Based on my understanding of Jesus, he would offer forgiveness to him, and love him unconditionally if Hubbard would accept it. He would share his table and his teachings.
I don't think he would give him a basketball scholarship. There is a difference between forgiveness and giving someone privilidges. As an example, I was in a car accident where my boyfriend's mother obliviously ran a red light and t-boned a mini van. It took me months to recover from my injuries, and cost me money because I was injured in Iowa, but I worked in Indiana and was unable to to drive there to get back to work.
I have forgiven her, but I have no intention of ever riding in a car she's driving again!
To apply this to Hubbard's situation, I hope he has asked and recieved forgiveness for his trespasses. I hope he can get an education and provide a good life for himself and his family. However, I don't think he deserves the priviledge of being a Hawkeye. Bringing in a ex-con convicted of a violent felony is not what an athletic department with a pathetic PR department and a ton of love in the Police Blotter needs.