Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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More news from overseas ... Australia laying out case about Wuhan Lab.

Did you read that whole web article you linked in this post? Extremely weird stuff:

This article says the Australian science virology community and govt were working with the Chinese Wuhan scientists. The Chinese scientists worked in Australian labs. They shipped Australian bats to China.

The Univ of North Carolina are also mentioned in this article working with the Chinese and maybe the Australians.

This top Chinese virologist has been getting viruses from bats in China and she thinks there could be 5,000 different Coronavirus strains.

The Obama Admins put a stop to this kind of work in 2014 saying it was too dangerous and could cause a pandemic. The Trump admin started it up again in 2017.

It reads like they are all doing work on how coronavirus and other viruses do work to spread between bats and other animals. But doing this is and manipulating viruses is dangerous.

They think they need to find and know all the viruses and all about the viruses before the viruses get us.

I am sure more will be dug up about all of this. I think scientific inquiry needs to take place but it needs to be out in the open and made very safe.
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Yes ask your neighborhood mortician.
More news from overseas ... Australia laying out case about Wuhan Lab.

This from the link above says US Embassy staff and scientists in China were very worried about the Wuhan lab in Jan. 2018 and sent their concerns to the Feds in Wash. DC.

A ‘‘Sensitive but Unclassified’’ cable, dated January 19, 2018, obtained by The Washington Post, revealed that US embassy scientists and diplomats in Beijing visited the laboratory and sent warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety practices and management weaknesses as it conducted research on coronaviruses from bats.

“During interactions with scientists at the WIV laboratory, they noted the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory,” the cable stated."
Did you read that whole web article you linked in this post? Extremely weird stuff:

This article says the Australian science virology community and govt were working with the Chinese Wuhan scientists. The Chinese scientists worked in Australian labs. They shipped Australian bats to China.

The Univ of North Carolina are also mentioned in this article working with the Chinese and maybe the Australians.

This top Chinese virologist has been getting viruses from bats in China and she thinks there could be 5,000 different Coronavirus strains.

The Obama Admins put a stop to this kind of work in 2014 saying it was too dangerous and could cause a pandemic. The Trump admin started it up again in 2017.

It reads like they are all doing work on how coronavirus and other viruses do work to spread between bats and other animals. But doing this is and manipulating viruses is dangerous.

They think they need to find and know all the viruses and all about the viruses before the viruses get us.

I am sure more will be dug up about all of this. I think scientific inquiry needs to take place but it needs to be out in the open and made very safe.
Yes, I did read the article and thought it was interesting so posted it. I'm all for international cooperation and joint research to study these type of viruses but it sounds like the Wuhan Lab was never really up to the level of safety it was intended for. I would assume there must be some type of international standard to be labeled a "level 4" lab but not sure who certifies or monitors that. Seems like it would be the WHO but I don't know.

As I mentioned, accidents in these Labs do occasionally happen, I think the "crime" here is how China did not report it sooner and their actions in the first 30 days cost the world a lot of lives. I also think "quality control" in China, in most industries, is very poor. The recent problems the EU reported with the Chinese sourced ventilators and other medical equipment they purchased is just another recent example. If there is a silver lining in the whole COVID situation it would be the international community is now wiser to these issues. The question now is if anything gets done about it.
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Yes, I did read the article and thought it was interesting so posted it. I'm all for international cooperation and joint research to study these type of viruses but it sounds like the Wuhan Lab was never really up to the level of safety it was intended for. I would assume there must be some type of international standard to be labeled a "level 4" lab but not sure who certifies or monitors that. Seems like it would be the WHO but I don't know.

As I mentioned, accidents in these Labs do occasionally happen, I think the "crime" here is how China did not report it sooner and their actions in the first 30 days cost the world a lot of lives. I also think "quality control" in China, in most industries, is very poor. The recent problems the EU reported with the Chinese sourced ventilators and other medical equipment they purchased is just another recent example. If there is a silver lining in the whole COVID situation it would be the international community is now wiser to these issues. The question now is if anything gets done about it.

