Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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So he is causing more deaths by keeping people penned up? That means you're arguing that if he wasn't rallying the troops by keeping them penned up, they would have less deaths up to this point?
Not many deaths YET.

Murders, violent crimes, and riots are coming. Enough said.
Now here is a conflict of interest, Secretary Azar is a former pharma big shot at Lilly Pharma. Azar just told Congress not all americans might be able to afford a vaccine. WTF!!!!! This is a public health emergency so the vaccine should be FREE or at least LOW COST for EVERYONE. My wife and I stood in line at the UI Union to get our FREE Swine Flu shot around 1976. Why is this pandemic becoming a money making orgy for this Administration???? The article says Lilly raised their prices under Azar's guidance while he made millions.

You would have to inoculate everyone or close to it to stamp this out and give herd immunity so an outbreak doesnt return.


Sharon Lerner

February 29 2020, 7:07 a.m.

ALEX AZAR, the secretary of health and human services, admitted Wednesday that a vaccine for a new coronavirus might not be affordable for all Americans. “We can’t control that price,” Azar told Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., during a congressional hearing about the novel strain, which has been spreading throughout the world and is widely expected to become a serious public health issue in the United States.

After a wave of criticism from Democrats, Azar walked the comment back the next day, saying that he would ensure public access to a vaccine for Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, if one should be developed. But Azar, who served as the top lobbyist for Eli Lilly before becoming president of the drug company’s U.S. operations in 2012 and the secretary of health and human Services in 2018, knows of what he unthinkingly speaks. Exorbitant drug pricing often leaves life-saving treatment out of reach for the poorest Americans. And to the extent that Azar and the other businessmen who make up the majority of the president’s coronavirus task force have any experience with pharmaceuticals, one of the most profitable sectors of the economy, it’s been making money off the system that keeps them out of reach.
"Trust the scientists. Trust the scientists. Trust the scientists." (From my Android from my basement)
There is and has been a big difference in the death rate as shown below. I havent heard explanations to that or actual fact why but maybe overall age and health of the populations in stricken areas, maybe Italian authorities putting more deaths down to covid without a test of patients blood, Italy under counting the number of infections.

But that is a big difference

US 2.7% death rate
Italy 12.4% death rate

I guess I'm not really concerned about the death rate because it is skewed by a lot of variables. Its total deaths that matter. We are right on pace with them.
Not many deaths YET.

Murders, violent crimes, and riots are coming. Enough said.

No doubt Murders, crimes and riots are coming. Listen the Government better have a plan in place to open this country up inside of 30 to 45 days!! because Trust me people are not risking livelihoods over something that 98% to 99% or better of people will live from.
That is not what asymptomatic means though. That is what I am pointing out.

What you are describing is a false negative test result. Now you open another can of worms because we do not have a report or know what the false neg rate is.

Asymptomatic is having the disease and describing the time (incubation period) the Pt initially contracted the virus to when they start to show symptoms. This is important to know to help understand the spread and how contagious it is. Obviously people are roaming around with the virus for a couple weeks without knowing they have it. Most likely they would test positive.

We are pretty much understanding the same thing. I think you are confused that you think a Pt is asymptomatic if their test comes back neg (even though they are really positive). That is not quite what they mean when they describe a positive carrier as being asymptomatic. Again, you are describing a false negative test finding.

Whatever your interpretation of a word is:

The problem remains whether or not you prefer to use False Negative which the medical profession says is 25-35% of the patients tested. Those who are infected and spreading the disease before the test and after the test which might show that the patient does not have Corvid-19. That is a serious problem no matter which word/words you would use to describe the situation. Right now, I don't really have the time or patience to discuss semantics.

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, while announcing a statewide stay-at-home order, said Wednesday, that he only recently became aware the coronavirus could be spread by asymptomatic people.

It's Estimated 1 in 4 Coronavirus Carriers Could Be Asymptomatic. Here's What We Know

3 APRIL 2020
At least one-third of the world is under some type of lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic, as governments urge social distancing to stymie the virus' spread.

That's because the COVID-19 virus is insidious.

"There's significant transmission by people not showing symptoms," Stephen Morse, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, told Business Insider.

According to Robert Redfield, the director of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of people infected with the new coronavirus don't present any symptoms or fall ill but can still transmit the illness to others.

Redfield on Tuesday told NPR that "we have pretty much confirmed" that "a significant number of individuals that are infected actually remain asymptomatic."

These asymptomatic carriers, Redfield added, are most likely contributing to the rapid spread of the coronavirus worldwide – the number of confirmed cases passed 1 million this week – and making it challenging for experts to assess the true extent of the pandemic.

Stay Safe


Whatever your interpretation of a word is:

The problem remains whether or not you prefer to use False Negative which the medical profession says is 25-35% of the patients tested. Those who are infected and spreading the disease before the test and after the test which might show that the patient does not have Corvid-19. That is a serious problem no matter which word/words you would use to describe the situation. Right now, I don't really have the time or patience to discuss semantics.

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, while announcing a statewide stay-at-home order, said Wednesday, that he only recently became aware the coronavirus could be spread by asymptomatic people.

It's Estimated 1 in 4 Coronavirus Carriers Could Be Asymptomatic. Here's What We Know

3 APRIL 2020
At least one-third of the world is under some type of lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic, as governments urge social distancing to stymie the virus' spread.

That's because the COVID-19 virus is insidious.

"There's significant transmission by people not showing symptoms," Stephen Morse, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, told Business Insider.

According to Robert Redfield, the director of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of people infected with the new coronavirus don't present any symptoms or fall ill but can still transmit the illness to others.

Redfield on Tuesday told NPR that "we have pretty much confirmed" that "a significant number of individuals that are infected actually remain asymptomatic."

These asymptomatic carriers, Redfield added, are most likely contributing to the rapid spread of the coronavirus worldwide – the number of confirmed cases passed 1 million this week – and making it challenging for experts to assess the true extent of the pandemic.

Stay Safe


The importance to test all for any showing symptoms and also to test all for Antibodies. If that ever happens trust me the amount of cases will be astronomical IMO..

It is a common phenomenon that a large number of cases in viral infections (influenza) are under-reported by a factor of 10.
The thing to remember is shutting everything down and social distancing is meant to stop the spread. If millions end up having it, the mortality rate is going to be miniscule.
The thing to remember is shutting everything down and social distancing is meant to stop the spread. If millions end up having it, the mortality rate is going to be miniscule.

Actually TK social distancing is to keep hospitals from being over run by cases. We are not stopping the spread of COVID-19 that isn’t happening anytime soon until a Vaccine is in place. I’m not a Dr but my guess is even with a vaccine it’s here to stay!
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, research associate and professor of medicine at Stanford University. If you're addicted to fear porn you won't get your fix here.

I was able to watch the first 10 minutes then ran out of time. A couple problems with what they're saying. One is that they say you have to do studies to know for sure. That part is right, but the problem is by the time you do studies, it's too late. That's why you saw a late reaction to shut that down. That's why you see a mild shut down first, then a more extreme shutdown, then a longer, more extreme shut down. They are getting more info and trying to play catchup. It's not like they shut down the world day one. They gradually did it.

The other problem is how they say the death rate is turning out to be lower because it turns out more people have it. That again is correct, but it doesn't change the outcome of what the total deaths will be. If the death rate gets cut in half because it turns out that double the people are infected, you end up with the same number of deaths. The world didn't shut down because of the death rate. They shut down because of the total death estimate.
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