Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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New York City will be one of the last places in this country to plug back in.

Right now my questions are is New York way ahead of other cities because that's where most people fly to? Is it because of how close they live and travel? If it's the first one, the other big city's will get hit hard too. If ita mostly the second one, maybe most of the other big cities won't be so bad. It's probably a combination of both. It's also possible New York was just too far along before social distancing started and maybe other cities will slow it more than they did. If that one is true, then social distancing will have saved a lot of lives.
I certainly wasn't trying to imply this was the norm right now.
No but I'm guessing you were implying that social distancing enforcement is going too far. I'm implying that it was either an isolated incident of a jerk cop being a jerk, or it was someone completely making up a story. I'm leaning towards the latter.
No but I'm guessing you were implying that social distancing enforcement is going too far. I'm implying that it was either an isolated incident of a jerk cop being a jerk, or it was someone completely making up a story. I'm leaning towards the latter.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist.
Dr. Anthony Falci: He has made contributions to HIV/AIDS research and other immunodeficiencies, both as a scientist and as the head of the NIAID at the NIH. Fauci is "the nation's leading expert on infectious diseases. Dr Falci has been at the forefront of US efforts to contend with viral diseases like HIV, SARS, the 2009 swine flu pandemic, MERS, Ebola, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2].

Dr. Falci has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [NIAID] since 1984, advising six presidents. George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008,

Fauci is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine, the American Philosophical Society, and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, as well as other numerous professional societies including the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the American Association of Immunologists.

He serves on the editorial boards of many scientific journals as an editor of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, and as the author, co-author, or editor of more than 1,000 scientific publications, including several textbooks.

Peter Navarro is Trump's Trade Advisor who approved of the US purchase of millions of Hydrocloroquine pills despite the medical professions doubt that they will stop COVID-19. One doesn't need a doctor's prescription to buy the pills. - RX - Coronavirus Products&wiz_term=+hydroxychloroquine

The White House trade adviser Peter Navarro and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US top expert on infectious diseases, erupted into a fight during a coronavirus task force meeting on Saturday.

At the center of the argument was how much the White House should back a malaria drug called hydroxychloroquine in fighting the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19.

The discussion began when Stephen Hahn, the Food and Drug Administration commissioner updated the task force on what he'd seem fro drug trials and real-life results. At that point, Navarro, who has no background in science or medicine, distributed folders and praised the "clear therapeutic efficacy" of the drug.

Navarro's remarks sparked significant pushback from public-health officials, including Fauci, who said that the drug was still experimental and that there's no proof it's an effective treatment for COVID-19.

Falci said there was only anecdotal evidence suggesting that hydroxychloroquine is useful against COVID-19, which "just set Peter off," people at the scene said. Navarro pointed to the folders and told Fauci. "that's science, not anecdote"

Navarro then reportedly accused Fauci of opposing the President's restrictions on travel from China, saying, "You were the one who early on objected to the travel restrictions with China."

Fauci, who backed the restrictions and has voice support for trump's announcement, "looked confused." Vice President Mike Pence, the head of the task force, was trying to calm the situation, while everyone was just trying to get Peter to sit down and stop being so confrontational.

This was the point where an expert took control of the situation:

Eventually, Jared Kushner, who also has no medical or scientific training, told Navarro to "take yes for an answer," as the task force agreed that hydroxychloroquine should be sent to the most affected areas.

In fact, as health experts and actual doctors have stressed, there is a lot patients could lose by trying hydroxychloroquine given that the drug can cause heart arrhythmia that could lead to cardiac arrest, for starters. "It causes psychiatric symptoms, cardiac problems and a host of other bad side effects, said Megan Ranney, an emergency physician at Brown University.noting that she had never seen an elected official hype a drug as a miracle cure. "There may be a role for it for some people," she said, " but to tell Americans 'you don't have anything to lose, ' that's not true.
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Nope. What happened? What was the issue?

If you're well informed on what was wrong with the tests, I would like to hear it. I haven't heard yet.

By now, this is 'old news', so a bit harder to find original sources I read weeks ago. But the issue was that the CDC tried to develop their own test for the virus, when the blueprint for one from the WHO was already available.

