Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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I'm probably coming off as doom and gloom even tho I'm really not. I'm just blown away that people really think this virus is like a normal flu or it's just all a conspiracy. Arguing against them is hard to do without sounding doom and gloomy.

No your not, at first glance a while back I thought so..
You sir are reading into my post wrong. It is a health concern but I choose not to be all doom and gloom that others are. Many people on here right now in this thread are making this a Political Issue when it's a medical issue and that's just sad!!

I would say when you get to a widespread contagion, epidemic, pandemic the situation goes beyond the realm of a medical issue to a societal/management/public policy issue. I am focusing on how this is being managed.

I am mostly complaining about a total lack of federal management of testing, of gathering resources under the Fed umbrella and using some type of JIT supply chain mgmt to get the resources to where they are needed. It is amazing that Oregon and their Gov are sending a lot of ventilators to NY while thousands of ventilators still sit in the National Stockpile. This is a public policy and social issue.

Oh wait I forgot Mr. Jared Kushner, whose claim to fame is being or was being about a billion behind in his payments on a big building, is for some reason saying the National Ventilators are his and he is going to take all his ventilators home and no State can use them. Wow, what a bunch of children we have at the top levels of the Fed. And What's his name Navarro claims his PHd in Social Sciences makes him qualified to give papers to the disease experts to pay attention to. Again a management problem.

Most of this is a management issue and a stating factual information issue. Today is April 6th which is the one month anniversary of the prez saying there are millions of test and everyone can get a test. Healthcare workers are trying to get tested, people with symptoms are trying to get tested, and there is a battle of the truth about whether hospitals have PPE.
Is he saying every single person who dies gets counted as a COVID death? Or that if they have reason to believe the person had COVID, they list it as a death even if there was never actual proof they had it?

Here is some of what the CDC said recently:

They have instructed officials to report deaths where the patient has tested positive or, in an absence of testing, "if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty." (The quotation marks are a direct quote from the CDC). There are telltale medical signs when this virus is present even if a test is unavailable.
Why are they saying this? Because there are many deaths described as influenza or pneumonia where tests are not available. The rate of death suggests that there is more going on than the historical rate from influenza and pneumonia. This is happening in rural areas again, due to the lack of testing.

The article that is read is not related to the Mayo Clinic to which HawkPredator is referring but they may be following a similar protocol when testing is not available.
Here is some of what the CDC said recently:

They have instructed officials to report deaths where the patient has tested positive or, in an absence of testing, "if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty." (The quotation marks are a direct quote from the CDC). There are telltale medical signs when this virus is present even if a test is unavailable.
Why are they saying this? Because there are many deaths described as influenza or pneumonia where tests are not available. The rate of death suggests that there is more going on than the historical rate from influenza and pneumonia. This is happening in rural areas again, due to the lack of testing.

The article that is read is not related to the Mayo Clinic to which HawkPredator is referring but they may be following a similar protocol when testing is not available.
See my post a few posts up for the official CDC guidance.
Why I cringed when Trump started tossing around Mr. Fauci aka Mr. Negative death rates numbers of 100,000 to 240,000. I'm not impressed at all with that guy
I said ten days ago we would hit a million US cases.


And deaths in the 30-50k range, which is still a horrific amount.

I will feel more comfortable that we are past the peak if we can show decline for five more days in a row. That would also indicate that many people took social distancing seriously.
I don't know, but I've been curious.

Did parts of Italy not implement as stringent stay at home orders as others more dense parts of Italy?

Were beaches/gyms/etc open in some parts of Italy, but not others?

Because a lot of our models for the "worst case" is based on Italy being the worst case.

The virus might have spread so rapidly and thoroughly in Itlay because the villages are very crowded with large families, and the Italians are very affectionate folk. They usually have Sunday gatherings are hug and kiss each other in a familiar manner which is OK during normal times.
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No some people in assisted living centers with underlying issues greater than Covid-19 that have not much time left have gotten this and it's listed as a Covid death.

Ok that's what I thought. I've said before, I get why people think its artificially inflating numbers, but there isn't really any other way to do it.
Yes, and you are thinking like I am that mitigation steps to stop the spread might be starting to work. And it is funny that TKWhatshisName, Hawkprdatr40 and others maybe dont even understand that mitigation is probably the reason.

But NYCity has 8+ million people and if there are 30000 actively infected people and normal life activities are turned on all at once they could see another big spike.
New York City will be one of the last places in this country to plug back in.
Anyone notice trump doesn’t call it the Chinese Virus anymore?

not since March 26 maybe.

The WHO began working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Jan. 1 - a day after China disclosed the virus - and sent out advisories to Worldwide public--health leaders beginning Jan.5. Its scientists first got into Wuhan on Jan. 20, and on Jan. 23 it warned of a 4% death rate, human-to-human transmission and potential reporting of the virus to "any country." the WHO's director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesue, visited Beijing and secured permission for a dozen scientists, including from the CDC, to tour the affected areas from Feb..16 to Feb.24.

The scientists issued a report warning that the virus is "spreading with astonishing speed" and called for governments to "immediately activate the highest level of National response, including immediate and extensive testing and planning for closing schools and workplaces.

I would be really surprised if that wasn't total BS. Some cops are big time douches so it's possible it's true, but that's more of an indictment on those specific cops who are douches all the time than it is on policing social distancing.
I certainly wasn't trying to imply this was the norm right now.
I would be really surprised if that wasn't total BS. Some cops are big time douches so it's possible it's true, but that's more of an indictment on those specific cops who are douches all the time than it is on policing social distancing.
We have reports in SW Wisconsin/NW Illinois of imposters posing as state troopers and pulling motorists over. Then they tell the motorists they can't cross state lines to go to work without a written affidavit from their employer.
It's disappointing to see how many Trump nut huggers there are on this board. If you truly think he's been doing an admirable job responding to this crisis then you're too far gone for me to debate with.

If you truly think ANY politician or bureaucrat is going to be your savior then you're too far gone for me to debate with.
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