Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Burning out? Most hospitals have furloughed dozens of doctors and nurses. What is NPR smoking?

The NPR statement says "some workers" are burned out, not ALL workers. Do you know the difference between some and all? There is a difference. And yes with many hospitals in higher affected areas canceling a lot of elective patient visits there might not be such a high need for dermatology nurses and floor people. I suppose a dermatology doctor could work in an ICU or emergency room if absolutely needed.

Do you ever actually read the notifications you post to get the actual meaning of the words before saying something totally weird?? In this thread there are so many times I just try to ignore the crap you say but then I have to post something just hoping some other people might see and judge if they think you are wrong.
Just curious but how are restaurants a necessity? I'd think they'd fall into the luxury heading. Aside from the economic factor and the amount of employees it would bring back to the workforce, I don't see it being a necessity to anyone working outside of that industry, but rather a service that satisfies a want versus provides a need.

I do agree with you on the school situation and find it odd that they're still preaching no gatherings of more than 10 individuals yet even opening up the conversation of schools opening May 1st. I simply don't see how we can push for social distancing and minimizing social gatherings to 10 or fewer people, but then send the kids back to school to finish out the school year. Seems like a huge contradiction.
I go to a restaurant maybe once every month or two. I stopped going once I realized I could make food that was as good or more to my liking at 1/3 the cost. They are not necessities.
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Its not just the restaurant employees. It's the companies that manufacture, sell and deliver the food for the restaurants. It's the farmers who grow the food that is sold, manufactured, and delivered. It's probably other spokes of the wheel too numerous to mention.

It's a big part of our economy, even if you want to seem it as a want and a luxury over a necessity and a need.
So if it wasn't for restaurants, there wouldn't be manufacture, sales or food delivery? Farmers wouldn't be needed? If there were no restaurants, those professions would still be needed. They would instead be growing, selling and delivering to grocery stores or markets at a similar clip. There are a lot of things that are a big part of our economy that are luxuries. You called restaurants a necessity, they aren't - to people that don't know how to cook? Maybe they are.
The NPR statement says "some workers" are burned out, not ALL workers. Do you know the difference between some and all? There is a difference. And yes with many hospitals in higher affected areas canceling a lot of elective patient visits there might not be such a high need for dermatology nurses and floor people. I suppose a dermatology doctor could work in an ICU or emergency room if absolutely needed.

Do you ever actually read the notifications you post to get the actual meaning of the words before saying something totally weird?? In this thread there are so many times I just try to ignore the crap you say but then I have to post something just hoping some other people might see and judge if they think you are wrong.
You sure use a lot of words to essentially say nothing.
Dr Fauci sometimes doesn't know his head from his you know what. He is backpedaling from his original death predictions. You know the ones he based off the charts and tables that scared governors into shutting down the country.

The fact that he is revising on the fly as we speak tells us one thing. Despite all the credit we give to social distancing, and it does deserve considerable mention, the bottom line is that Dr Fauci's original charts and predictions were for the birds.

I'm guessing that Fauci still knows more than you or I do though.
Surely, Fauci, Blix and others would know that social distancing would just prolong things and make it worse in long run, wouldn't they?

I do have to say that Dead is Dead. They are trying to stop huge peaks of infections so there are maybe only 50000 americans who die rather than 1 million.

Dead is dead and no going back whereas we can still print more money, raise taxes, put in toll roads and other user taxes to pump up the economy for hopefully a few months or so. I know it is hard for a ton of people to not work, not socialize, and to stay at home. But if we can save a lot of lives and get through it then I think that is better.
Get them while they're hot......

I do have to say that Dead is Dead. They are trying to stop huge peaks of infections so there are maybe only 50000 americans who die rather than 1 million.

Dead is dead and no going back whereas we can still print more money, raise taxes, put in toll roads and other user taxes to pump up the economy for hopefully a few months or so. I know it is hard for a ton of people to not work, not socialize, and to stay at home. But if we can save a lot of lives and get through it then I think that is better.

I see it as an argument where every dead body has a name, possibly even a family, and aren't simply a number. It's my opinion that regardless of what type of life choices they've made or preexisting medical condition they may face that puts them more at risk, they're no different then I am, and I see it as a life worth trying to save.