Then the CDC ran into problem after problem.

The lack of testing here still persists. People may be divided politically, but everyone right or left, I think people would very much like to know if they might have the virus. And would take not spreading it very seriously if they did. That is the key to hopefully loosing the social isolation recommendations until a virus is created.
But neither the CDC nor the coronavirus task force chaired by Vice President Mike Pence would say who made the decision to forgo the WHO test and instead begin a protracted process of producing an American test, one that got delayed by manufacturing problems, possible lab contamination and logistical delays.

“Please provide an explanation for why the Covid-19 diagnostic test approved by the World Health Organization was not used,” Sen. Patty Murray, the ranking Democrat on the Senate health committee, who represents the hard-hit state of Washington, asked in a 3½-page letter on the testing fiasco to Pence, Health Secretary Alex Azar, CDC director Robert Redfield, and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn.

So far, none has been provided.

But instead of people focusing on the real issues, we were debating cold/flu versus coronavirus. Or if Trump should be calling it the Chinesse Virus. Or a bunch of other stuff that wasn't important. When the reality is that someone f'ed up BIG in the government regarding these tests, and no one has been called out for it yet. And that is important in government, because otherwise problems never get fixed. Or the same people go on and f'up the next thing.

Here is another story about it. It was framed around Biden incorrectly saying we could of bough the kits from WHO (versus only getting the test design).

The CDC’s test was different and more complicated than the German test. It worked in the CDC lab, but when the materials went out to state labs, results were inconsistent. The CDC had to resend packages with new chemical reagents.

State laboratories started developing their own tests and were ready to use them, but had to wait for emergency approval from the Food and Drug Administration. All of this added up to a delay in testing capabilities, which resulted in fewer Americans being tested and an overall slower U.S. response compared with other countries.

Biden has a point that the U.S. did not attempt to use the WHO test. But the U.S. would never have needed complete kits from WHO. Even if it had adopted the WHO testing approach, it already had access to all the necessary materials.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist.

PC, he s a troll with several alts. He consistently gas lights. I would of thought he and his did alts would shape up, but no.

Think of a couple of other notorious gas lighters who haven't been seen in a while ..... That's him.
This is an interesting one;

If you truly think ANY politician or bureaucrat is going to be your savior then you're too far gone for me to debate with.

I and probably many are not looking for saviors but just some top people who act in a responsible manner and can execute some management of problems by identifying the issues and putting together plans and executing plans to fix problems.
By now, this is 'old news', so a bit harder to find original sources I read weeks ago. But the issue was that the CDC tried to develop their own test for the virus, when the blueprint for one from the WHO was already available.

Then the CDC ran into problem after problem.

The lack of testing here still persists. People may be divided politically, but everyone right or left, I think people would very much like to know if they might have the virus. And would take not spreading it very seriously if they did. That is the key to hopefully loosing the social isolation recommendations until a virus is created.

But instead of people focusing on the real issues, we were debating cold/flu versus coronavirus. Or if Trump should be calling it the Chinesse Virus. Or a bunch of other stuff that wasn't important. When the reality is that someone f'ed up BIG in the government regarding these tests, and no one has been called out for it yet. And that is important in government, because otherwise problems never get fixed. Or the same people go on and f'up the next thing.

Here is another story about it. It was framed around Biden incorrectly saying we could of bough the kits from WHO (versus only getting the test design).
I would like to know if I have the virus. But if i go in and get a negative test today, it doesn't mean i won't unknowingly have the virus tomorrow.
PC, he s a troll with several alts. He consistently gas lights. I would of thought he and his did alts would shape up, but no.

Think of a couple of other notorious gas lighters who haven't been seen in a while ..... That's him.
You're a known liar. You have zero credibility.
Right now my questions are is New York way ahead of other cities because that's where most people fly to? Is it because of how close they live and travel? If it's the first one, the other big city's will get hit hard too. If ita mostly the second one, maybe most of the other big cities won't be so bad. It's probably a combination of both. It's also possible New York was just too far along before social distancing started and maybe other cities will slow it more than they did. If that one is true, then social distancing will have saved a lot of lives.
Any big city is vulnerable because it's densely populated.

