Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Fauci is not in charge of the NIH. He is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. This is one of 27 institutes of the NIH. He is just one pea in the pod of the NIH...

Correct, thanks and if the NIH gave some money in good faith to reputable Chinese scientists and it turns out the Chinese did do some bad thing then the bad is on the Chinese. If we start going back in time and blaming US people on stuff like this then it opens a whole bunch of 'what-about-ism" like who elevated Sadaam Hussein to power in Iraq, etc?
I think Fauci is OK and he has been at plenty of the daily briefings, not always as a presenter but available on the side. He's also been available for dozen of other interviews beyond the daily briefing. I think Birx is a better communicator and presenter at the daily briefings.

I hope I'm wrong, but I think there is also some concern about things blowing up for Fauci when there is more investigation in to the Wuhan Lab by the U.S. and probably dozens of other countries trying to figure out WTF happened over there. As you know, he is in charge of the NIH (has been since 1984) and that organization did give the Wuhan Lab a $3.7 million dollar grant to study these bat viruses in 2015. We basically outsourced that type of virus research to China at the time. This has not been widely reported here in the U.S. but it's getting a lot of press in Europe and Asia. Here is a good article from the Asia Times ...

That is a very interesting article. I have read about lab accidents in the past, improper shipping of materials, etc. Science/technology is always on the fine line when investigating new ideas. The news article did do some conjecture, The invention of various explosives over the centuries led to killing weapons but also the power to build the Panama Canal, Hoover Dam, etc. Scientists work with viruses to try to improve knowledge and find better ways to fight viruses. And we cant be too naive to think various military and leaders might want to explore bio-weapons which is way wrong just like chemical weapons as they are WMD.

But what if viral research could find a process to ID and speed vaccine production in the future to a very short time of months with much more accurate and reliable vaccines. I think that research should be followed and funded.
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Johns Hopkins and CovidTracking have Iowa with 739 new cases yesterday, the highest one day total by far. This could be because of increased testing in the state and some areas. But either way that is not a good thing because it means there are more infections out there. Let's hope it is a one off and goes back down to more manageable and less dangerous levels.
Johns Hopkins and CovidTracking have Iowa with 739 new cases yesterday, the highest one day total by far. This could be because of increased testing in the state and some areas. But either way that is not a good thing because it means there are more infections out there. Let's hope it is a one off and goes back down to more manageable and less dangerous levels.

Of course there is more infection out there 82!.. Always has been! Think about how many people early on were told to stay home if sick and not tested. I can only imagine how freaked out you would’ve been if states could test effectively from the start.
Of course there is more infection out there 82!.. Always has been! Think about how many people early on were told to stay home if sick and not tested. I can only imagine how freaked out you would’ve been if states could test effectively from the start.

I am not freaked out just reporting the facts as some people dont go to find the numbers. If you do want to read facts that I put up then dont or block me.

Do you think there is a way to make the numbers go down?? I do as the experts would also say but we cant close down everything and Iowa has modest close downs and regular social distancing. But there is also talk of opening things all the way up in Iowa, see below.

I think the story below with Gov's quotes is factual:

Mississippi governor reconsiders reopening state after its largest spike of COVID-19 deaths and...
Good Morning America via Yahoo News· 2 hours ago
The governor of Mississippi took a step back with continuing to slowly reopen the state after health...
"Things can change quickly. We have to stay flexible. Today, I was prepared to announce further reopenings. That was the plan and I was excited to get more of our people back to work," Reeves said. "This was a large enough change to make me take a step back… and I have come to the conclusion that I must hold on for now.”
That is a very interesting article. I have read about lab accidents in the past, improper shipping of materials, etc. Science/technology is always on the fine line when investigating new ideas. The news article did do some conjecture, The invention of various explosives over the centuries led to killing weapons but also the power to build the Panama Canal, Hoover Dam, etc. Scientists work with viruses to try to improve knowledge and find better ways to fight viruses. And we cant be too naive to think various military and leaders might want to explore bio-weapons which is way wrong just like chemical weapons as they are WMD.

But what if viral research could find a process to ID and speed vaccine production in the future to a very short time of months with much more accurate and reliable vaccines. I think that research should be followed and funded.
I think we agree on that. The viral research is important and accidents do happen. I personally don't think China released this as some bio weapon ... that just doesn't pass the sniff test. I do think it was probably released accidentally from the Lab but time will tell on that. I also don't think China was forthcoming to the rest of the world related to the specifics of the virus during those first 30 days or so which was crucial. There are a lot of countries lining up to get damages from China on this ... even if it was completely accidental. Exxon Valdez was an accident also and Exxon paid billions for the clean up and environmental damage done which I think was proper. We'll see what happens.
Of course there is more infection out there 82!.. Always has been! Think about how many people early on were told to stay home if sick and not tested. I can only imagine how freaked out you would’ve been if states could test effectively from the start.

