Anthony Hubbard

Wow...Royce White ain't got anything on this kid's rap sheet. I'm all for taking chances on quality players, but man this is a slippery slope.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but this Hubbard isn't being kicked off his team, right? Hubbard isn't transferring to another school in lieu of being kicked off the team. Is a JUCO player just like all JUCO players who want to earn the ability to advance his career. Has had to clear a lot of hurdles to get that opportunities. Has made mistakes, paid the price. 3 years in prison?

Exactly what price are the MSU players paying? (besides having to put on the ketchup and mustard, i get the obvious) What price is the MN player paying? What did they lose for their crimes? How many chances were they given before being asked to leave the team, or given the boot.

And cyclownation equivocates the fab five and ISU to this kid going to iowa 'makes things even'???

Which situation do you think is an example of giving a kid a chance?

Are you being serious? And you think we rationalize things based on Iowa? I will play along though.

Allen-Kicked off a Final Four team who returned everyone and then has to take a redshirt year to play for a team who won't make the final four and will have to work to get to the tourney. Not only that but he will be a year older when draft time comes which will affect the view of him if he is being considered.

White-There is a chance he could have been a one and done guy. Now he will be at the college level for at least three years. Who knows how much money he potentially lost. Also, he paid his debt to society for the crimes he committed.

Luscious-Again kicked off a team that had a bunch of potential. Who knows what he will have to sacrifice besides perhaps the year.

I completely agree on Hubbard. He did what he did and paid the price for it. No doubt. However, so have the ISU guys. They were kicked off their first choice of schools for the things they did, which by the way, only one was removed because of legal issues. In America, the punishment should fit the crime. Should Luscious and White not be given second chances? It's not like those guys did things and then fled the country to get by with absolutely no reprecussions. I think all of them are examples of giving the kids a chance. All four of them. I never once said Hubbard shouldn't be given a chance but you know just as well as I do that if it was ISU and not Iowa, you guys would have a field day with this just as some Clones are right now. You guys give us a hard time over a guy who got in a scuffle at the mall and a guy who has an OWI on his record.
Enough with this back and forth on what and who is worse.

This problem happened when he was 17, hes now 25.

I remember how much stuff I thought I could get away with when I was 17, even thought that when I was 20-21. Now at age 25 my eyes are opening to what I truly value in life. Its something that is happening with all my friends. Im entering the next stage of my life and realize you arent invincible and how you cant risk things anymore.

Thats what I see when I read about Hubbard. A person that is finally maturing and wanting to lead the next stage of his life in the right way. In a mature way. I think if we could provide him with an environment to thrive within that goal this could really turn into a great success story not only for Hubbard but the University.
Are you trying to say going to ISU is punishment in and of itself?

Because, I have to agree.

From a whole team you just went to the Final Four with and a HOF coach? Uh, yes, I think any rational person would probably say that from the players point of view at the time it probably isn't ideal.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but this Hubbard isn't being kicked off his team, right? Hubbard isn't transferring to another school in lieu of being kicked off the team. Is a JUCO player just like all JUCO players who want to earn the ability to advance his career. Has had to clear a lot of hurdles to get that opportunities. Has made mistakes, paid the price. 3 years in prison?

Exactly what price are the MSU players paying? (besides having to put on the ketchup and mustard, i get the obvious) What price is the MN player paying? What did they lose for their crimes? How many chances were they given before being asked to leave the team, or given the boot.

And cyclownation equivocates the fab five and ISU to this kid going to iowa 'makes things even'???

Which situation do you think is an example of giving a kid a chance?

I'm stunned that so many people care what the other team is doing in regard to this. Trust the's their *** on the line. End of thread.

If Iowa gives 10 guys second chances I don't care. It could turn out great or it could be a dumpster fire but it's on Fran. He's a big boy and can make big boy decisions. Same with Fred. I enjoy watching the arguments but it's fruitless.
I hope Hubbard gets a second chance ,but not at Iowa. The negative press in Iowa would have a field with this.
Seems like the best case scenario might not be to bring in new player who will be old enough to immediately become a patron of IC's downtown establishments regardless of his background. ;)
Are you being serious? And you think we rationalize things based on Iowa? I will play along though.

Allen-Kicked off a Final Four team who returned everyone and then has to take a redshirt year to play for a team who won't make the final four and will have to work to get to the tourney. Not only that but he will be a year older when draft time comes which will affect the view of him if he is being considered.

White-There is a chance he could have been a one and done guy. Now he will be at the college level for at least three years. Who knows how much money he potentially lost. Also, he paid his debt to society for the crimes he committed.

