Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Do you have a set of twins in there?

I have 3 (7, 4, and 3), and I really looked forward to graduating from the near-total-dependence stage. Life is pretty good now that there are no more diapers and we can send the kids outside to play on their own occasionally.

It would be tough to talk me into adding another infant at this stage...lots of positives about those early years, but man, they take a toll.
Actually I have two sets of twins. 6 and 3. So I am at the same stage of independence as you. And I too am looking forward to it. Life is starting to get easier.
Lmao you are such a tool. Now we are "cowards" because we care about spreading this to our elderly family and friends - potentially killing them. A real compliment to society, you are not.
Instead of cowards, I should have said cowards that lack the ability to think critically with a historical perspective. Is that better?
They say Iowa's cases won't peak for 22 more days. This thread has a chance to be a 250 pager.

That is exhibit A of why I'm being cautious (not hysterical TK). There were 180 something new cases today and multiple packing plants have had outbreaks. If this really doesn't peak for at least 3 more weeks we could easily be looking at 5,000 or more new cases in that time.
That is exhibit A of why I'm being cautious (not hysterical TK). There were 180 something new cases today and multiple packing plants have had outbreaks. If this really doesn't peak for at least 3 more weeks we could easily be looking at 5,000 or more new cases in that time.

If it can spread that quickly in a packing plant imagine the damage it could do in a school or a crowded sporting event. The reason why we haven't seen this outbreak here in Iowa is because most people ARE doing what they are supposed to be doing and staying home. The downside is that it gives idiots the opportunity to use this "data" to support their narratives that we are all "cowards" and over reacting.

I'm not afraid of getting this virus, I'm sure we will all get exposed to it at some point. But let's not overflow our health care system. The idea behind isolating and staying home was to slow it down and I feel like we are accomplishing that. The examples of nursing homes and these packing plants are examples of how quickly this thing can spread.
This is how kids will be going to the local pools this summer

You guys seriously still going around-and-around about this?

I am just posting facts, observations and conclusions mostly from experts but maybe some ideas of my own. The post you replied to was basically to show that there are plenty of equivalents of non-mitigation situations that show how much worse the virus spread can be. There are millions of people who do not believe in mitigation.
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