When our eighth grade went on its class trip to Chicago several eons ago the bus driver explained to us that the amount of people working in the merchandise mart building was about equal to the population of Dubuque. That blew me away and I always remembered it.

Illinois Jo Daviess county, just south of where I live and a county I work in, is fearful for a possible spike as Chicago area people start going to their summer homes in the Eagle Ridge resort and start invading Galena. Wisconsin's Door County is fearful of a similar spike from Chicago, Milwaukee and the Twin Cities.
Some potentially good news, Robert Redfield head of the CDC thinks the death rate will be lower than the latest predictions and feels 'social distancing' is working really well and people are really practicing it.

I think we all need to remember these social actions, public health actions, are an experiment. Our country and the globe I dont think has ever shut down and done shelter in place and social distancing at such a large scale.

Italy, is plateauing, NYC has two days in a row with a few fewer deaths.

But, the next unknown is how long will the plateau of deaths last in these hot spots. If Italy, Spain, NYC and other hotspots remain at a high but flat death rate for weeks or months that will still be a lot of deaths. I am hoping the plateaus will be only a week or two and then really decrease.
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This is a catch-22. You are open to criticism, but the people doing the criticizing have demonstrated that they are not trustworthy themselves.

But there isn't anyone who can solve this for you.

I guess if you don't think there's anything wrong with the comments I listed from the left, there's really nothing to talk about.

I left one out. An MSNBC talking head blaming Trump for a guy drinking fish tank cleaner because Trump said they hydrox medication was showing promise. But I guess that person is trustworthy?
My wife wondered to me why the Feds are not testing at a high level. We both wonder is there a reason even beyond not very many tests available and labs to process them.

She looked at the CDC site and in the last 5 days US Public health labs are only processing about 8,000 tests a day. That is better than a month ago but still a small amount and a long ways to go even for NY and NJ.

I sure hope the authorities start doing 50000 tests a day or more and there isnt some alternative reason why we are not doing this.
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I guess if you don't think there's anything wrong with the comments I listed from the left, there's really nothing to talk about.

I left one out. An MSNBC talking head blaming Trump for a guy drinking fish tank cleaner because Trump said they hydrox medication was showing promise. But I guess that person is trustworthy?

You do know that the wife of the dead guy who drank the fish tank cleaner with hydoxychloroquine in it said they did it exactly because they heard Trump say it seems to be a good drug to fight the virus. She was interviewed and on tape.

What Trump said nearly at least 3 weeks ago about this drug was totally premature and dangerous since this drug has some bad side effects including heart problems which is what this older guy died from iifc
Any big city is vulnerable because it's densely populated.

When our eighth grade went on its class trip to Chicago several eons ago the bus driver explained to us that the amount of people working in the merchandise mart building was about equal to the population of Dubuque. That blew me away and I always remembered it.

Illinois Jo Daviess county, just south of where I live and a county I work in, is fearful for a possible spike as Chicago area people start going to their summer homes in the Eagle Ridge resort and start invading Galena. Wisconsin's Door County is fearful of a similar spike from Chicago, Milwaukee and the Twin Cities.

I remember going to NYC in the late Sixties. The sidewalks were about 20' wide. It wasn't rush hour or lunch time and they were filled to the brim with people moving in both directions, quickly like insane ants. The traffic flow was unimpeded. It was then that I vowed to stay in DM for the duration.

Eight and a half million people now. There is no way to successfully prevent the spread in the initial stages with that many folk intermingling. You would have to institute martial law and Americans are too independent for that to be a viable option.

The tenements and older apartment buildings are not exactly sanitary anyway, and the possibility of the virus lingering in the air is large, whatever the lifetime of being airborne and the doorknobs/handles would have to be malignant.

People in Iowa/DM are doing a great job maintaining social distancing. I wore a face mask for the first time last Friday at Hy-Vee, There were quite a few people there, and I have never been treated with so much respect. One guy about 20' away looked at me and immediately turned his cart around and headed down the nearest aisle. There were 2 other people wearing masks and they looked at me with fear in their eyes.

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