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  1. B

    Dienhart: 'Hope this is last eruption of Mt. McCaffery'

    I think the in-game intensity would be comparable to Knight, but his demeanor with the press, etc. is way more mild mannered that Knight. It's been a while, but all I can remember is how gruff and obstinate Knight was with media after games...whereas Fran is well spoken, well mannered and pretty...
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    I about lost it when he said "squirted between his legs"...I usually wouldn't have sunken to that humor, except he said "squirted" So.....Many.....Times!
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    BTN HD blinking

    Yep, same here...SD better than getting a migraine watching all the blinking, ugh.
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    We do NOT want Stoops.

    Generally speaking, if Ferentz is promoting internally, why wasn't it announced along with Norm's retirement? It seems like this is the logical way to do it in order to maintain the continuity Kirk likes, unless you want to give Norm a little solo media attention....which doesn't seem like...
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    World Series of Baseball Thread

    Did I pick the best game of the year to start watching baseball?
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    SEC Denies Inviting Mizzou

    Did Missouri put their foot in their mouth twice? If I recall, something similar happened during the B1G expansion and additional conference realignment chatter last year. Or was this an inevitable result with the PAC12 holding off on expansion? They just can't seem to get out of there, can they.
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    How bad did our first game "wash" hurt us?

    I've seen this brought up sporadically in other threads, but not discussed too much in depth. Do you think the conditions of our opening game set the team back an entire week from the "learning what we did wrong" point of view? Was Iowa St. essentially our opening game in which we will have...
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    Full cost scholarships are on the way

    I believe there is already a disparity in scholarships given to student athletes. My cousin was given a partial scholarship to play on the womens golf team, and she was thrilled to receive it. I don't see how this changes the status quo that much. Others may have gotten full rides, I don't know...
  9. B

    What do Iowa Corn, Iowa and ISU announce today?

    Since 4 of them were made you'd have to unload the other 3 as well (assuming one goes to the overall cy-hawk series winner). You could award them to different individuals or groups each year that represent the "best of Iowa" and tie it into the whole cy-hawk series thing. That way the trophies...
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    New CyHawk Trophy Revealed

    i think i would have rather had a statue of "captain corn" on the top of the trophy.....
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    New CyHawk Poll

    all those times i've seen the old cy-hawk trophy and have said to myself, "man, that trophy couldn't have gotten any worse"........i have been proven wrong.
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    Death to the BCS!

    Both systems are imperfect in coming up with the "best" team being on top in the end. Do they crown a champion each year, of course they do. Is that team always the best in the land? Debatable.... Do they make gobs of money for the ones running the show....Yep. And in the end that may be...
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    NCAA Basketball Tournament Attendance

    I lived in Little Rock when the NCAA tourney was there a couple years ago. The city is about 180,000 w/ a metro area of 250,000 the population argument doesn't hold up too well. They sold out the event easily, it came down to a lottery system for tickets. The same would most likely...
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    intentional/flagrant foul revisited

    True the rule is poorly written, first they need to define what "faster" means. If we assume it to mean "faster velocity" then we need to define if the are referring to angular velocity or linear velocity. The above is true if we assume linear velocity, since objects further out from a point...
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    Look at these submitted Big Ten logos

    With B10 expansion still on the horizon, I can see why they avoided going with a logo that incorporated the number 12, as they did with the 11 on the previous logo. They wanted a logo they could stick with for a long period of time that wouldn't have to be redone if the conference were ever to...
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    Big Ten Division Names

    Forget the historical/geographical names, I liked Steve Deace's idea about capitalizing on the naming rights and making a little more cash for the B10. Almost all the bowls have done it, why not do it within an actual conference....with names that will be heard YEAR ROUND and not just for the...
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    I think I recall someone posting a website that broke that down for each team....a few weeks ago I thought. Anyone remember it's name?
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    Hawkeye Radio Show Tomorrow Night?

    Deace mentioned Jon's Hawkeye talk show cutting into his on Wednesday nights (actually thanked him for it I think), this must have been something I missed the announcement of. Can someone update me with what time it's on and who's on the show with Jon? Is it mostly a call-in show?
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    Child care vs babysitter

    Have you tried the kid drop-off at the Iowa Children's Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall...they only have a couple dates on the web site, so I'm not sure if it's an every game thing or just for particular ones.....this looks like a pretty neat deal if it's available, my 3 year old loved the place...