Child care vs babysitter


Well-Known Member
My childcare plans for the weekend fell through, so it looks like I'll be bringing my 8 and 10 year old to Iowa City with me. They certainly can't sit in a hotel room for 6-8 hours while mom and dad go to a game, (although I am sure if there's Nickelodeon on TV they'd give it a try) so unless I find some stranger to watch them, I'll need two more tickets to the game.

Does anybody have any tickets for a "reasonable" price. I probably will just have them sit with me and need the tickets just to get in. I am in section 115, (south endzone), row 5.

If not, what do you all think the chances are that I can get tickets at the game?
Have you checked into the babysitting service they are offering at the Iowa Athletics hall of fame? It's sponsored somehow by the university, sorry I don't have link, I know I read about it someplace though.
I have never heard of any babysitting services for football games. Not sure where I'd look. A person could probably make money doing that though.
I live in Waterloo and I will watch them. They have to go to the bar with me to watch the game. Fill em full of mountain dew and candy bars. Maybe a brat or hot dog for lunch. Can either of them drive yet?
Have you tried the kid drop-off at the Iowa Children's Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall...they only have a couple dates on the web site, so I'm not sure if it's an every game thing or just for particular ones.....this looks like a pretty neat deal if it's available, my 3 year old loved the place when we last went and could have spent all day there.

Iowa Childrens Museum
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I probably will just have them sit with me and need the tickets just to get in. I am in section 115, (south endzone), row 5.
The seats are cramped enough as it is without you trying to squeeze two more bodies in there, even if they are kids.

Your best bet is to sell your two tickets and buy 4 tickets together from a scalper.
I live in Waterloo and I will watch them. They have to go to the bar with me to watch the game. Fill em full of mountain dew and candy bars. Maybe a brat or hot dog for lunch. Can either of them drive yet?

Well...I will be driving through Waterloo on my way down from Minnesota....but their driving skills are poor so I guess I'll pass on this offer this time!
Sounds like you've got 2 tickets to sell. :)

Sorry Dex! I actually have three season tickets...if it comes to it my husband is going to fall on his sword and take one of the kids and leave one with I am the big hawk fan. Him... Not so much. He's just there to escort me to the bathroom! :D
Have you tried the kid drop-off at the Iowa Children's Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall...they only have a couple dates on the web site, so I'm not sure if it's an every game thing or just for particular ones.....this looks like a pretty neat deal if it's available, my 3 year old loved the place when we last went and could have spent all day there.

Iowa Childrens Museum

Thanks for the info!