Anthony Hubbard

What do you expect the man to say, "yeah, I like hurting people," of course he is going to present himself as a good guy.

But he's at least man enough to come out about his past and admit to his mistakes, am I right? I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are not willing to take the time to admit to others, let alone to themselves they are wrong. And even if they do, how many people who messed up when they were 17 or 18 actually make an attempt to get themselves straight? Not very many. I still think if he is true to his word about getting cleaned up, that taking a guy like this isn't a bad thing.
The close-mindedness on this board is mind-numbing to behold. Pierre Pierce was six years and three coaches ago. At what point do you let that be in the past and take a chance on a student-athlete who acknowledges his wrongdoing and appears to be doing everything the right way to regain a productive life?

The sound of glass shattering here is deafening at times.
The close-mindedness on this board is mind-numbing to behold. Pierre Pierce was six years and three coaches ago. At what point do you let that be in the past and take a chance on a student-athlete who acknowledges his wrongdoing and appears to be doing everything the right way to regain a productive life?

The sound of glass shattering here is deafening at times.

When it involves shooting someone, let a different team take the chance.
The close-mindedness on this board is mind-numbing to behold. Pierre Pierce was six years and three coaches ago. At what point do you let that be in the past and take a chance on a student-athlete who acknowledges his wrongdoing and appears to be doing everything the right way to regain a productive life?

The sound of glass shattering here is deafening at times.

100% agree. PP was my favorite player growing up, but theres a time where letting go needs to be done. McC and Alford are not the same coaches nor do they make the same mistakes such as taking on personalitily issues. The kid has gotten himself right so why is there so much opposition to him? He messed up 8 years ago. For a guy 25, 8 years is a long time.
The close-mindedness on this board is mind-numbing to behold. Pierre Pierce was six years and three coaches ago. At what point do you let that be in the past and take a chance on a student-athlete who acknowledges his wrongdoing and appears to be doing everything the right way to regain a productive life?

The sound of glass shattering here is deafening at times.

I'm leery of bringing him in. Not because I think he's a bad guy, and if the athletic department hadn't had to "handle" all the issues of the past 4 months, I'd be more receptive. The timing is just awful.

Pierre Pierce was 6 years ago, yes. But that incident DID divide the fanbase. And look at us now. People are already choosing sides, and Hubbard isn't even on campus. Imagine what would happen if he DID screw up?

If the AD hadn't just weathered a PR Nor'Easter, and if the basketball program were a little more established, I'd be okay with it. I think the kid deserves a second chance, I just don't necessarily think that we are in position to be the ones to give it to him.
I dont care if PP was 25 years ago, lets face the facts-the way Alford handled the PP incident divided the fan base.. which led to loosing a ton of fans. Which played a role in him leaving (love him or hate him we can admit that he is better then lick).. I dont want the same thing to happen to Fran.
I'm leery of bringing him in. Not because I think he's a bad guy, and if the athletic department hadn't had to "handle" all the issues of the past 4 months, I'd be more receptive. The timing is just awful.

Pierre Pierce was 6 years ago, yes. But that incident DID divide the fanbase. And look at us now. People are already choosing sides, and Hubbard isn't even on campus. Imagine what would happen if he DID screw up?

If the AD hadn't just weathered a PR Nor'Easter, and if the basketball program were a little more established, I'd be okay with it. I think the kid deserves a second chance, I just don't necessarily think that we are in position to be the ones to give it to him.

We arent really in a position to not take risks either though. At 25, he should be athletically superior to 18,19, and 20 year olds. Fran knows the guy doesnt have the opportunity to mess up and Hubbard himself knows it. If he does get into trouble, he does and we get him off the team. But until then I still think that taking chances on people trying to fix their lives is okay.
Just give the man a chance. He had a legal issue (serious of course), but he has not shown any signs of dividing his previous teams' unity. People can change and this could end up being quite the success story if he comes to campus. That being said, he is NOT on campus yet. Mccafery has shown to be a good judge of character and he knows how to rebuild a team. Put some trust in the man
What do you expect the man to say, "yeah, I like hurting people," of course he is going to present himself as a good guy.

LOL, but he has said really nice things to the paper so he HAS to have changed. Lets all forget that he was recently charged with assault again. (Yes, I know the charges were dropped but where there is smoke...)

I am open to Fran being a little dirty to get things done but this just seems like a bad way to do it. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.
Wah wah wahhhh.

Why are Iowa people so self righteous?


How is it self righteous? This isn't like a kid who got picked up for shoplifting, this man shot someone. HE SHOT SOMEONE.

WWJD? He would forgive him, Fran McCaffery isn't Jesus and there is nothing wrong about looking for someone else to fill the scholarship.
WWJD? He would lose 70-20, but still claim victory. Initially few would agree, but over time most people would accept his view of things.
The close-mindedness on this board is mind-numbing to behold. Pierre Pierce was six years and three coaches ago. At what point do you let that be in the past and take a chance on a student-athlete who acknowledges his wrongdoing and appears to be doing everything the right way to regain a productive life?

The sound of glass shattering here is deafening at times.

I brought up the PP case for what it did to the fan base and for no other reason.

I look at that as an example of what could happen again, is the risk worth it to take a chance on a guy that is going to be here for two years after the signs of growth that Fran has shown in his first year?

In my book that answer is no. I don't have any thing against the kid I just don't think it's the right time or place for him at Iowa. Nothing more nothing less.

As I have said several times I still would like to know more info on the dropped charges from Jan.
I don't care to sort through 11 pages of drivel to find what this kid did to get his 4 years behind bars. Does anyone have a link handy or care to fill me in? My smart phone is on strike.
It's Caff's reputation that's on the line here. If he has enough confidence to give Hubbard a chance, I can accept that. But he had better be on a short leash.
I don't care to sort through 11 pages of drivel to find what this kid did to get his 4 years behind bars. Does anyone have a link handy or care to fill me in? My smart phone is on strike.

He shot a man in Reno...Just to watch him die:eek:
I don't care to sort through 11 pages of drivel to find what this kid did to get his 4 years behind bars. Does anyone have a link handy or care to fill me in? My smart phone is on strike.

From a HawkCentral article

"Hubbard, who was 18 at the time, also was charged with malicious wounding and use of a firearm, which are felonies, stemming from the same incident. But he ultimately pleaded guilty to the robbery charge and served 37 months in prison."

So, I think he shot someone, or at least pistol whipped some fool- probably had it coming when he refused to give his personal items to Hubbard.

Also, early this year he had an assault brought against him then dropped.

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