Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, research associate and professor of medicine at Stanford University. If you're addicted to fear porn you won't get your fix here.

I stopped watching at the 4 minute mark, when they compared an estimated 6,000,000 infected in the U.S, with 499 deaths.

An epidemic seed on January 1st implies that by March 9, Six Million people would have been infected the U.S. As of March 23...there were 499 COVID-19 deaths in the US. That's a mortality rate of 0,01%

There currently are approximately: 300,617 cases in the U.S and rapidly rising

And there currently are approximately: 8,164 deaths in the U.S and rapidly rising

Facts are rather important

Complete BS
Actually TK social distancing is to keep hospitals from being over run by cases. We are not stopping the spread of COVID-19 that isn’t happening anytime soon until a Vaccine is in place. I’m not a Dr but my guess is even with a vaccine it’s here to stay!
I meant to say slow the spread. About that vaccine, I wouldn't get your hopes up. Also, your typical medical doctor doesn't know much about immunology.
I would say a prayer for all of us and around the world and for the President. Where we go one we go all always! and Godspeed.
I was able to watch the first 10 minutes then ran out of time. A couple problems with what they're saying. One is that they say you have to do studies to know for sure. That part is right, but the problem is by the time you do studies, it's too late. That's why you saw a late reaction to shut that down. That's why you see a mild shut down first, then a more extreme shutdown, then a longer, more extreme shut down. They are getting more info and trying to play catchup. It's not like they shut down the world day one. They gradually did it.

The other problem is how they say the death rate is turning out to be lower because it turns out more people have it. That again is correct, but it doesn't change the outcome of what the total deaths will be. If the death rate gets cut in half because it turns out that double the people are infected, you end up with the same number of deaths. The world didn't shut down because of the death rate. They shut down because of the total death estimate.
PC telling us how a Stanford doctor is wrong. Ya gotta love this place.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, research associate and professor of medicine at Stanford University. If you're addicted to fear porn you won't get your fix here.

Ironically, and I've been saying this repeatedly, the fear porn in this video is about the millions of deaths that will result from financial hardships.
One thing I would really like to know (they'll never look into this) is what percentage of those that died from or even just tested positive for Covid, received an influenza vaccine?
PC telling us how Stanford doctors are wrong. Ya gotta love this place.
Well either that one doctor is wrong or a shit ton of other doctors are wrong. Why mock me for saying he's wrong when you're saying a lot of really smart people are wrong? And I dont even know if that guy is a doctor. No idea where that video came from.
PC telling us how a Stanford doctor is wrong. Ya gotta love this place.
You want to try using your own brain for once and tell me how what I said is wrong. I say a virus that infects twice as many people as another virus but has half the death rate ends up with the same number of deaths. Can you even comprehend that enough to debate it?
I stopped watching at the 4 minute mark, when they compared an estimated 6,000,000 infected in the U.S, with 499 deaths.

An epidemic seed on January 1st implies that by March 9, Six Million people would have been infected the U.S. As of March 23...there were 499 COVID-19 deaths in the US. That's a mortality rate of 0,01%

There currently are approximately: 300,617 cases in the U.S and rapidly rising

And there currently are approximately: 8,164 deaths in the U.S and rapidly rising

Facts are rather important

Complete BS

You might want to research how many deaths are claimed related to COVID-19 but actually are not.
Well either that one doctor is wrong or a shit ton of other doctors are wrong. Why mock me for saying he's wrong when you're saying a lot of really smart people are wrong? And I dont even know if that guy is a doctor. No idea where that video came from.
You are so emotional.
One other thing is reading reports on elderly or people with underlying conditions being marked up as a Covid-19 deaths but that wasn’t the real cause of death. We are still in Flu season, a double whammy..

In the U.S., the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the authoritative source for a definition. But a definition does not appear to be explicitly stated in expected locations; the CDC’s Covid-19 cases and deathsstatistics’ page does not provide a definition of “Covid-19 death.” Does the phrase only refer to deaths from severe acute respiratory syndrome solely caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus? Or does “Covid-19 death” refer to all deceased people who have received a positive test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus? Does it refer to some who have been merely assumed to have died indirectly from Covid-19-like complications? Does the “Covid-19 death” tally include deceased who had co-infections with other viruses which can cause severe acute respiratory symptoms or pneumonia like H1N1, influenza A or B, or respiratory syncytial virus and thus could also be tallied as a “swine flu/H1N1 death” or “influenza death”?
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Ironically, and I've been saying this repeatedly, the fear porn in this video is about the millions of deaths that will result from financial hardships.
One thing I would really like to know (they'll never look into this) is what percentage of those that died from or even just tested positive for Covid, received an influenza vaccine?

He called it "deaths of desperation" - unintended consequences nobody is addressing. Will these deaths surpass the virus deaths?
Well either that one doctor is wrong or a shit ton of other doctors are wrong. Why mock me for saying he's wrong when you're saying a lot of really smart people are wrong? And I dont even know if that guy is a doctor. No idea where that video came from.

If you actually watched the video he said others are with him and others are not. So he's not a lone nut. I told you his credentials. A 10 second Google search would verify that. Are you that lazy?
You want to try using your own brain for once and tell me how what I said is wrong. I say a virus that infects twice as many people as another virus but has half the death rate ends up with the same number of deaths. Can you even comprehend that enough to debate it?

No response to this one TK? Your next post where you provide a thought of your own will be your first.
If you actually watched the video he said others are with him and others are not. So he's not a lone nut. I told you his credentials. A 10 second Google search would verify that. Are you that lazy?

I am that lazy on that one. Not to watch the video because I'm going to finish it. Just too lazy to check backgrounds of everything I see on the internet. And my response was to TK for acting like it was a big deal I called the guy wrong, when he even says a lot of people disagree with him. There is no wrong about my response tho. A virus that infects twice as many people with half the death rate isn't better or worse for total deaths.
No doubt Murders, crimes and riots are coming. Listen the Government better have a plan in place to open this country up inside of 30 to 45 days!! because Trust me people are not risking livelihoods over something that 98% to 99% or better of people will live from.
The longer the economy is in the gutter, the stronger the pressure on Trump to resign, which is grossly unfair and what some people have wanted all along. Plan B after impeachment didn't work.
The longer the economy is in the gutter, the stronger the pressure on Trump to resign, which is grossly unfair and what some people have wanted all along. Plan B after impeachment didn't work.

They are going to try to nail him with this because that is what they do. They are so desperate and will and have tried anything. Any president going thru this gets a get out of jail card free card with me.
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