent their entire lives working incredibly hard and went bankrupt when their child got cancer. There should be more safety nets for people. Our country can afford it.
Don't tell me "well if you work hard and don't do drugs you can make it to the middle class." I'd love to watch you go to Flint Michigan, Forest Park in Detroit or Selma Alabama and try to spread that message. For 99% of these people there is no way out.
Here's a fun video that compares wealth using grains of rice. Keep in mind that 200 million people in this country have one grain of rice or less, likely including you:
Those people you mention are probably raised by their parents telling them there is no way out. They're raised to believe they have no chance at success so they don't even try. Anyone with a good work ethic (especially guys with construction) can go out and make a decent living.
Those people you mention are probably raised by their parents telling them there is no way out.
I did as well.You just did.
I forget to mention, blaming just the far left or far right for most of the country's ills is part of the problem.
There seems to be a circle of and generation hand me down aspect to some real shitty parenting in this country. Abuse, both physical, verbal and emotional, is pretty common I would guess. Glad I had very good parents and I have tried to be the best I can. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have a parent say you were a POS or something like that.
I told my kids they had no choice that they were brought into this world but they need to lead their own lives, be in control, and try to do the best they can.
Great philosophy... As a coach I always find myself telling my kids "anything you want you better be ready to work for because there's always going to be someone you're competing against for whatever it is you want". I hate making everything about competition, but I found that doing so with my oldest (who is the most competitive person I know) has helped him just as much on the field/court as it has in the classroom. The kid will be the first to tell you that he doesn't like school and his classes suck, but he'll also tell you that he's made it a long term to goal to finish toward the top of his class simply because he doesn't want to "lose" academically.
There is fear and risk in everyday life. What people really fear is that God is the only one who knows when the plug is going to be pulled.
Some deal with that better than others.
Carpet install for 24 years now. It's not good on the body at all. But neither is sitting at a desk all day. I take joint supplements that help a ton. It also keeps me in good shape which helps. But I'm definitely banking on technology advancement when I'm old with a messed up body.Good point in showing the deck is stacked against them from the start. Are you a lifetime construction worker? Do you know what that does to your body?
John Stossel with some interesting thoughts on Corona ...
There are two things in the world that you can't legislate...fairness and common sense.John Stossel with some interesting thoughts on Corona ...