Anthony Hubbard

Based on his interview, he seems like an intelligent person. If the University, which has looked into his situation, has decided he is worth a second chance and a scholarship then that's good enough for me. I'll leave the casting of stones to those who have a clean slate.
I just hope Fran hires a good baby-sitter to follow this guy around if we sign him.

Think about it. The guy would be almost 28 by the time he graduates (I assume he has two years left) which is even older than Jess Settles was his last year, and he might need a baby-sitter to make sure he doesn't get into trouble.
Hmmm. I can imagine parents of 17-18 year old freshman girls probably aren't too crazy about a 28 year old ex-con being a mini-celebrity on campus.

Quite honestly, I'm like others who've said that if the University does due diligence and decides this guy has his life on the right track, then I'm OK with it. Obviously, he needs to have a very short leash, though.
The fact that we can't find any more information about the assault arrest (which I believe happened in December) is frustrating. I've looked a bit and haven't found anything.

But... the fact that the charge was dropped is pretty telling. If he had plea bargained or been acquitted than we'd know that something had happened, even if he wasn't in the wrong. But a dropped charge could indicate a completely fabricated story, mistaken identity, or a spurious arrest. It's really difficult to say anything conclusive, but I don't see how someone with a felony on their record gets an assault charge dropped if there is even a hint of wrongdoing on their part.
Hmmm. I can imagine parents of 17-18 year old freshman girls probably aren't too crazy about a 28 year old ex-con being a mini-celebrity on campus.

Quite honestly, I'm like others who've said that if the University does due diligence and decides this guy has his life on the right track, then I'm OK with it. Obviously, he needs to have a very short leash, though.

How many parents of freshman girls truly follow Iowa sports though? A lot of the incoming freshman girls are from out of state and always are. Besides, he certainly is not the only guy who is older than 25 to be on campus at Iowa. He's also not the only ex-convict either.
I think we can do better than this. If offered I hope he proves me wrong. You just can't overlook violent felonies. Look at it this way would you hire him? I know I wouldn't.
I think we can do better than this. If offered I hope he proves me wrong. You just can't overlook violent felonies. Look at it this way would you hire him? I know I wouldn't.

About the type of comment I would expect with somebody going by your screen name.

You do realize that your philosophy pretty much ensures that people convicted of any violent crime will commit a subsequent crime, right?

Here let me do the logic for you:

I commit a violent crime when I am 17. I do my time and get out and try to live a productive, crime free life. But nobody will hire me to work, because I committed a violent crime. Hmmmm? What should I do for shelter, food, and all forms of basic subsistence? Well, how about crime? At the worst I will get caught and be able to get three squares and a cot.
About the type of comment I would expect with somebody going by your screen name.

You do realize that your philosophy pretty much ensures that people convicted of any violent crime will commit a subsequent crime, right?

Here let me do the logic for you:

I commit a violent crime when I am 17. I do my time and get out and try to live a productive, crime free life. But nobody will hire me to work, because I committed a violent crime. Hmmmm? What should I do for shelter, food, and all forms of basic subsistence? Well, how about crime? At the worst I will get caught and be able to get three squares and a cot.

Nobody is against giving a second chance. I have no problem with U of Iowa hiring him as a clerk in Student Union or usher at the Kinick. But he should not get chance to represent the university the way BB playes do, unless we are making run to place players on the all-convict Big Ten team. He displayed a serious character issue with armed robbery and he should NEVER be given chance to represent our university. It is not reputation of the coach Fran on line here as some say, it is reputation of our University. Coaches come and go.
I have never committed a gun crime or robbed someone so I feel okay judging this dude.

I think the whole point of judging not is that everyone has their own imperfections and it's more constructive to focus on the imperfections you can change (yours) rather than on the imperfections you can't change (those belonging to others).

Feeling comfortable in judging someone simply because they did something you haven't done suggests a belief that the worlds morality revolves around your behavior. No sane person seriously believes this.
This guy can get his life turned around somewhere else.

People are acting like if Iowa doesn't give him a scholarship he will fall into a life of crime.

I hope he is a success story. I hope that story's settings are somewhere else.
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Hmmm. I can imagine parents of 17-18 year old freshman girls probably aren't too crazy about a 28 year old ex-con being a mini-celebrity on campus.
I'm sure there are plenty of ex-felons living in Iowa City. And there are a number of violent miscreants and sociopaths in the area that have been lucky enough to avoid arrest up to this point. Now all of a sudden parents are going to be concerned because of this guy?
I'm sure there are plenty of ex-felons living in Iowa City. And there are a number of violent miscreants and sociopaths in the area that have been lucky enough to avoid arrest up to this point. Now all of a sudden parents are going to be concerned because of this guy?

I didn't say it would be completely rational, I just said they wouldn't like it. Anyway, I think there is a pretty big difference between some random guy living in Iowa City and a Hawkeye basketball star living in Iowa City.

Keep in mind, I also said that if due diligence is done, I don't have a problem with bringing this guy in.
I didn't say it would be completely rational, I just said they wouldn't like it. Anyway, I think there is a pretty big difference between some random guy living in Iowa City and a Hawkeye basketball star living in Iowa City.

Keep in mind, I also said that if due diligence is done, I don't have a problem with bringing this guy in.
You are talking about Iowa fans. These are the same people that said 20 players were getting kicked off the football team, that DJK was the next Scarface, and that Arob was smoking a 12 inch blunt while sipping a fifth of Jack. They show no mercy. I think if the coaching staff did their research and feel good about the kid, then we fans have to deal with it. He was up front and didn't hide anything and other than the mysterious run in he had in January, has been a good citzen. I don't know the kid, until last week had not even heard of him, but I liked the way he stood up for himself. In the mind of the self-righteous fan he is probably committing a serious crime as I write this. Holy Cow!! Lock up the women and children.
Wah wah wahhhh.

Why are Iowa people so self righteous?


Based on my understanding of Jesus, he would offer forgiveness to him, and love him unconditionally if Hubbard would accept it. He would share his table and his teachings.

I don't think he would give him a basketball scholarship. There is a difference between forgiveness and giving someone privilidges. As an example, I was in a car accident where my boyfriend's mother obliviously ran a red light and t-boned a mini van. It took me months to recover from my injuries, and cost me money because I was injured in Iowa, but I worked in Indiana and was unable to to drive there to get back to work.

I have forgiven her, but I have no intention of ever riding in a car she's driving again!

To apply this to Hubbard's situation, I hope he has asked and recieved forgiveness for his trespasses. I hope he can get an education and provide a good life for himself and his family. However, I don't think he deserves the priviledge of being a Hawkeye. Bringing in a ex-con convicted of a violent felony is not what an athletic department with a pathetic PR department and a ton of love in the Police Blotter needs.