Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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"A Maryland police department reminded residents on Tuesday to put on pants when leaving the house to get the mail amid a statewide stay-at-home order meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
“Please remember to put pants on before leaving the house to check your mailbox. You know who you are. This is your final warning,” Taneytown Police Department said on Facebook. The post has since been shared more than 3,000 times."

He's not the only one that needs a reminder. I've been writing that message on my hand every year for years.
That's still a lot better than a typical flu season. I bet the flu death numbers will be lower this season since it's pretty much been proven now that COVID deaths are being recorded without confirmation of victims even having the disease.
Imagine how low the flu numbers would be if we sheltered in place for the flu....
Interesting thing I found out today. Since the COVID-19 has started, there has been zero deaths attributed to flu or pneumonia! Why pray tell you ask? Because all the regular flu and pneumonia deaths are now being listed as COVID-19 as cause of death. When regular flu and pneumonia deaths are added to the 3% death rate of the COVID-19 it raises the rates up to a 5% death rate. No one out there in the media is even talking about this! The health organizations out there are not differentiating the actual cause of deaths. The numbers are skewed and nobody is making them get it right. The media likes to sensationalize everything to create fear and panic and never show the real facts. The health organizations aren’t doing anything to dispel these numbers either. When are they gonna tell us the real truth? Probably never, cause you know some people out there are making a dime off of this.
Source? I would be interested in reading that.
I trust this country. I trust that someone is going to come up with a major breakthrough much sooner than what the "experts" are saying now.

Who knows, maybe the Saban or Salk that ends this nightmare is currently an employee at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics!

Would that be cool as hell or what!

Perhaps Joey Salads should move to Michigan and attempt a congressional run

He would have tons of supporters

You do realize that there are only 10.3 million people in Sweden?
They have a density of 59.24 people per square mile.
The US has a density of 86.91 people per square mile.

Sweden's most populous city is Stockholm. It has 974k people with a population density of 13,000 per square mile.
NYC's population is 8.4 million with a population density of 27,000 per square mile.

So no, Sweden's population is not more dense than the United States's.
Completely wrong. Sad.

He's wrong because he sees someone tweet something and instantly believes it as fact, as long as it's someone who isn't a reliable source. Some idiot somewhere posted Sweden's fake population to prove a fake point about them doing good, banking on getting a bunch of clicks, knowing most people wouldn't even bother to check the numbers. Guys like TK eat it up and pass it around. Then a bunch of people go around believing it's true and believing Sweden has a more dense population than the US. He was flat out wrong for believing some random guy's tweet, yet he still doesn't even bother to question all the other random guy's tweets he's believing. So much for critical thinking.
He's wrong because he sees someone tweet something and instantly believes it as fact, as long as it's someone who isn't a reliable source. Some idiot somewhere posted Sweden's fake population to prove a fake point about them doing good, banking on getting a bunch of clicks, knowing most people wouldn't even bother to check the numbers. Guys like TK eat it up and pass it around. Then a bunch of people go around believing it's true and believing Sweden has a more dense population than the US. He was flat out wrong for believing some random guy's tweet, yet he still doesn't even bother to question all the other random guy's tweets he's believing. So much for critical thinking.
I noticed you stopped predicting that doom & gloom was just 2 weeks away. You're a hack, nothing more.
Seems unlikely right now

Students might not be back and the athletes might have to maintain social distancing which is impossible playing football and basketball


Fauci might be thinking more of pro sports because he mentioned the players hunkering down in hotels and rarely going home. Cant do that with college players. But MLB, NBA and NFL NHL you can because they want their bucks.

I see Christian McCaffrey got a $16 million a year contract, which he probably is close to deserving, but might not collect on some of it like other players if they do not play. I wonder if the guaranteed part of the contract would still be paid if no games.
You do realize that there are only 10.3 million people in Sweden?
They have a density of 59.24 people per square mile.
The US has a density of 86.91 people per square mile.

Sweden's most populous city is Stockholm. It has 974k people with a population density of 13,000 per square mile.
NYC's population is 8.4 million with a population density of 27,000 per square mile.

So no, Sweden's population is not more dense than the United States's.
Completely wrong. Sad.

We went through this with TK about a week or more ago, but keep piling on. No penalties here. ;)
I think your absolutely right and I don't know the solution. I don't think the issue at this point necessarily revolves around how to keep the players separate from the fans. I think the bigger question is without the proper means of testing in place how do you separate the players from essentially everyone who isn't part of the program. Like everyone else, everyone they come into contact with could be a carrier and they could unknowingly be spreading the virus.

It goes far beyond just the fans. The football players are interacting with coaches, trainers, cafeteria staff, other students (assuming school is back in session) officials, media, etc... all or most of which will not be quarantined. These individuals would most likely have family members as well as other individuals they interact with daily. I simply don't see how you put an athlete in a position in which they aren't exposed to the virus.

Cincinnati unexpectedly discontinued it's men's soccer program yesterday. I know very few care about soccer on here, but its also a fall sport. Their AD stating "widespread uncertainty and budget implications of supporting the number of student athletes at UC" as the primary reason. I think this is just another result of the fears that there's no model in place and no certainty as to how long the revenue sports will be out of commission.

Colleges and Universities are not going to play close in proximity sports this fall unless there is near 100% no fault they would not get sued up the ying yang by a player or his family or someone else associated with a game. I still can't imagine students packed in dorms without immunity from a vaccine or a quick, sure cure when someone gets sick.

A quick, sure cure will also help.
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