Luscious-Again kicked off a team that had a bunch of potential. Who knows what he will have to sacrifice besides perhaps the year.

I completely agree on Hubbard. He did what he did and paid the price for it. No doubt. However, so have the ISU guys. They were kicked off their first choice of schools for the things they did, which by the way, only one was removed because of legal issues. In America, the punishment should fit the crime. Should Luscious and White not be given second chances? It's not like those guys did things and then fled the country to get by with absolutely no reprecussions. I think all of them are examples of giving the kids a chance. All four of them. I never once said Hubbard shouldn't be given a chance but you know just as well as I do that if it was ISU and not Iowa, you guys would have a field day with this just as some Clones are right now. You guys give us a hard time over a guy who got in a scuffle at the mall and a guy who has an OWI on his record.
I have to agree with you. I think you laid it out well. I have posted many times about the self-righteous fans on this board.
This is correct...

I'm stunned that so many people care what the other team is doing in regard to this. Trust the's their *** on the line. End of thread.

If Iowa gives 10 guys second chances I don't care. It could turn out great or it could be a dumpster fire but it's on Fran. He's a big boy and can make big boy decisions. Same with Fred. I enjoy watching the arguments but it's fruitless.

at some point you have to trust the people running the program. If you are taking over a BCS-level program that has been down, you have only a small window to get the meter pointed in the right direction. If guys like White/Lucious/Allen stay out of trouble and play unselfishly, they give ISU immediate credibility. Hoiberg has the ISU program off and running and he's ready to go. If a guy like Hubbard could come in and make an immediate impact with his athleticism and skill (and stay out of trouble), then it's well worth the risk.
Well here's the thing about comparing ISU to Iowa. Only the fans do it. Do you think Fran is like, "well Fred is doing it, so it's ok" or vice versa Fred is saying "at least we aren't as bad as Iowa".

I personally don't care who Iowa or ISU bring in (even with a record) as long as the coaches handle the situations correctly. If they allow these kids to cause harm that is bad. But if the kids behave or the coaches accurately punish for problems then fine.

Cause we are fans we think we know what is going on? Get over it. WHO CARES.
I actually look forward to watching to see if Fred's experiment works. He has brought in a lot of pieces that did not match at their original school. Whether or not he can get them to match at ISU will be at the very least extremely entertaining.

Likewise, it will be entertaining to see how Fran tries to build a team. Best case scenario is they both choose a different method and both are successful. Because like it or not, the rest of the nation pretty much can't tell either school apart.
Enough with this back and forth on what and who is worse.

This problem happened when he was 17, hes now 25.

I remember how much stuff I thought I could get away with when I was 17, even thought that when I was 20-21. Now at age 25 my eyes are opening to what I truly value in life. Its something that is happening with all my friends. Im entering the next stage of my life and realize you arent invincible and how you cant risk things anymore.

Thats what I see when I read about Hubbard. A person that is finally maturing and wanting to lead the next stage of his life in the right way. In a mature way. I think if we could provide him with an environment to thrive within that goal this could really turn into a great success story not only for Hubbard but the University.

I still go back to the dropped assault charge. Sure the charges were dropped but what are the details, did he put himself in a bad position, was he in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it just a misunderstanding? That's a huge issue because in my book there aren't too many excuses that would work on this one dealing with his history.

And would it be good for this kid to be living the next 2 years in the fishbowl we all know that Iowa City is?????

Look as I said earlier I am all for second chances but that doesn't have to involve a free education to play BBall.

As for the people that say it's on Fran if he screws up while at Iowa so it shouldn't matter. Well in case you forgot, ask Alford if he would have handled the PP case differently now? Look Fran has about as much support from Iowa basketball fans as a coach could expect coming off a 11 win season. Why risk throwing that all away to take a chance on a kid? Again I don't have a problem with him getting a second chance I just think it would be pretty stupid to throw away what he has done after one season to chance dividing the fans on something like this. As we can see from this very thread there are already plenty of Iowa fans that think it's a bad idea, and what do you think the older generation of Iowa fans will think?

Sorry just too big of a risk.
Multiple threads get started by people raving that Fran is the right guy for the job, etc. etc. And everyone is quick to agree in those.

And yet some people who love Fran don't trust him enough to make a sound decision regarding Hubbard. From articles I've read, Fran did his due diligence here. Hubbard has sounded sincere and been upfront with coaches regarding his past.