Oh believe me I would have loved 10's of millions of tests starting on March 1st or earlier because then you have knowledge. The Feds could have had much more mass testing in Feb using tests other countries were using and the FDA doesnt even need to get involved because those tests do not introduce drugs into people.

As I said I am not freaked but like most worried for my kids and grandkids which goes with other peoples' families.

Not freaked out but as I said before we would all be freaked with a virus that has a really high death rate and high and extremely worse critical illness rate and with long term real airborne transmission it would be even worse. None of us would ever want to see airborne (without contracting from another organism) or water-borne transmission.
Highest one day total yet again today.

From CovidTracking Project website for Iowa. The number of tests each day varies a lot as I bolded and underlined the first 3 Daily New Test numbers below. Over 100% more tests for May 1 than April 30 and right at 100% more than April 29th. Huge difference in telling the true story by the number of tests and lack of tests.

People on here dont see the need for more testing but many of us do so we can see how many new and total positives Iowa, etc really have. What if we had 10,000 new tests a day or 20,000 tests especially around hot spots???

Maybe yesterday's total of new cases might have been 2,000 rather than 739 iirc.

Date Screenshots (EST) New Tests Positive Negative Pending Hospitalized Deaths Total
Fri May 1 2020
2,925 7,884 37,708 N/A N/A 170 45,592
Thu Apr 30 2020
1,330 7,145 35,522 N/A N/A 162 42,667
Wed Apr 29 2020
1,514 6,843 34,494 N/A N/A 148 41,337
Tue Apr 28 2020
1,673 6,376 33,447 N/A N/A 136 39,823
Mon Apr 27 2020
2,060 5,868 32,282 N/A N/A 127 38,150
Sun Apr 26 2020
1,740 5,476 30,614 N/A N/A 118 36,090
Sat Apr 25 2020
2,377 5,092 29,258 N/A N/A 112 34,350
Fri Apr 24 2020
2,711 4,445 27,528 N/A N/A 107 31,973
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I am not freaked out just reporting the facts as some people dont go to find the numbers. If you do want to read facts that I put up then dont or block me.

Do you think there is a way to make the numbers go down?? I do as the experts would also say but we cant close down everything and Iowa has modest close downs and regular social distancing. But there is also talk of opening things all the way up in Iowa, see below.

I think the story below with Gov's quotes is factual:

Mississippi governor reconsiders reopening state after its largest spike of COVID-19 deaths and...
Good Morning America via Yahoo News· 2 hours ago
The governor of Mississippi took a step back with continuing to slowly reopen the state after health...
"Things can change quickly. We have to stay flexible. Today, I was prepared to announce further reopenings. That was the plan and I was excited to get more of our people back to work," Reeves said. "This was a large enough change to make me take a step back… and I have come to the conclusion that I must hold on for now.”

Go back and look at Dean, DD, TK threads. They use the attacking words. Don't waste your time. Having an emotional burst once in awhile is no big deal.. we all do it. Commonly using words in discussion like that sets a tone.
Some very good news

Home Depot has these wonderful Coronavirus inspired light fixtures for 90 Dollar and 45 Cents today


They won't last long at this price

Jump on it, Lads

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More news from overseas ... Australia laying out case about Wuhan Lab.

Well China has been a rouge nation in some of the science areas. I cant remember the year but not many ago that basically all countries and scientists agreed to not do genetically altering experiments on human embryos. Then some Chinese scientist did just that about 3 years ago. He altered human DNA and replaced it in a human embryo twins even and they were born with an ability to be immune to HIV. But this is without testing and the question most other scientists have is does it modify humans to be better or worse in other ways. And what might happen if his altered, man made gene type mutates and does something bad???

That is like Frankenstein stuff. This Chinese geneticist was booed at a huge world conference for doing this.

"The embryo alteration resulted in biophysicist He Jiankui being investigated by Chinese authorities and placed under house arrest over ethics concerns."
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More news from overseas ... Australia laying out case about Wuhan Lab.

China deliberately suppressed or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus outbreak in an “assault on international transparency’’ that cost tens of thousands of lives, according to a dossier prepared by concerned Western governments on the COVID-19 contagion.

The above certainly seems to be true. It might have leaked from the Labs, but I do not believe it was intentional. The coverup was definitely intentional.

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