Anthony Hubbard

I believe in giving a guy a second chance. In fact, I get the impression this guy has more focus and direction than a lot of college students.

Wow! I hope we never sign this guy. If a current player was involved in a robbery, would he get a second chance? The fact that he did it 5 years ago is not important. The crime was comitted and the type of crime that should never be forgiven to the extend that he is allowed to be part of a U of Iowa sport team. You can get second chance for a fight in a bar, urinating on Pentacrest, even driving drunk if nobody was hurt. But not for the crime he comitted.
We need athletes. Anthony Hubbard appears to be an athlete, and a pretty good one at that. Sure, we'd all like our players to be squeaky clean. But we know some of them have things in their past, but you take them and work like heck to make sure it works out.

I like this kid's candor. I think I would prefer to have someone who has acknowledged their wrongdoing, done the time and taken obvious, positive steps to turn their life around than someone who is sliding to another school after getting into undisclosed trouble and kicked out of a previous program.

Fran knows his reputation could be on the line if Hubbard comes but something else happens. I think we need to trust the staff on this one.
Wow! I hope we never sign this guy. If a current player was involved in a robbery, would he get a second chance? The fact that he did it 5 years ago is not important. The crime was comitted and the type of crime that should never be forgiven to the extend that he is allowed to be part of a U of Iowa sport team. You can get second chance for a fight in a bar, urinating on Pentacrest, even driving drunk if nobody was hurt. But not for the crime he comitted.

Get off the high horse before you fall and hurt yourself.
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Wow! I hope we never sign this guy. If a current player was involved in a robbery, would he get a second chance? The fact that he did it 5 years ago is not important. The crime was comitted and the type of crime that should never be forgiven to the extend that he is allowed to be part of a U of Iowa sport team. You can get second chance for a fight in a bar, urinating on Pentacrest, even driving drunk if nobody was hurt. But not for the crime he comitted.

And people like you are the reason that convicts resort back to crime. How can they stay out of prison if they have nothing to look forward to? The guy was young, he got into trouble and he paid his dues. I know that this is going to hurt the view of Iowa, but what the hell Just win baby win.
Wow! I hope we never sign this guy. If a current player was involved in a robbery, would he get a second chance? The fact that he did it 5 years ago is not important. The crime was comitted and the type of crime that should never be forgiven to the extend that he is allowed to be part of a U of Iowa sport team. You can get second chance for a fight in a bar, urinating on Pentacrest, even driving drunk if nobody was hurt. But not for the crime he comitted.

I want kids who will help us win, and if he has gotten his life straightened out, I don't see why we would be against taking him on the roster. He made a mistake at 17 years old. He payed his price, hes working hard on the court and off, so I say why not take a shot.
That said, if he really has been picked up for possession and assault since getting let out I would find it rather amusing.
I want kids who will help us win, and if he has gotten his life straightened out, I don't see why we would be against taking him on the roster. He made a mistake at 17 years old. He payed his price, hes working hard on the court and off, so I say why not take a shot.

Really? So, one of current players goes tomorrow and robs a convenience store and after getting caught says "I am sorry I will never do that again."
What do you suggest we do? Say, "Well as long as you promise to behave from now on, it is okay." No, we will kick him out the same day. But, how can you kick him out when you just signed another convict. You can still win without convicts, you know?
Really? So, one of current players goes tomorrow and robs a convenience store and after getting caught says "I am sorry I will never do that again."
What do you suggest we do? Say, "Well as long as you promise to behave from now on, it is okay." No, we will kick him out the same day. But, how can you kick him out when you just signed another convict. You can still win without convicts, you know?

How good is said player? Are we talking about someone like Basabe or someone like Brommer?
Really? So, one of current players goes tomorrow and robs a convenience store and after getting caught says "I am sorry I will never do that again."
What do you suggest we do? Say, "Well as long as you promise to behave from now on, it is okay." No, we will kick him out the same day. But, how can you kick him out when you just signed another convict. You can still win without convicts, you know?

That's not even close to being the same thing.
I'm all for giving people second chances but if I was coach I would be looking elsewhere. Sorry just don't need that type of baggage.

Second chances don't need to involve basketball.
I'm all for giving people second chances but if I was coach I would be looking elsewhere. Sorry just don't need that type of baggage.

Second chances don't need to involve basketball.

Its not basketball. Its education. A second chance at a better life. Basketball just happen to be the way that pays for it.
That said, if he really has been picked up for possession and assault since getting let out I would find it rather amusing.

I'm all for redemption but if he was just charged with assault, we better all cross our fingers.
I'm all for getting him. It was seven-eight years ago and he was relatively young at the age of 17. After the whole Mike Vick thing nobody wanted him but the Eagles took a chance on him...I'd say it worked out good for the Eagles and Mike Vick.