Everyone deserves a second chance. Hubbard is no different. He did the time for his crime, and from all reports I've seen has been a model citizen in trying to get his life back on track and achieve his goals.
I still go back to the dropped assault charge. Sure the charges were dropped but what are the details, did he put himself in a bad position, was he in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it just a misunderstanding? That's a huge issue because in my book there aren't too many excuses that would work on this one dealing with his history.

And would it be good for this kid to be living the next 2 years in the fishbowl we all know that Iowa City is?????

Look as I said earlier I am all for second chances but that doesn't have to involve a free education to play BBall.

As for the people that say it's on Fran if he screws up while at Iowa so it shouldn't matter. Well in case you forgot, ask Alford if he would have handled the PP case differently now? Look Fran has about as much support from Iowa basketball fans as a coach could expect coming off a 11 win season. Why risk throwing that all away to take a chance on a kid? Again I don't have a problem with him getting a second chance I just think it would be pretty stupid to throw away what he has done after one season to chance dividing the fans on something like this. As we can see from this very thread there are already plenty of Iowa fans that think it's a bad idea, and what do you think the older generation of Iowa fans will think?

Sorry just too big of a risk.

You truly don't think Fran is aware of the Pierre Pierce saga or the lasting problems it created for Alford and for the program? You truly don't think Fran and Barta haven't spoken about this at some length and done due diligence on the kid?

If that's what you believe, I can only say WOW. I can't help you here.

If Hubbard commits and gets here, there's no guarantee things will work out. Just as there were no guarantees with Anthony Tucker or Adam Robinson or Derrell Johnson-Koulianous, or any of the other players who got here and left early, for whatever reason.

At some point, however, you have to be prepared to take a chance that things will work out. It looks like Hubbard is working hard to put his past behind him. By all accounts he is a decent student and good citizen, well liked on the Frederick CC campus. There are times when people make the best of a second chance; they know what it's like to be down, and don't want any part of going back to it. They mature.

I am assuming that Fran and Barta feel that's the case with Anthony Hubbard and they are willing to extend his second chance here.
I like the fact that the Hawks are willing to give the man a 2nd choice but with the understanding that he is on double-secret probation, seriously though, give the kid a chance but make sure he knows any slip ups he is gone asap!
You truly don't think Fran is aware of the Pierre Pierce saga or the lasting problems it created for Alford and for the program? You truly don't think Fran and Barta haven't spoken about this at some length and done due diligence on the kid?

If that's what you believe, I can only say WOW. I can't help you here.

If Hubbard commits and gets here, there's no guarantee things will work out. Just as there were no guarantees with Anthony Tucker or Adam Robinson or Derrell Johnson-Koulianous, or any of the other players who got here and left early, for whatever reason.

At some point, however, you have to be prepared to take a chance that things will work out. It looks like Hubbard is working hard to put his past behind him. By all accounts he is a decent student and good citizen, well liked on the Frederick CC campus. There are times when people make the best of a second chance; they know what it's like to be down, and don't want any part of going back to it. They mature.

I am assuming that Fran and Barta feel that's the case with Anthony Hubbard and they are willing to extend his second chance here.

I never said they didn't do their homework or that they didn't know about the PP stuff did I?

Again, I would think with Barta knowing what that did to divide the basketball fans along with the let's just say "crappy" PR nightmare year the Iowa football team got done with he would be pretty reserved in letting a potential risk on campus. And yes I am aware that can also show how confident that he is on the kid but sorry still think it isn't worth the risk and will be bad PR regardless if he come to IC and keeps his nose clean for 2 years.
Re: This is correct...

at some point you have to trust the people running the program. If you are taking over a BCS-level program that has been down, you have only a small window to get the meter pointed in the right direction. If guys like White/Lucious/Allen stay out of trouble and play unselfishly, they give ISU immediate credibility. Hoiberg has the ISU program off and running and he's ready to go. If a guy like Hubbard could come in and make an immediate impact with his athleticism and skill (and stay out of trouble), then it's well worth the risk.

To put it in context, McDermott did things "the right way". Same with Lick. That's code for losing. Does anyone long for the days of epic Mac-Lick hardwood battles? Hell freaking no.
I never said they didn't do their homework or that they didn't know about the PP stuff did I?

Again, I would think with Barta knowing what that did to divide the basketball fans along with the let's just say "crappy" PR nightmare year the Iowa football team got done with he would be pretty reserved in letting a potential risk on campus. And yes I am aware that can also show how confident that he is on the kid but sorry still think it isn't worth the risk and will be bad PR regardless if he come to IC and keeps his nose clean for 2 years.

Hoffa is again 100% correct. I hope he finds another team to play for. But not Iowa, and not now. The timing is just too horrible if he slips up.

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