New CyHawk Trophy Revealed

Jesus Christ does everything have to be about some cause that has nothing to do with the game itself? Whats wrong with just a normal FOOTBALL RELATED TROPHY.
I can't even tell what the thing is but it's pretty uninspiring. This is what happens when people over analyze things and try to put foreign meanings into sport trophies.

Go Hawks!!
Here's a close-up for additional fun. Im now officially scared for the Heroes trophy.
Why couldn't they just make a trophy with the two men the stadiums were named after, Trice and Kinnick? Oh yeah, the corn growers association had push their message, I forgot. They didn't give money for nothin'.
It's just hard to believe that there wasn't anyone, not a child or senior citizen or rational human, who looked at the design of the trophy and laughed. Even some secretary at Iowa Corn could've asked, "What is this for again?" Where is the focus group? I can't believe that between all the farmers and 2 state colleges, no one spoke up to say, "this trophy doesn't make any sense!"
Why couldn't they just make a trophy with the two men the stadiums were named after, Trice and Kinnick? Oh yeah, the corn growers association had push their message, I forgot. They didn't give money for nothin'.

A trophy featuring a wagonload of corn would be better than this schlock.
What the hell is that thing? I take it the jokers who came up with "Legends and Leaders" and the "B1G" logos are behind this? Downright embarrassing...
Mom: "C'mon kids! Its game night. What should we play?"
Boy: "Its my week to pick. We're playing Monopoly."
Mom: "Okay, do you want to be the kneeling man or the boy in the cap this time?
Boy: "I'll be the kneeling man."
Older Girl: "I'm the mom and daughter!"
Younger Girl: "No! You were the mom and daughter last time!"
Mom: "Be nice, girls."
Older Girl: "I'm older, so you have to be the basket of corn."
Younger Girl: [Crying] "I don't wanna be the basket of corn. Mom! I'm always the basket of corn!"
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Corn Growers, if you're going in that direction, here's something that better reflects Iowa values. Model a trophy around this:


Agreed. American Gothic has some intensity: "Stay outta mah end-zone, son, or I'll fork you in the a**..."
Lamest football trophy ever. Why is it so hard to put a giant golden ear of corn on a trophy. This thing must of been designed by someone with an art degree who thought the trophy needed expression or some **** like that.


Relax, everyone. Much like the Red Sox jersey embedded in the Yankee Stadium clubhouse, I've learned Iowa had an insider involved here.

The basket actually contains the tiny severed heads of ISU quarterbacks.