Most people who watch China are pretty sure if not totally knowledgeable that China took steps to hide, destroy, shut up people about Covid. China has long been this secret society going back to the autocratic dynasties. In this day and age of instant communications in the hands of so many people it is stupid to try to hide the truth. Legally, people may be held accountable but I am not sure if private citizens of one country can sue and recoup monies from China.

IIRC, the top level "bug" research labs are supposed to have accident containment works like certain air flow mechanics and when samples are being worked on the outlet air is heated to very high temps, but that was a long time ago I read that. Maybe now they rely on micro filters and other things like spray sanitizers.
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Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed

Chinese researchers had previously suggested asymptomatic people might transmit the virus but had not presented clear-cut evidence. “There’s no doubt after reading [the NEJM] paper that asymptomatic transmission is occurring,” Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told journalists. “This study lays the question to rest.”

But now, it turns out that information was wrong. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the German government’s public health agency, has written a letter to NEJM to set the record straight, even though it was not involved in the paper....

"He said that he is convinced that there is asymptomatic infection and that some asymptomatic people are transmitting infection." But even if they do, asymptomatic transmission likely plays a minor role in the epidemic overall, WHO says.

Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed

Chinese researchers had previously suggested asymptomatic people might transmit the virus but had not presented clear-cut evidence. “There’s no doubt after reading [the NEJM] paper that asymptomatic transmission is occurring,” Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told journalists. “This study lays the question to rest.”

But now, it turns out that information was wrong. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the German government’s public health agency, has written a letter to NEJM to set the record straight, even though it was not involved in the paper....

"He said that he is convinced that there is asymptomatic infection and that some asymptomatic people are transmitting infection." But even if they do, asymptomatic transmission likely plays a minor role in the epidemic overall, WHO says.
If that's true, this virus must be a lot more contagious than they thought because a small percentage of the infected is doing all of the infecting. It would also mean that schools can be open.
Well, two months or thereabouts into this social distancing thing, Opiod overdoses are skyrocketing as people are becoming more and more stressed.

Some people aren't receiving their regular medical supplies on time, some of these people are trying to rehab from addiction, and many of these people are in the prime of their lives, people in their twenties, thirties and forties.

Get ready for many more of these stories but prepare to have to dig to find them. They won't be from page news. The Chicago Tribune, which once crammed the weekend murder counts down the readers throats, has pushed them to the back burner as well. Anything to make sure the Covid-19, and the government, have our lives well unter control.
If that's true, this virus must be a lot more contagious than they thought because a small percentage of the infected is doing all of the infecting. It would also mean that schools can be open.

Are you replying to some other story or post on this thread? What is the reason you are questioning the contagious rate and what percentage of infected people are doing the infecting?

Seth Doane, a reporter for CBS News currently in Italy, has been reporting on Covid for at least 4-6 weeks. He had a pretty bad case of covid himself and they showed him getting a swab style PCR test multiple times to find out when he did not have virus in his saliva or nasal passages. It took 4 weeks from time of his symptoms to stop testing positive for live virus and then add on anywhere from a few days to 14 days prior to his symptoms showing.

So it seems someone could be contagious for 4 to 6 weeks. I hadn't read that yet.
Bloomberg report: "While thers some evidence that this virus doesn't care for heat, most transmission has been occurring indoors."

You know, precisely where we have been asked to coop up for the past two months.

Meanwhile Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is on the rampage, threatening to arrest, prosecute, and jail citizens of her city who violate stay at home orders with large social gatherings.

Good luck Ms. Lightfoot. And remember to bring body bags for your own police force if you think that city is going to stay cooped up inside much longer.
Well, two months or thereabouts into this social distancing thing, Opiod overdoses are skyrocketing as people are becoming more and more stressed.

Some people aren't receiving their regular medical supplies on time, some of these people are trying to rehab from addiction, and many of these people are in the prime of their lives, people in their twenties, thirties and forties.

