Anthony Hubbard

College sports are full of ADs and coaches that cheat to win. Tressel anyone?

Are you suggesting that's what Fran and Barta are attempting to do here?

StormyMonday (interesting name, almost as if you borrowed liberally from another poster), I'm still awaiting your answer. Are you suggesting Fran and Barta cheat? If you are, evidence, please.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick ...
Based on my understanding of Jesus, he would offer forgiveness to him, and love him unconditionally if Hubbard would accept it. He would share his table and his teachings.

I don't think he would give him a basketball scholarship. There is a difference between forgiveness and giving someone privilidges. As an example, I was in a car accident where my boyfriend's mother obliviously ran a red light and t-boned a mini van. It took me months to recover from my injuries, and cost me money because I was injured in Iowa, but I worked in Indiana and was unable to to drive there to get back to work.

I have forgiven her, but I have no intention of ever riding in a car she's driving again!

To apply this to Hubbard's situation, I hope he has asked and recieved forgiveness for his trespasses. I hope he can get an education and provide a good life for himself and his family. However, I don't think he deserves the priviledge of being a Hawkeye. Bringing in a ex-con convicted of a violent felony is not what an athletic department with a pathetic PR department and a ton of love in the Police Blotter needs.
Nuff said!