Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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They're not going to hurt your vag with their guns. Just stay in your house, and you'll be safe.

hahahahahahaha, such a lame response.

Name calling now, that is worse than being political on this thread.

And I have loved just bypassing most of your last 150 posts in this thread because there is nothing in them, nothing there, less than nothing
hahahahahahaha, such a lame response.

Name calling now, that is worse than being political on this thread.

And I have loved just bypassing most of your last 150 posts in this thread because there is nothing in them, nothing there, less than nothing
You really use a lot of words to simply say you're butthurt.
"DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) --Two employees have died following a coronavirus outbreak that has sickened scores of Tyson Foods workers at a large pork plant in southeastern Iowa. The deaths of the workers at Tyson plant in Columbus Junction are the first known to be linked to an outbreak at a meatpacking plant in Iowa. The company said that it was "deeply saddened by the loss of two team members" and that their families were in its thoughts and prayers.
The plant has been idled since April 6, when Tyson announced that more than two dozen workers were infected.
The company said Monday that it would continue the plant's suspension this week after more workers tested positive."
"DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) --Two employees have died following a coronavirus outbreak that has sickened scores of Tyson Foods workers at a large pork plant in southeastern Iowa. The deaths of the workers at Tyson plant in Columbus Junction are the first known to be linked to an outbreak at a meatpacking plant in Iowa. The company said that it was "deeply saddened by the loss of two team members" and that their families were in its thoughts and prayers.
The plant has been idled since April 6, when Tyson announced that more than two dozen workers were infected.
The company said Monday that it would continue the plant's suspension this week after more workers tested positive."

Explains some of the problems in Washington and Louisa counties.
If this report turns out to be as true as it sounds it is just another example of how lazy and ill prepared this Fed Admin and leadership is to manage this pandemic let alone every project it handles:

Senate Democrats To Trump: You Failed At Managing National Stockpile - Huff Post

This report includes quotes from HHS Dept employees to Congress. Congress sent a letter to the Fed Admin to say the Feds totally mishandled the National Security Stockpile. The stockpile is depleted according to HHS yet during their last shipments to most of the States they sent equal numbers to every state no matter the situation.

One main item both Vernont with a population under 700,000 received the same amount of masks as Texas with a population of 29 million. Well that is some lazy analysis of need because as of now according to Vermont has 759 covid cases and Texas has near 15,500 cases.

The senators cited a report from the House Oversight and Reform Committee and a document from the Department of Health and Human Services published last week, which suggested that the administration did not employ an apparent strategy when sending supplies from the stockpile to states.

HHS told the committee that the administration had no more PPE to send out to states, saying the last 10% is reserved for federal workers.

Each state received at least three shipments of PPE and supplies from the federal government, according to the report. However, in the last shipment, labeled as the “final push,” some states received the same amount of supplies despite having vastly different populations.

Vermont, a state with a population of 623,989, received the same amount of N95 masks as Texas, which has a population of 28.9 million. Both states received 120,900 of the masks, which filter 95% of air particles.
You really use a lot of words to simply say you're butthurt.

hahahahaha, again what a lame response for two reasons. The whole 'You really use a lot of words.." is the stupid reply you replied to one of my posts last time. This means you have no novel or new ideas in your brain.

And the fact that you do not post any interesting ideas of your own on this site and especially on this thread is another example of nothing of importance coming out of your brain. Sad, really sad. And all it seems you can do is cut and paste junk, whhhoooooweeee what an amazing feat.
I can't understand why they aren't golfing... Of all the sports that could easily keep fans away and still operate it'd be golf. They've lost a boat load of $ by not doing it. They could have all the eyeballs on TV they could ever get because there's no other live sports going on. Fans are kinda cool in golf but it's not like an arena full with hoops or football. I bet the players would prefer it.
I imagine a lot of it has to do with travel (would the golfers really have wanted to fly around the country this spring?) and the large amount of people it would still take to host the tourneys and get them broadcasted on TV.
hahahahaha, again what a lame response for two reasons. The whole 'You really use a lot of words.." is the stupid reply you replied to one of my posts last time. This means you have no novel or new ideas in your brain.

And the fact that you do not post any interesting ideas of your own on this site and especially on this thread is another example of nothing of importance coming out of your brain. Sad, really sad. And all it seems you can do is cut and paste junk, whhhoooooweeee what an amazing feat.
Imagine how many millions of deaths would result from the financial hardships of that type of pathetic mentality. :rolleyes:
It was satire for the morons who still think this is a bad cold or the flu...
But I am sure you realized that and were just being a contrarian.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
hahahahaha, again what a lame response for two reasons. The whole 'You really use a lot of words.." is the stupid reply you replied to one of my posts last time. This means you have no novel or new ideas in your brain.

And the fact that you do not post any interesting ideas of your own on this site and especially on this thread is another example of nothing of importance coming out of your brain. Sad, really sad. And all it seems you can do is cut and paste junk, whhhoooooweeee what an amazing feat.
He never comes up with any thoughts of his own and calls himself a critical thinker. So strange. Just once I would like him to put into words what he thinks and why he thinks it.
We went through this with TK about a week or more ago, but keep piling on. No penalties here. ;)
I stopped reading Friday and only picked it back up today. I Googled that all in 45 seconds, so well before I read everyone's posts. I mean it only took 45 seconds post post something factual on the population density of Sweden.... :cool:
TK, like it or not, the flu would not rip thru the Hispanic community like COVID 19. The deaths in Washington, Louisa, and Muscatine counties are largely related to the Columbus Junction meat plant.

Workers are close together. A number live in close together trailer parks. The distancing is needed and would be terrible without
Checking in. It appears the respectful discourse i mentioned about 100 pages ago is deteriorating. Dang shame but entertaining. Doesn't appear any minds have been changed from original beliefs/opinions. As with most things, truth is likely somewhere in between and not a zero sum.

Stay safe and well fellas. Whatever that means for you. Hope we have golf soon and Fall live sports..

Hell of a thread. Its a microcosm of the national perspective.

Carry on..

Go Hawks
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"Four Michigan Sheriffs Say They Won’t Enforce Governor’s Totalitarian Orders

On Thursday, Whitmer issued one of the most restrictive stay-at-home orders in the country, if not the strictest. While lottery tickets are still permitted under the governor’s order, sales of fruit and vegetable seeds are prohibited, even though home gardening would further enhance social distancing. People are also prohibited from buying paint."
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