Get ready for many more of these stories but prepare to have to dig to find them. They won't be from page news. The Chicago Tribune, which once crammed the weekend murder counts down the readers throats, has pushed them to the back burner as well. Anything to make sure the Covid-19, and the government, have our lives well unter control.

The opiod crisis/epidemic is terrible. But I myself would not try to equate a viral Covid type pandemic with the opiod problem. You and others can if you want to. But there are very distinct differences.

One, pharma companies like Purdue, pharma middle-brokers, and prescribing doctors have been knowingly taking advantage of people's problems to hook them on drugs to make money. The pharma companies withheld data on addiction and rates, their marketing people had plans to up sales no matter what, brokers control some of the pricing, and a lot of really bad acting doctors were writing scripts as fast as they could to any and every patient to make all the dough they could while they could.

Number two, the feds and states were not doing any type of good oversight on opiod control and enforcement. There were soooo soooo many pills being produced and marketed, and scripted and sold to patients when this data came to light. How could Fed and State med associations not jump on this bad action much earlier.

Throw 10 or 15 (edit) Important people CEOs and Doctors /people in prison for a long time and the problem would lessen quite a bit.

Opiod problem was greed taking advantage of humans natural tendency and this particular drugs ability to addict.
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Are you replying to some other story or post on this thread? What is the reason you are questioning the contagious rate and what percentage of infected people are doing the infecting?

Seth Doane, a reporter for CBS News currently in Italy, has been reporting on Covid for at least 4-6 weeks. He had a pretty bad case of covid himself and they showed him getting a swab style PCR test multiple times to find out when he did not have virus in his saliva or nasal passages. It took 4 weeks from time of his symptoms to stop testing positive for live virus and then add on anywhere from a few days to 14 days prior to his symptoms showing.

So it seems someone could be contagious for 4 to 6 weeks. I hadn't read that yet.

PC best get on this response HN coronavirus Health inspector general is confused, he might of missed something o_O
If the virus isn't bad enough, now this shit!

Scientists say an invasive and potentially deadly species of hornets has made its way to the United States.


Asian giant hornets have been spotted in the United States. (Source: Washington Invasive Species Council)
Asian giant hornets, which researchers have nicknamed “murder hornets,” have been spotted in Washington state.

Their venomous sting can kill humans if they are stung multiple times. The hornets are also strong enough to puncture a beekeeper’s suit.

The hornets are more than 2 inches long and have reportedly been attacking beehives in Washington state.

Scientists do not yet know how they made it to the U.S.

The hornets were first spotted in Washington state in December, and scientists believe they started becoming active again last month.
Bloomberg report: "While thers some evidence that this virus doesn't care for heat, most transmission has been occurring indoors."

You know, precisely where we have been asked to coop up for the past two months.

Meanwhile Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is on the rampage, threatening to arrest, prosecute, and jail citizens of her city who violate stay at home orders with large social gatherings.

Good luck Ms. Lightfoot. And remember to bring body bags for your own police force if you think that city is going to stay cooped up inside much longer.

Well I hope people who stay inside and coop themselves up do it with the same people from their own household.

If you dont let outsiders into your yard and house to be at a real close distance there should be a very very low chance of getting infected. I have gone over to friends to talk to them outside about 8-10 feet distance.

The main problem is getting people back to work but I think some people are going to get their wish and go back to work.

Asian giant hornets have been spotted in the United States. (Source: Washington Invasive Species Council)

Scientists do not yet know how they made it to the U.S.

The hornets were first spotted in Washington state in December, and scientists believe they started becoming active again last month.

I saw this but I thought they killed bees and other insects but didnt read they can hurt and kill humans.

And I am sure they came from China and probably genetically altered in a lab.
PC best get on this response HN coronavirus Health inspector general is confused, he might of missed something o_O

haha, and as an inspector general I do not think trump can fire me, as he likes to fire other IGs for little or no reason, as he has no control over Rob Howe.
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