I don't know what price we'll pay down the road economically for the way this is being handled, but in my opinion as a society we do what we can to help save lives now and worry about fixing the economy later. Nobody is expendable or more valuable then the next if we can make sacrifices in our lives to help curve the trend to help save more lives I'm willing to do whatever I can.

It's easier for me to say that as I'm in a position where my job is not effected and I'm not directly putting my life or anyone else's at risk. I can definitely see both sides of the argument, but IF the number of fatalities originally predicted by Fauci were wrong and we don't reach those original projections then its fantastic. Regardless of whether or not social distancing is the answer or if the matter was handled more effectively then previously thought I see it as a win for all of us.
He is advocating the same approach the UK was going down at first.

But then they saw the models of the death toll if too many people get it at once.

Hospitals getting overwhelmed is one of the key factors. The other is waiting for a vaccine so your entire population (or maybe half the population) doesn't roll the dice with 1% odds of death if they get the virus. Or worse odds of death, if the hospitals are overwhelmed.

His article doesn't mention hospitals or a vaccine once.
The guy shp
Well we have actual evidence of spread of Spanish Flu in the Autumn of 1918 after the Philadephia parade. It didnt go well.

Today's experts have models that show what happens to the spread with no actions taken. The statisticians, modeling and computer people can look at recent video and pictures of people mixing in NYC for an extra 3 weeks, no masks on, going to work, fixing food and breathing on customers and bars and restaurants. I am sure they can look at these pictures and get the average distance between people, the number of people, number of contacts, and get a good idea.

Why is this so difficult for people to understand? I guess some want totally accurate data from day 1. Ambiguity is a bitch we all live with.
I don't agree with saying he's backpedaling. He has more information now, and he's never said anything other than those numbers were only his best guess projection based in the info they have. If I predicted iowa wins the big 10 next year, would you say I was backpedaling if I changed my mind when Garza left? In my mind it's just adjusting a calculation after you have more data. Something everyone should do.

And how do you know is original projections were for the birds? For all we know, they were really close. In one sentence you praise social distancing for helping, and in the next you act like there was no reason to do it. If he waited until he had all the data he needed before scaring governors, it would have been too late. Some argue we did it too late anyway. If it was really a bad decision, the world would already know it was and things would be opening back up. Instead, smaller countries are following suit and doing it. Those countries have a lot more data to go off of and they all still think it was the right call.

Just stop. You are confusing Northside.

So if someone is managing diabetes and still living a normal life, then get COVID and die, in large part because their immune system sucked from living with diabetes, do you not think COVID killed them?
He is advocating the same approach the UK was going down at first.

But then they saw the models of the death toll if too many people get it at once.

Hospitals getting overwhelmed is one of the key factors. The other is waiting for a vaccine so your entire population (or maybe half the population) doesn't roll the dice with 1% odds of death if they get the virus. Or worse odds of death, if the hospitals are overwhelmed.

His article doesn't mention hospitals or a vaccine once.
Just stop. You are confusing Northside.
Ha, remember when you almost blocked my for saying I'm ok if more old people die as long as I can preserve my way of life? I still feel that way to an extent. I just see the whole picture now and think this was too big to try to power through like I wanted to. It might have ended up crippling the economy anyway. If half the people out there decide not to go to restaurants out of fear, they end up in really bad shape with no government assistance. They are probably better off shutting down and getting money from the government.
Has anyone seen anything on Trump's drug lately? I haven't heard anything for a few days. Are they using it more and getting good results? I suppose I could just google, but screw that.
Has anyone seen anything on Trump's drug lately? I haven't heard anything for a few days. Are they using it more and getting good results? I suppose I could just google, but screw that.

I just saw an interview will Bill Barr, the attorney general of the united states.

He was pushing hydroxychloroquine.

So it's hard to take it seriously. If I go to the hospital and the doctor recommends hydroxychloroquine, then great.

But to see these guys try to sell it like it was the shopping channel...
So if someone is managing diabetes and still living a normal life, then get COVID and die, in large part because their immune system sucked from living with diabetes, do you not think COVID killed them?
Did you even listen to him? o_O
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